So, Holmes, how do you think, why is the “Historical Picnic” called “in a name of Artemis”?

Yes, count. It’s very hard. The amount of possible answers is so large that anybody can find an answer convenient to him.

And this is the main basis of the Delphi’s Oracle’s power as well as any other oracle power too. Do you remember the story of Lydian tsar Croesus? When he had asked the Oracle, if he should begin a war with Persians, it answered: “When Croesus crosses the river Halis[41] he will destroy the great realm”. Croesus has lost the war and the Persians conquered Lydia. Croesus tried to accuse an Oracle of deceiving him, but the znakhars answered that prophesy had completely fulfilled since no one had told Croesus what realm was going to be destroyed.

But this coin has two sides. From one hand the Croesus’s morality inspirited him to begin a war and, finally, his country was conquered. If he had another morality he would have conducted himself in another way… From the other hand, having understood Croesus’s objective morality and feeling the matrix-scenarios of the future events, Oracle programmed the behaviour of Croesus for the destruction of his own realm without any alternative. It didn’t say, “If Croesus crosses the river Halis he will destroy the great realm”. In Oracles words there isn’t a word “if”; so great and small “croesuses” can either oppose the whole “oracles” culture (including the modern Gypsy fortune-tellers) or execute the program without any alternatives.

And this is the answer to the questions about the “prophesies” to Lai, Oedipus, Acrisius: everything is coming true because they try to flee from their destiny instead of comprehending and changing their morality and world understanding and thus becoming independent from the fate – the program of the without a alternative “prophesy”.

After the discussion of the mechanism of oracles infliction on people and the society, we can return to the “picnics”. On the pictures of this “picnic”, as you can now make sure of, – count put the first “picnic” on the table, – in a symbolic form the matrix-scenario of the August 1991 putsch is shown. The titles of films written on the reverse side of paper determine the algorithm of development of the event in Moscow from 18 till 22 of August. Of course nothing was spontaneous and in itself, as all the mass media tried to show to the rest of the world. Preparations to the Russia’s dismemberment were hold the whole 19th and 20th centuries. In August 1991 two untalented musicians – Eltsin and Gorbachev, simply played the last accord of the Requiem for the Great State. From that time the real cutting of the Russian Empire began. It was realized with the help of the West, but first of all the financial and intellectual resources of the United States were equipped. In other words, rich and prosperous America put her head under an axe of the History when it let the building of the World Trade Centre towers on the land of New York. Holmes, do you want to look at the History’s password?

The count gave Holmes a big magnifying glass in a massive bronze frames and asked him to look at low left edge of the third “picnic”.

On the teeth of a person with a heavy jaw and an axe on his right shoulder he read the word “ПАРОЛЬ” (parole). Holmes interrogatively glanced at count.

You are completely right; – he answered having read the question about the password meaning in Holmes’s eyes. – This is only a sign to the password. The password itself is on the shoulder of this fellow dressed as Gutsul – this is the self-given name of the Western Ukrainians.

After these words count invited his guests to his library, switched on his computer and they saw Bible texts catalogue. Count had Bibles on Russian, in English and on French. He searched through the English one for the word “axe” with special search-system. He chose one verse, printed it and solemnly read it with his low slightly cracked voice:

“Even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire (Matthew, 3:10)”.

How do you think, why did I choose very this verse between all other including the word “axe”? – He applied to his guests and continued without getting a response.

John the Baptiser’s relics that are hold in the Saint-Pantheleimons monastery in Greece on the Mount Aphon are especially respected today. This verse was a warning to him from above for his unrighteous mission, which he unthinkingly followed trying to make Christ follow the way paved by another thoughtless prophet Isaiah eight hundred years before. By the way, Isaiah’s death was even more terrible than John’s one. Judaic tsar Manasia ordered to saw him with a wooden saw. But before it happened, Isaiah had written his death pact similar to one that John The Baptiser unthinkingly proclaimed a short time before his death:

“Will the axe boast against him who hews with it? Will the saw exalt itself above him who wields it? As if a rod could sway him who lifts it, or a staff him who is not wood! (Isaiah, 10:15)”

You may ask why was the prophet, so respected in the Christianity, so cruelly punished. It’s a long talk and I can’t explain you all what I’ve understood now. All I can precisely say is that told the Great Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. The modern historically formed Christianity is far from the real teaching of Christ. And it’s because of “selfless” doings of the apostles and first of all of ex-Pharisee Saul who had “magically” turned into the apostle Paul.

Have you ever thought, Holmes, why in that story when Saul was on his way to Damask somebody called himself “Christ” behaved himself not as any Christian should?

Pardon, count, I have rather superficial knowledge of “the apostles’ deeds” but your question isn’t used to be discussed. If Saul himself assured that he had seen Christ… And what was a contradiction between doings of this “somebody” and Christian moral?

But look, Holmes! True Christ cured ills and cripples but Saul was blinded, though temporarily. Agree that God and his missioners can manage without such “side” effects!

True Christ has never compelled to follow him neither by the force, nor by the fear, nor by the “blackmail”. However, Saul was frightened and confused when he submitted to one, who had called him for service. In other words, he didn’t choose to follow Christ consciously and this is another proof that he became a victim of some delusion.

Even in the episode of banishment of merchants from the cathedral when Christ, if to believe the Gospels, used the rude strength, nobody was injured, nobody was in terror, and nobody’s will was replaced by the will opposite to his psyche.

True Christ frightened nobody, injured nobody and made nobody defective, blackmailed nobody (and especially blackmailed not by the words, but by his reticences as well), compelled or perverted nobody’s will[42] and he didn’t create any ambiguous situations, so no one can accuse him or God of such deeds!

But who was that “somebody” whom Saul saw on his way to Damask?

I consider the two incompatible moralities to appear in true Christ’s activity and in the activity of “somebody” who showed himself to Saul. Holmes, agree that such a conversion to “Christianity”, which Saul went through, would not have taken place, if true Christ had called him for a service.

It’s so unusual to me, count, that I really don’t know what to say. I’m just an ordinary man, not a theologian. Why don’t you go to theologians?

Are you serious, Holmes? For hat purpose should one ask theologians about such things? For God’s sake, they live not on the truth but on its perversion. I talk to you as to an average man – average thinking man of the beginning of the third millennium.