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Chapter Twenty-Six

Toby comes over after detention. We didn’t think being at his house was a good idea anymore, so we moved our tutoring to my house. Although we don’t do any tutoring at all because we’re too worried about Meredith.

“She said she was going to tell the entire junior class. When will we all be together?” I rack my brain, trying to remember if student council elections or anything else class related is coming up. They usually let the candidates make speeches to the whole class before voting, and Meredith will definitely be running for something. But it was still too early to hold elections for next year.

“It’s the pep rally. It has to be.”

That makes sense. “When is it?” I never keep up with those things because I don’t play sports. They’re just a reason to miss class and nothing else.

“Friday, last period.”

“Four days. That gives us four days to figure out how to stop her.”

“I have to talk to her, get her to change her mind.”

“Think that will work? Meredith doesn’t strike me as the type you can reason with.”

“She’s not.” Toby’s face falls. He looks defeated already.

“Then we’ll have to make her listen.”

“The way we made Tori listen to us?” He’s giving up. Just like that. This isn’t the Toby I’ve known for seventeen years.

“Look, we’ll deal with Tori, but right now this is more important.” I take his hand and squeeze it.

He looks at me, but he doesn’t smile or show any sign of hope. “I’m sorry you’re getting dragged into this. First I ruin your friendship with my sister, and now you’re going to be labeled as the girl who’s dating a—”

I press my finger to his lips. “Don’t say it. It’s not true.” I lower my finger and kiss his lips, just a soft, quick kiss.

“I know that, and thank God you do too. But that’s not going to matter much after Friday.”

“She can’t do this. It’s crazy. It’s beyond being a bitch.”

He grabs my hand. “Becca, please don’t start yelling. I’m barely holding it together. If you lose it, I won’t be able to hang on.”

I take a deep breath. He’s right. I need to control myself. We’ll never think of a way out of this if we’re both screaming and wanting to rip Meredith’s hair out.

Someone knocks on my door, and I instinctively pull away from Toby. Mom and Dad know he’s tutoring me, but Dad isn’t exactly okay with Toby being in my room alone with me. Dad’s the epitome of overprotective.

“Come in.”

Dad pokes his head into the room. “Just wanted to see if you two wanted some hot chocolate. I was thinking of making some.”

Hot chocolate? Seriously, Dad? I’m sure this is just the first of many interruptions he has planned until Toby goes home. “No, we’re—”

“That sounds great, Mr. Daniels,” Toby says.

Dad smiles and nods. “What about you, pumpkin?” Another Dad tactic. Call me by the nickname he gave me when I was four.

“Sure, Dad. Sounds good.”

He nods again. “I’ll be right back.” He closes the door over but doesn’t click it shut.

Toby laughs. “I needed that.”

I get up and close the door all the way. “What? Hot chocolate?”

“No. A good laugh. He doesn’t trust me at all, does he?”

I sit back down on the bed. “Don’t feel bad. He doesn’t trust any guy where I’m concerned.”

“My dad’s pretty protective of Tori too. She’s lucky she’s dating Ryder. Dad backs off because he assumes I’m hanging out with them since Ryder’s my friend.”

I wonder if Tori realizes that. If she does, it’s not enough to make her forgive us. Thinking about Tori isn’t helping at all. My mood plummets, and I didn’t even think that was possible.

“Your dad is going to hate me when Meredith makes her announcement.”

I didn’t even think about that. What will Mom and Dad think? I hope they won’t believe the lies, but why wouldn’t they at least worry about me being with Toby when that kind of accusation is going around?

I throw my arms around him, just wanting to touch him, feel him close to me. “I’m not giving you up. No matter what. I don’t care if I have to sneak around so my parents don’t know we’re together.”

He pulls away from me. “I don’t want you doing that. I ruined one of your relationships already. I’m not going to ruin your family too. I can’t handle that.”

“Then we can’t let this happen. We have to talk to Meredith and convince her not to lie to everyone.” I cup his face in my hands and stare into his eyes. “I’m not losing you. Not after everything that’s happened.”

He places his hands on mine and sighs. He doesn’t believe we can do this. That thought breaks my heart.


Toby and I decide to confront Meredith during fifth period. She has study hall too, just not with me. I sneak out after Mrs. Engleberg nods off and text Toby.

Becca: Ready?


Toby: Yes and no.


Becca: Get Meredith. Say whatever you need to get her to the stage. I’ll meet you there.


Toby: Wish me luck.


Becca: Good luck.


He’s going to try to appeal to the part of Meredith that once cared about him. He’s texting her to meet him in our spot. We both figured she’d like that. I’m going to hide in the wings and watch. I’m pretty much backup if Toby can’t get through to her. I’m hoping he doesn’t need me to convince her because my tactics aren’t going to be pretty.

When I get to the stage, I hide to the side where there are plenty of shadows, but I’ll be able to see and hear everything. It feels like an eternity before Toby shows up. I can tell he’s nervous by the way he keeps squeezing his hands into fists. I want to tell him to relax, but I’m too afraid to say anything since I don’t know where Meredith is, or if she’s even going to show.

Toby texts me and briefly glances in my direction.

Toby: She said she’s coming.


Becca: Good. We’re going to convince her.


Toby: I love you.


Becca: I love you too.


Meredith walks backstage. “What do you want, Toby?”

“We need to talk.” His voice shakes.

“If you’re thinking of trying to change my mind, you’re wasting your time.”

“You know it’s a lie. Why would you do this? I thought you cared about me. At one point, I know you did.” He steps closer to her, and the desperation in his voice breaks my heart.

“That was a long time ago. Before you dumped me for that nobody.”

I take a deep breath to keep from rushing out there and showing her just how much of a somebody I really am.

“Don’t talk about her like that. You don’t get to say anything about her. Just leave her out of it.”

“She won’t be left out when this all goes down. You know that, right? It’s not just my life you tried to ruin. You’re ruining hers too.”

“No.” I don’t mean to say it out loud, but I can’t help it. It just comes out. I step out of the shadows and toward Meredith. “You’re doing this. You ruined your own reputation when you made Toby pretend to date you again. You’re trying to ruin his life now with this blatant lie. And if I go down with him that will be your doing too.”

“I’m pretty sure I can live with that.” She crosses her arms, not caring at all that she’s hurting either one of us.

“And what are you going to do when we prove you’re lying? Everyone will hate you. No guy will date you after a lie like that. You’re going to be ruining your own life too.”

She lowers her arms. “And how are you going to prove I’m lying? It’s my word against his. You weren’t there, Becca. You have no idea. I’m surprised you’d date a guy who’d force a girl to sleep with him and then kick her to the curb anyway.”