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“You’re an enigma, Callum. My readers want to know who the real Callum Alexander is. The good, the bad . . .” she leans forward and whispers, “ . . . the downright dirty.” Leaning back in her chair, she crosses her legs and continues, “I know you have secrets. After last week and that touching hospital scene, we all know you do. I’m interested in whether you want to take the opportunity I’m here to offer—to clear up any untrue claims and set the record straight, so to speak,” she says, finishing with a smirk.

“Ms. Dallas, at any time have I given you even the slightest hint that I am interested in talking to you? Like anyone, I am entitled to a personal life, Lucia is entitled to a personal life, and there is no chance in hell we will ever want to talk about our personal lives with the press.” Without the weight of the mask I’d worn for so many years, the freedom I feel at saying what I want to whom I want, without feeling the need to sugar coat my thoughts, is exhilarating.

Enjoying the wide-eyed look on Carmen’s face, I soldier on. “You have perpetuated a sea of lies surrounding my life, my work, my firm, my family, and someone I care very deeply about. Your crusade to destroy my name and my reputation because I was man enough to spurn your advances says more about the sorry state of your own life than it does about mine.”

I stand and make my way around to her, standing expectantly beside her chair. “Now if there is nothing further, I am a very busy man and I have an important appointment that I am unable to miss.” My voice is strong, forthright, and I make sure it leaves no room for confusion.

Rising to her feet, Carmen shoots me a scowl before turning on her heels and storming out of my office without saying another word.

“Thank fuck for that.” I look up to see Lucia standing in the doorway just vacated by Carmen.

“Your timing is impeccable as always, Ms. Harding,” she says, taking a step into the office.

“And you, Mr. Alexander, are very sexy when you’re putting errant reporters in their place.” She closes the door and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pushing up on her toes to brush her lips against mine. “Very sexy.”

I can’t help but smile. “You heard?”

She shrugs. “Most of it. I think the part I enjoyed the most was about the ‘sorry state of your own life.’”

“Definitely a highlight,” I add.

With my hands on her hips, I move backwards and lean against my desk, pulling Lucia between my legs and running my hands up her back. “This is a surprise.” I lower my mouth to hers and slowly trace the seam of her lips with my tongue before kissing her softly and moving back. “A very welcome one though.”

“I’m glad,” she says with a wide grin. “I just wanted to stop by on my way home. I’m working tonight so I won’t see you until tomorrow.” My smile falters at the thought.

“You could come home to me tonight . . .” I leave the invitation open, studying her expression for any sign of unease or uncertainty. My shoulders tense as I wait for her reply.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

The tension instantly disappears, and I’m again filled with the warmth that only Lucia can give me. Still buoyed from my triumphant confrontation with Carmen, I push on. “You could come home to me every night . . .”

Lucia’s breath hitches and her eyes flash with surprise. “Are you . . . ?”

“We were virtually living together anyway. I want to be with you. I want you in my house. I want you hosting dinner parties with my friends and family. I want you in my kitchen, on my balcony, in my bed. I want my sanctuary to be yours because you are my sanctuary.”

“Oh wow. And I thought you couldn’t beat anything you said to me last night,” she says on a soft whisper.

“That look in your eyes, that smile on your face—that is what I want to give you. I want to be able to surprise you, often and always. I want to give you a happy, safe, fulfilling life.”

“Cal, if this is about—”

I press my lips against hers to silence her. I don’t want her having any doubt as to my intentions. “I want you to live with me, Lucia Harding. I want to love you forever. I’m not going to live in the past; I’m not going to worry about what people think, what image I have to uphold, or the profile I have to fit in to. If what we have been through has taught me anything, it is that life is short, love is everything, and I am a stronger man with you beside me. That is all for now. The rest . . .” I end on a whisper against her lips, “ . . . is up to you.”

And standing in my office, in my tower in the sky, the world continuing on around us, Lucia pulls me close and kisses me long and hard, giving me her silent—yet resoundingly affirmative—answer.

“I’ll see you after work then?” she says, her voice low and raspy.

“I look forward to it. I’ll probably be working late to catch up on everything, so I can call by the restaurant afterwards if you’d like,” I reply without thinking.

She blanches at my words, and I tighten my fingers on her hips as she tries to step back.

“Lucia, what’s wrong?”

“That probably isn’t a good idea for a while. Gino is—”

“Not my biggest fan right now.”

“Well, no. His ignorance leaves no room for open-mindedness. In his eyes—”

“In his eyes, I hurt you and put you in the hospital.”

“Yes,” she replies, her eyes soft.

“Will he ever forgive me?”

“In time, yes. When he sees how happy you make me, he will forgive you.”

“But not forget,” I state honestly.

Lifting one hand to my face, Lucia kisses me once more. “I don’t think any of us will ever forget it, Cal. But only you and I know what we have between us and what led to what happened that night.”

“It’ll never happen again,” I say definitively.

“No, I’m guessing it won’t. But that’s not to say things won’t be able to go back to how they were.”

“There’s one major difference though, Luce.”

“And what’s that, Mr. Alexander?”

“What you see is what you get with me now. You told me to move forward and not look back. I want to do that with you.” I add a gentle squeeze of my fingers to drive my point home. “You know my worst. I want the chance to show you my best.”

“Good. I’m glad we’ve gotten that out of the way. There is one thing you can do for me though . . .” A sly smile creeps over her lips.

“What’s that?”

“I’ve always wanted to make out with you on your desk, you wearing your perfectly tailored suit, the door shut but not locked . . .” She leans in and licks my lips seductively, her voice dropping to a sexy whisper. “Want to give me a taste of Callum Alexander in his natural habitat?”

My grip tightens on her hips. “How about I show you instead?”

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I didn’t leave the office until well past nine p.m. With the knowledge that Lucia would not be home until well after eleven, I used the time to finalize the Iowa proposal for our presentation next week and to catch up on work that I had fallen behind on, given the events of the past week. Having left my car in the parking garage overnight, I drive myself home and am almost at my driveway when my cell phone starts ringing through the car speakers. Looking down, the last thing I expect to see is Jodi’s name flashing on screen.

Deciding she needs to be told once and for all to leave me alone, I push the answer button on the car steering wheel and hear the call connect.

“Jodi, this has to stop.”

“Callum,” she whispers loudly down the phone. “Callum,” she sobs. “I’m not feeling too good.” Her voice is strange, her words slurred and slow between her sobs. This is nothing at all like the normally well put together and composed Jodi I know.