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“You raped her.”

Knox’s smile faded. He motioned with his head and the three other men standing guard in the room exited.

“You’re an educated man, Dr. Jones. I’m sure had you taken the time to remove your dick from the equation, you would have come to the only conclusion there is: Jessica Day is certifiably insane. She should have been committed. But you wanted to keep her as your little pet instead. You thought as long as you had her on a leash she wouldn’t be a threat to anyone.”

Knox took a sip of his coffee then stood, pacing the room. “What do you know about her training and what we do here?”

“I know you take innocent children and train them to be killers.”

“Killers?” Knox laughed. “Is that what Ms. Day told you? Or is that your own assessment? Because the whole purpose of what we do is to prevent innocent people from being killed. That’s why you’re no longer with your beloved. The day her parents were murdered, her name moved to the top of a list. Do you know what list that was?”

Luke glared at him.

“It was the Next List. As in, she was next on the list to be killed. That’s where we came in to save her life.”

“Witness Protection?”

Knox smirked. “Sort of … but more efficient. Members of our group don’t have to jump through hoops and pray that a bullet doesn’t land in their head before they reach the end. We protect our own at all cost, no questions asked.”

“Who killed her parents?”

“Someone who realized her father was not who he claimed to be. People in the drug trafficking business tend to be a little unforgiving when they find out an undercover DEA agent has infiltrated their circle.”

“If her parents were dead, why would they come after her?”

“Now you’re asking me to think like a drug lord.” Knox shrugged, lighting up a cigar. “I suppose it’s like going to a buffet. Some people keep eating until they’re full, others keep going until they feel they’ve gotten their money’s worth. These kingpins always get their money’s worth, and they have ferocious appetites.”

Luke grimaced as he tried to roll his shoulders.

“Sorry, Dr. Jones. I’d let you go, but I can’t trust you, and I’m not sure how many more of your attacks my patience can tolerate without actually killing you. And your absence in this world would get back to Ms. Day and her unpredictability would most likely bring about the apocalypse. Now, if you don’t mind, it’s time to tell me what the two of you discussed at the hotel.”

Luke shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Nothing?” Knox laughed. “You just saw the woman whose grave you visit every Saturday morning with your mammoth dog and a to-go cup of Samovar tea, yet you expect me to believe you said nothing?”

The metal cut into Luke’s wrists as he glowered at Knox.

“Don’t give me that look. You’ve been the biggest waste of man hours, but you and that dumb dog of yours have had an angel looking out for you per Ms. Day’s request, or should I say per her threat.”

“I said nothing. She said … thank you.” His words mirrored the defeat in his heart. The only thing worse than losing her once was losing her twice. He’d had closure, but he would never have it again. Every day would be filled with worry and the permanent heartache of knowing that she looked broken and miserable and there was nothing he could do.

“Why did she say thank you if you didn’t say anything?”

Luke’s lip twitched into the hint of a smile. “‘God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say thank you?’ William Arthur Ward,” he whispered.



“This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever done,” Luke declared.

Jessica giggled. “Really? More than skinny dipping with your parents?”

“That was insane. This is just ridiculous.

“I’d help, babe, but I have long, painted fingernails for the first time in nearly fifteen years and I don’t want to chip them.”

“Dammit, Jones … hold still.” Luke grumbled as he stood and slipped off his jacket. “Hold this, I’m going to have dog hair all over my suit.”

“Maybe I should see if your dad can help. He’s more patient with Jones than you are.”

“There’s no time. Besides, they’ve already been ushered to their seats.”

Jones tilted his head at Jessica and she blew him a kiss. Luke rolled his eyes.

“He’s a black and white dog. I don’t see the point of dressing him in a goddamn black and white dog tuxedo.” Luke lay down under Jones like a mechanic under a car, to button up the custom made dog tuxedo.

“Millie’s wearing a dress, so Jones has to wear a tux. Besides this is Kelly’s day and the bride gets whatever she wants.”

“You mean it’s Gabe and Kelly’s day.”

“Yeah, yeah that’s what I meant.”

Luke rolled out from under Jones and lumbered to standing, brushing off his pants and re-tucking his shirt.

“Thanks, man, for being such a fucking idiot.” Gabe came into the room and smacked Luke on the back just as he slid his arm into his black jacket. “‘I’m going to the rescue shelter to get Jess a dog. You should get one for Kelly.’ Dumbest. Idea. Ever. The church is filled to capacity and my bride-to-be is having a breakdown because her four-legged bridesmaid’s dress has shit on the back. Who the hell buys a dog a dress with a train on the back?”

Jessica grimaced, backing up toward the door. “Sounds like I’d better help defuse the bride.”

Luke gave her a pointed look.

She shrugged. “Don’t give me that look. That’s why I had Jones’s tux made without tails.”

He rolled his eyes as she shut the door behind her.

“My apologies. Admittedly, the dogs were a moment of insanity. At least Millie fits in a kennel and doesn’t shit logs the size of Redwoods.”

Jones tilted his head at Luke.

“You know it’s true.” Luke narrowed his eyes at Jones.

Gabe laughed. “How did you end up with a dog that’s bigger than your girlfriend?”

Luke chuckled. “So are you nervous?”

Gabe wiped his brow and showed Luke his sweaty fingers. “I’m scared shitless. Half of all marriages end in divorce. But I’m so fucking crazy about her and I want her to be mine in every way possible. I’m just as big a dog as Jones when it comes to her. I want to mark her—lay claim to her—so the whole world knows she’s mine and I’m so fucking protective of her it’s ludicrous.”

“Please tell me those aren’t your wedding vows.”

Gabe laughed. “You have no room to make fun, man. For the past two years I’ve watched you worship the ground Jessica walks on.”

“Touché. Now get your ass to the altar.”


Millie the bulldog and her dress, minus the shat-on train, walked down the aisle with Jessica. Luke’s heart ached as he and Jones watched her move with elegance and breathtaking beauty—flowing black hair over her sun-kissed shoulders and a floor-length strapless, champagne dress. He absolutely worshiped everything about her.

As if she could read his mind, her grin doubled when their eyes met. “I love you,” she mouthed. He pressed his hand to his heart. It was ready to burst. He wanted it to be him standing closest to the altar and her meeting him there to start their forever. Someday.

There was a bride, some scripture, a poem, an exchange of vows, and a kiss, but all he saw was Jessica and all he heard was the beat of his heart. Gabe and Kelly walked down the aisle as husband and wife as the guests clapped and cheered. He and Jones met Jessica and Millie at the altar to walk out next.

“I can’t breathe … you’re so beautiful,” he whispered in her ear as he offered his arm.

“Luke …” she shook her head.

Jessica dabbed her eyes as they exited the church. He wasn’t trying to make her cry. It was just something that had to be said.

Luke’s parents took the canines back to their house on the way to the reception lodge by the lake while Luke and Jessica drove the bride and groom in the GTO, tin cans, and a “Just Married” sign in the back window because Luke wouldn’t let them write anything on the actual window.