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“Again, I don’t care what you want.” She turns her head, refusing to look at me.

“Technically, you said you didn’t care what she needed before, so—” Ryder shuts up the second Tori turns and glares at him. “Sorry.”

“Ryder, could you give us a minute, please?”

Tori’s head snaps in my direction. “Oh, now you think you can order my boyfriend around?”

“No, I just—”

“Stay, Ryder.” Tori’s voice is commanding, and she doesn’t take her eyes off me.

“Look, this doesn’t involve me. Toby’s my friend and you’re my girlfriend, so I don’t want to get in the middle. I’ll see you later.” He walks off, leaving Tori gaping after him.

“Now look what you’ve done. My God, how many other ways can you ruin my life?”

“I’m not trying to hurt you, but Ryder’s right. He’s friends with Toby and he’s your boyfriend. Don’t you see? It’s no different for me and Toby. I’m your friend and his girlfriend.”

She scoffs. “You seem so sure he’s the boyfriend type.”

“Because he is. He’s been great, Tori. He even wrote me a song to ask me to be his girlfriend.”

Her face twists in disgust. “That stupid song he’s been working on so much, the one he would only play behind closed doors, that was for you?”

I nod. “I told you this isn’t just some crush. I wouldn’t risk our friendship for a stupid crush.”

“No, you risked it for a song.”

How can I make her see how serious this is? “Can’t we all just hang out? You could see us together, and then you’ll understand. You hung out with Toby and Meredith, and you hate Meredith.”

“Well, then I guess it would seem like I could hang out with you too, since you’re no better than her, but I can’t.”

Ouch. She knew exactly how much that comment would cut me. “I never chose him over you.”

“Yes, you did.”


“Have you ever lied to him? Have you snuck around behind his back?”


“Then you made your choice.” She turns and starts for her class, giving up on the idea of using her locker since I’m blocking it. I keep in step with her, no matter how fast she tries to walk.

“I said I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to do.”

Her classroom is two doors away. She stops and stares at me. I jolt to a stop, almost spilling the coffee down the front of my shirt.

“I got you something.”

“You think that’s enough to make me forgive you?” She motions to the bag and coffee in my hands. “Cold coffee and a scone?”

“No, but I was hoping it could be a start. I know I jeopardized your trust, but—”

“No, you destroyed it. There’s none left. End of story.”

“Then at least give me a chance to earn it back.”

“Why? Because you’re such a good friend?”

“Yes. I am. I’ve never hurt you before. I screwed up. I get that, but this is the only time I’ve messed up. That has to count for something.”

“Yeah. It means that when you fuck up, you go all out.” She turns and dodges inside her classroom before I can respond.

“That was fun to watch,” Meredith says.

I turn to face her. “Get out of here.”

She smiles and walks off. Why is she so happy? With everyone knowing Toby and I are together she must be getting some crap for being replaced so quickly—that is if people haven’t already figured out that Toby and I have been together for a while, including the time he was supposed to be with her.

“You don’t fool me, Meredith,” I call down the hall to her.

She stops and turns. “Excuse me?” There’s nothing polite about the way she says it.

“You can pretend you think my misery is funny, but I know I’m not the only one suffering here. Everyone knows about Toby and me, so what does that mean for you?”

There’s a crowd forming around us. First the show with Tori and now this. I’m becoming the biggest source of entertainment at Lansfield High.

“This isn’t over. Just know that.” She turns and walks away, holding her head high. She’s got something up her sleeve. Things are going to get ugly very quickly.

By lunch, I find out Tori went home sick. Sick of me is more like it. I cornered her after every class, and finally she stormed out of the building. I drove her off. Toby and I walk into the cafeteria and look for an empty table. Even with Tori gone for the day, we know we won’t be welcome at Toby’s usual table. Between the people who took Meredith’s side after the breakup and the people who are taking Tori’s side in our fight, we’re both left out in the cold. Literally. We sit outside.

“The rest of junior year should be a blast,” I say, picking up my slice of pizza, which is already cold from the breeze.

“It can’t stay this way. It’s only the first day back after the party. Things will get better.”

I never knew he was such an optimist. Or maybe he’s just trying to put on a brave face for my sake. Either way, I’m not convinced.

Since I don’t say anything, Toby continues. “Look on the bright side. With Tori gone we can actually act like a couple and not have to worry about her seeing us.”

“Great, more hiding. Telling her the truth was supposed to put an end to this once and for all.”

“Come here.” He pulls me closer to him on the wooden bench, and I snuggle into his chest to avoid the wind. It’s been a brutal March, definitely “in like a lion” or however that old saying goes, but it’s almost April now and the “out like a lamb” part doesn’t seem to be happening.

“Maybe I can convince my mom to homeschool me until I graduate.”

“Oh, and leave me here to fend for myself? I don’t think so.”

Toby’s all I have left. I couldn’t leave him. “Don’t worry. We’re in this together. I wouldn’t leave you to face everyone alone.”

He lowers his lips to mine, and for the first time since Tori walked in on us, I let myself get lost in him. I try to forget Meredith and what she might do to get back at Toby and me. I try to forget that Tori hates me, probably even more than she hates Meredith. I try, but it doesn’t last long because Meredith’s voice brings reality crashing back down on me.

“You two should enjoy this cozy moment because it’s going to be one of your last.”

Toby pulls away and stares at her. “What are you talking about, Meredith?”

“I’m going to have a little conversation with the junior class really soon, and then they’ll all see you for what you really are.”

“And what’s that?” I think I know where she’s going with this, but I need to know for sure. I don’t want any surprises.

“Oh, I think you know. And if you don’t already, you’ll find out soon. Guys like Toby Michaels are all the same. They’re only after one thing, and they’ll do whatever’s necessary to get it.” She looks at him like she’s about to spit in his face. “I’m going to make sure everyone knows what you did to me.”

I thought she’d moved past that. If she tells everyone—even though it’s a lie—Toby will never recover from it. “You can’t do that, Meredith. It’s a lie and you know it. You’ll destroy his reputation. You can’t just go around saying things like that. It’s unforgiveable.”

“So is using girls and then leaving them like yesterday’s trash.”

“You are yesterday’s trash!” I lose it. I jump up and swing at her, but Toby grabs my arm, and Meredith dodges my punch.

“You’re lucky you missed. After the assault at Tori’s party, I wouldn’t be able to let this go without pressing charges.” She storms off and I slump against Toby’s side.

I couldn’t feel more defeated. “What are we going to do?”

He runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I can’t prove she’s lying. It will be her word against mine, and even if some people do believe me, it will still be out there.”

There’s no erasing an accusation like the one Meredith is planning. It will destroy Toby. For good.