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“You look handsome,” she says quietly, looking back over her shoulder, “but you shouldn’t be here. Kadence is getting changed and then I need to fix her hair." She leans forward bringing her lips to mine in a chaste kiss.

“Can’t wait to get you out of this dress,” I admit, drinking her in.

“Go, before someone comes.” She pushes me back, but I don’t leave until I sneak one more kiss. She rolls her eyes, closing the door on me before we get caught. I’m so fucking over hiding from everyone; I’m about to shout it out for all the assholes in this chapel to hear. I walk away only to remember what Nix sent me to do. Knocking again, I wait for her to answer.

“What now?” she asks when she sees it’s me again. I narrow my eyes and she grins.

“I forgot this. Nix wanted me to give them to Kadence,” I say, pulling out a small package.

“How did you forget that?” she asks, shaking her head.

“Well, you opened the door and I was lost in your beauty,” I smoothly reply, not even giving a fuck that I sound like fucking Jesse.

“Yeah, yeah… go, before anyone sees you.” She takes the package from me and steps back.

“Wait,” I say, putting my booted foot in the way to stop the door from closing.

“Sy, we’re going to get caught,” she pleads, and I know in this moment, I’m not hiding anymore.

“Who cares?” I ask.

“Well…erm, I don’t know?” she hesitates.

“Told you I don't want to hide us, Holly,” I growl, not understanding what her issues are. We might have started off as friends, but we’ve been growing closer every moment we spend together. As far as I'm concerned, the moment she let me sink inside of her she became mine.

“Can we talk about this later?” she pleads, looking over her shoulder.

“Oh, we will be doing more than talking,” I threaten and watch as a blush spreads across her cheeks. Satisfied, I give her a wink and leave her to get the bride ready. Who knew this wedding would be so much fun. Walking back out, I nod to Nix, letting him know it’s done. He nods, and then goes back to talking to his dad, Red. Taking my seat, I wonder how long this is going to take. The thought of sitting in this fucking suit for longer than I have to makes me sweat. The last time I went to a wedding, it was mine. It was nothing the likes of this. I never thought I would get married, but then I met Katie and I was in love. And the rest, they say, is history.

“Brother.” Jesse comes to stand next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts. “I think they’re ready,” he says, nodding as Nix takes his place. The asshole looks as uncomfortable in his suit as I feel standing here.

“Do you think Kadence is still pissed about the party?” Jesse snickers, looking over at Nix and the new eyebrows he’s got coming through. We had our bachelor party last weekend. To say it ended well would be a lie. After the shit we pulled on the girls with the stripper the week before, Nix was in the doghouse. We had to find some new fun: no stripper for Kadence, no stripper for Nix. Not that it bothered me. I didn’t need to see some whore ride a pole. We just hung out at the club until Nix passed out. Jesse came up with a brilliant plan to strip him, shave him, and drive him into town and leave him. Apparently, it was something they did for hazing when the recruits came through as fire fighters. I knew it was a bad idea. I don’t think Jesse was counting on the local police who picked us up halfway through chaining him to the lamp post.

“I wouldn’t bring it up to her,” I advise, knowing just how pissed all the girls were about not only our party, but theirs. But it was Kadence’s eyes when she walked into the station the next morning to pick us up that told me she was beyond annoyed we landed Nix in overnight lockup. Nix was more worried about his balls and who had touched them, than his fuming fiancée. We were lucky; we got a break and charges weren't laid. The Rebels relationship with the police in the past has been strained, but in recent times, it’s been a hell of a lot better.

“I didn’t know the cops would be there,” he defends, but before I can reply, the music fills the chapel and everyone around us stands.

I look back, feeling a little claustrophobic in the small room, but then I see Holly step up to the threshold, and everything stops. Jesus H. Christ. Seeing her for a brief second earlier doesn't even compare to seeing her stand before everyone at the foot of the aisle.

“Fuck, Sy. You need to sort that shit out before someone tries to get in on that,” Jesse stirs me. I know he knows I’m already in, so I don’t comment. I just keep watching her.

I know today is meant to be about Kadence, but fuck, Holly looks so fucking beautiful it hurts. I can tell she’s nervous, her eyes never looking up as she passes rows of friends and family.

Six months ago, this woman would have lit up this whole chapel with her smile. Even though she never makes eye contact with me, I can’t stop looking at her. Even when Kadence comes down the aisle, my eyes never move from Holly. I’m mesmerized, watching everything she does. She captivates me. Her beautiful pain and her heartbreak draw me in. I can see she still fights a small amount of her anxiety, but after everything we’ve been through, she’s slowly coming back.

“You’re meant to be watching the bride.” Jesse nudges me, making me stumble in my spot.

“Shut the fuck up.” I elbow him back, realizing my stumble has caused people to look. Fucker. Nix and Kadence continue with their vows, too lost in each other to even care as I go back to watching Holly. Jesse’s right. I should be watching the couple we’re all here to see, but I don’t want to. I can’t keep my eyes off her as she stands before me, looking more beautiful than I’ve ever seen. Her hair is done up in some fancy-shit way that would normally bother me, but it doesn’t, because the color is almost back to the blonde that she first had when I met her. She smiles as Nix stutters on his words, and then wipes a stray tear away as she watches them kiss. And when it’s all over and done with, she finally looks over at me and gives me the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. Finally, my sunshine has come back.


“We’re heading out in an hour, so be ready,” Beau says, coming back outside, letting me know we have the go ahead for tonight. He took a phone call fifteen minutes ago letting him know we are needed. We haven't had a call for a couple of weeks, and this one will be my first ride along. Tonight is a transport, stepping in and helping a young girl onto her next stop. It’s not ideal since it’s Kadence and Nix’s wedding, but when you get the call you have to go.

“What do you mean you’re heading out?” Kadence asks, coming into the conversation.

“I’ve got a pickup and I need Sy with me,” Beau answers for me. Thank fuck, too. I’m not dealing with Bridezilla. Shit has been tense since the party and I’m trying to stay in her good graces.

“What the hell is a pickup? You do know it’s our wedding night? We haven’t even had cake,” she states, folding her arms across her gown, growing angrier after each question.

“Leave them be, baby. They have shit to do.” Nix pulls her chair closer to him and rests his hand on the back of her neck.

“Nix, it’s our wedding night.”

“And I wouldn’t okay it if it wasn’t important.”

“Fine. There will be no cake for you then.” She points to the both of us. Fine by me. I don’t even like the shit. I’m more annoyed I finally have Holly relaxed and enjoying herself, and now I have to leave. Today in the chapel when she smiled over at me, I took that as her accepting not hiding us anymore.

“Change of plans. We’ve got to head now,” Beau says, looking up from his phone, pulling me out of my thoughts. He stands, signalling Nix to talk.

“Fuck, babe,” I turn to Holly, leaning over to whisper so only she can hear. “I’ll explain later, but I want you in my bed tonight.”