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A heavy heat covers me, but it’s the sound of soft breathing close to my ear that pulls me out of sleep. What the hell?

Shifting my body, I groan. The movement awakens an almighty headache.

“You awake?” a deep grumble asks me. Sy.

“Yeah,” I croak, feeling worse each moment my eyes are open. I don’t remember drinking that much last night. “Want to tell me why I’m in your bed?” I ask when I realize I’m wearing only a pair of black lace panties.

“You put yourself in it, wearing what you’re wearing, too,” he replies. Oh, shit.

“You could have put me on the couch, another room perhaps,” I say, looking up at the roof, too afraid to turn and face him.

“Would you have preferred Hunter’s?” he asks, causing me to turn and look at him.


“Yeah, Hunter. The one you were flirting with last night,” he says, causing me to cringe. Shit. How much did I have to drink?

Well, maybe if I woke up in Hunter's bed there’d be less talking,” I’m not even sure what I’m saying, but I might as well play along.

He moves so fast that before I know it my hands are above my head and his body is over me.

“Is that what you want, Holly? You want me to fuck you when you’re so drunk you don’t know whose bed you’re lying in?” he demands to know, his tone dangerously dark.

“I was joking,” I say, trying to calm my racing heart. The fact I’m in Sy’s bed alone has my blood running hot. His face drops and for a second I brace, waiting for his mouth to crash to mine. Instead, his mouth moves to my ear.

“Fuck, Holly. I’m fucking struggling here—having you sleep next to me all night. Your tight ass rubbing up against my cock,” he murmurs into my ear. The warmth of his breath prickles my skin and the heat of his words awaken me.

“Sy,” I swallow, my body aching for something I haven’t had in such a long time. I try to get my hands above my head to move, but his grip tightens.

“I don’t think my cock has ever been so fucking hard,” he tells me, nipping at my neck while his lower body grinds up against me. His hardness hits me right between my legs and my body involuntarily grinds in rhythm with him.

“This is wrong,” I moan as he bites down harder. We shouldn’t be doing this here. We said we were going to go slow. That we would wait.

“No one said it had to be right, sweetheart,” he counters, releasing one hand and moving it down my body. “Besides, that's not what you were saying last night.”

The anticipation of his touch has me moaning out his name.

“That’s it, baby. You remembered,” he growls as he moves my lace panties aside. “Been thinking about sinking my cock into you for the last five months, came so close to it last night,” he says, running his fingers through my wetness. I hiss at the touch, his fingers spreading my arousal up to my clit.

“Sy, we can’t do this here.” I break through my moment of weakness. I want this so much, need it so much, but the thought of having him inside of me leaves me feeling too vulnerable. His fingers stop their sensual assault as his eyes come to mine.

“Is this a game to you, Holly? ‘Cause I’m fucking over playing it when I don’t know the rules.”

“Let go of my hands.”

“Answer me,” he growls, gripping harder and pushing them into the pillow under my head.

“No,” I fight as panic claws at my subconscious, but I don’t let it win. He can’t see it.

“Holly, I control this,” he says, leaning down into my space. “You think this is a game? Think you can come into my clubhouse and tease me, over and over?”

“You think I’m teasing you?”

“What else would you call it?” he questions.

“Sy, I don’t remember much about last night,” I admit sheepishly.

“You don’t remember walking in and fucking acting sexy just to piss me off?”

“No!” I protest.

“Don’t lie to me.” He settles more weight over me and I rack my brain, trying to remember what happened once we arrived back to the club.

We walked in, and I found fucking Tina sitting on the edge of the sofa next to Sy. Bingo.

“Yes, I remember now. The whore, Tina, was all over you,” I reply, pissed all over again.


“Yeah, the trashy whore. I mean if you’re hard up for a fuck, you could pick someone with more class,” I say, growing more pissed the more I think about it. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to have a claim over him, but the vision of her whore hand on his shoulder just pushes me over.

“You’re fucking jealous?”

“Umm, no. I don’t get jealous,” I scoff at his accusation.

“Wanna try that again?” he replies, smirking.

“You’re very handsome when you smile,” I say, changing the subject.

“Don’t change the subject, or I’ll slide your panties aside and sink myself into that tight cunt of yours and fuck you so hard you’ll be wishing you just answered me.” His words hit me hard and fast as a wave of arousal covers me. Sweet baby Jesus, did I just come?

“Holly,” he warns when I don’t reply.

“Fine,” I huff and he just stares me down. “The woman is a whore. Why did you even let her touch you?”

“I didn’t let her touch me. If you hadn’t jumped to conclusions when you walked in and simply looked away, you would have seen that I nearly pushed her off the side of the sofa.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, feeling like a moron.

“I’m only going to tell you this one time, Holly. Don’t ever play that shit again. I nearly fucking killed Hunter when you were smiling up at him. You walk into my club all sexy and ignore me; it’s not going to end well.”

“Sy—” I begin, but he cuts me off.

“No, I’m not fucking kidding, Holly. Those smiles are for me, no one else. Do you understand me?” he growls, holding my gaze. At first I think he’s joking, the ridiculousness of his command has the same smile play out over my face.

“Yes, Sy, for you,” I play along, giving him my answer.

“Only for me,” he replies and then he kisses me. His lips claim mine, hard and brutal. It’s everything that represents Sy, so I take it all. Take everything he gives me because that’s what I crave, what I need. My hands go around the back of his neck, pulling him further into me. My adrenaline spikes again, only this time, I don’t let the panic rise; instead, I get lost in his mouth and how he can manage to make me come undone by just one kiss. The butterfly feeling once again flutters to life, the sensation never getting old. Moments pass, our time lost in the intimate act of our mouths dancing together, and when I think there is no possible way this moment could get any better, he pulls back and holds my gaze.

“Sy?” I gasp out a breath when he doesn’t say anything.

“I’m gonna fuck you now, Holly, and I know I said we would take things slowly, but I can't handle slow right now. I need to fuck that smile out of my head and give you a new one. One that only I have put there.” He pulls back his hands, going to his boxers, pushing them down his legs and taking his thick length in his hand.

“Okay,” I agree, not sure I would be able to deny him. “Condom,” I add, needing that protection.

“I'm clean,” he says, watching me, still lazily stroking his hardness. Oh, God, what is it with a man pleasuring himself?

“Condom, Sy,” I repeat, not letting myself make that mistake again. He holds my gaze for a moment longer before reaching next to his bed and retrieving a condom. Taking himself in his hand again, he strokes it a few times before tearing the condom wrapper apart and sliding it over his angry cock. The veins throb before my eyes and I hold back my panic. I’m about to have him inside of me. Oh, God; Sy inside of me, connecting with me. I know he needs this, because I made him need it this way right now, but if we are going to do it, I need something from him.