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“And you’ll…”

“Tell everyone the truth.”

“And if Meredith tries to interrupt with her story?”

He sighs.

“Toby, you have to do it. Please, promise me you will.”

He doesn’t say a word, but I can see his answer in his eyes. And that means I’m going to have to intervene and make up a story of my own. One that makes me look like the pathetic loser instead of Meredith.

The pep rally begins, and I see Meredith leave her spot on the bleachers and head to the locker room with the other cheerleaders. My breath catches in my throat with the announcement of every team. After about four other teams, the cheerleaders are announced. I clutch Toby’s hand, and he gives me a weak smile.

Meredith is announced as captain, and she walks over to the microphone. “Good afternoon, Lansfield. I have a very special announcement to share with you today, but I’m going to need some help. So if Toby Michaels could please come down here, we can get started.”

The crowd mumbles and heads turn toward Toby. He squeezes my hand before getting up and walking down the bleachers. My heart is pounding so hard I’m afraid I’m going to need medical attention.

“Toby has something he needs to tell everyone,” Meredith says, stepping aside and smiling at Toby.

Vice Principal Davidson tenses at the unplanned change of speakers, but he doesn’t try to intervene.

Toby steps forward and faces the crowd. “I know a lot of you aren’t exactly on my side anymore after my breakup with Meredith, so I felt I should clear some things up.” Meredith’s eyes narrow, but Toby continues. “That breakup you all witnessed in the hallway was staged.”

Meredith shoves him in the shoulder, but he doesn’t budge. He grabs the microphone and keeps going. “Meredith was mad that I broke up with her, and then she caught me kissing Becca Daniels, which pissed her off even more. So she made me pretend to date her.”

“Don’t listen to him! It’s lies!” Meredith screams and tries to rip the microphone from Toby’s hands.

I stand up and make my way down the stands. I can’t let her do this. I can’t let her ruin him because of me.

“All Meredith cared about was her reputation. She blackmailed Becca and me. None of it was real. She lied to all of you, just so you’d like her again. You can’t believe a word she says.”

Meredith lunges at Toby, clawing at his chest and face. Vice Principal Davidson and Mr. Rollar pull her off him and separate them both. Then Davidson returns the microphone to the podium, probably thinking that will end the outburst.

“You can’t listen to him!” Meredith screams. “You don’t know what he’s really like. He’s a monster. I can prove it. Just let me speak!” She’s flailing in Mr. Rollar’s arms.

Davidson’s watching Toby, making sure he doesn’t try to retaliate, not that Toby ever would, physically at least.

“She’s lying. That’s what this is all about. Meredith and her lies.” Toby’s face is bright red with rage. I rush over to him.

Meredith doubles over, her body heaving with sobs. The second Mr. Rollar releases his grip on her, she rushes for the microphone. She tricked him.

“Toby Michaels”—she jabs her finger in Toby’s direction—“is more than just a liar. He’s…he’s…”

Maybe even she can’t do something this horrible. I silently pray she’ll come to her senses. That she’ll realize this goes beyond anything she’s ever done, into unforgivable territory.

Mr. Rollar pulls her away from the microphone, but she continues to yell. “He got me to sleep with him, and then he dumped me. He used me. For sex. That’s the kind of person Toby Michaels really is.”

Oh my God. My stomach drops as she says the words to seal Toby’s fate. It could’ve been worse. She could’ve accused him of rape, but she didn’t. She just made him out to be an asshole instead. The gymnasium is dead silent. Toby shakes his head, but he doesn’t say a word. I look at him and move toward the microphone.

“My turn,” I tell Meredith.

“No. She’s just as bad as he is. They’re both trying to ruin me. Becca assaulted me at Tori’s party, and she tried to punch me at school the other day too.”

I want to do more than just punch her right now, but if I attack her, everyone will think she’s the one who’s telling the truth. I ignore her and grab the microphone instead, ripping it off its stand on the podium before one of the teachers can stop me.

“Do you want to know the truth?”

“Miss Daniels, give me that microphone and take a seat,” Davidson says.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not giving up this microphone until everyone hears what I have to say. Meredith is lying.”

“No, I’m not!” she shrieks.

Mr. Rollar still has a good grip on her, and this time he doesn’t look like he’s going to let her go. He nods for me to continue. That’s interesting, but then again, he’s always liked Toby and it’s clear I’m about to defend him.

“I did something really stupid. I went behind my best friend’s back and dated her brother. I broke her trust, and I lost her because of it. I don’t blame her for hating me. I hate myself for hurting her. But I’m in love with Toby Michaels. I know the kind of person he is.”

“A liar!” Meredith screams.

“How dare you?” I whip around and stare at Meredith, microphone still in my hand. “You couldn’t handle Toby breaking up with you so you forced him to pretend to date you just so you could be the one to end it. You blackmailed both of us, and then when people started making comments about him and me dating, you couldn’t take it so you made up this story about him forcing you to sleep with him. You’re pathetic. You’re the lowest form of life there is to make up something so destructive.” I turn back to the crowd. “She’s lying about all of it because she’s worried about her reputation. Toby would never pressure any girl into sex. He’s not like that.”

“That’s enough, Miss Daniels,” Davidson says, finally yanking the microphone from my hands.

“Hold on,” Tori says, stepping down from the bleachers and walking toward Davidson. “I have something to say.” By the look on her face, I think this is going to be even worse than what Meredith has done.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“This isn’t open mic night, Ms. Michaels,” Vice Principal Davidson says.

Tori holds her phone up to him so he can read the screen. “I know the truth, and seeing as I hate Meredith and Toby, I think I’m a pretty objective bystander.”

Davidson nods and hands her the microphone, surprising everyone.

“What?” Meredith cries. “We were hanging out. What do you mean you hate me?”

“What can I say? I learned how to sneak around and lie by watching my brother and my best friend.” She glares at Toby and me. “Apparently, I’m very convincing. Anyway, I’ll read you all a text message Meredith sent me this morning. It should clear up a few things.” She holds up her phone, reading from the screen. “‘Can’t wait to see the look on Toby’s face if he doesn’t go through with it and dump Becca. I’ll make everyone think he uses girls for sex and dumps them like yesterday’s trash.’”

Those are pretty much exactly the words Meredith used when she told us what she was going to do.

“How could you?” Meredith asks Tori. “You hate him. After what he did to you, you should want to bury him too.”

“One thing I’ve learned from all this is lies always catch up to you in the end.” Tori hands the microphone back to Davidson. “Don’t they, Becca?”

“Tori, I’m sorry,” I say loud enough for everyone to hear. “I can’t make up for what I’ve done, but I’m so sorry.”

She turns and looks at me. “So am I.” She walks out of the gym, and as much as I want to follow her, I know I have to stay to make sure Toby’s okay.

Davidson holds the microphone in front of Meredith. “Would you like to retract anything you said, Ms. Ackles? I think it might be in your best interest to set the record straight. Wrongfully accusing someone of something this severe will result in suspension at the very least.”