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“And what if the chute fails?” Mom asks.

“Rarely happens.” Dad shrugs one shoulder, but Mom looks horrified.

“You know, I think maybe I’ll give this some more thought.” I stand up, feeling like my stomach has already plummeted a few thousand feet.

“Good idea,” Mom says as I head back upstairs.

I dial Toby.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“That’s new.”

“I read it off the container of eggs.”

I laugh. “Making another big family breakfast this morning?”

“What can I say? I’m that nice.”

“I bet Tori’s being nice to you now that you got her a date with Ryder.”

“Somewhat. I just hope he doesn’t dump her in a week. She’ll rip my eyes out and then shove them down Ryder’s throat.”

“Wait a second. If you’re making eggs, then you’re in the kitchen.”

“You catch on quick.”

“Where’s Tori?”

“Dining room.”

My pulse quickens. “Why’d you answer your phone then?” I should’ve texted him first.

“Don’t sweat it. She’s eating.”

My call waiting beeps. “Hang on. I’m getting another call.” I check the screen. “Oh God! It’s Tori. I’ve got to go.”

“No, um, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” His voice is funny, and I can picture Tori in the room with him, watching.

“Okay, hang on. And keep talking. Pretend I’m still on the line.”

He laughs. “Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Be right back.” I click over to Tori. “Hello?”

“You’re never going to believe this.”

“Good morning to you, too.”

“Yeah, yeah. Toby is on the phone with the mystery girl.”

“How do you know?” God, I hope he’s doing a good job talking to dead air.

“I just walked into the kitchen to see what was taking so long with the eggs, and I heard him say, ‘Good morning, beautiful.’”

“Doesn’t it say that on the egg container?”


“Maybe he was just reading it.”

“That’s so weird.”


“That’s what he told her.”

Crap! I’m such an idiot sometimes. I force a laugh. “I guess you were right last night. I’m starting to talk like him. Weird.”

“Yeah, weird all right.”

“So, what time is your date?”

“Ten. Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah, I’m just not convinced he’s really talking to a girl. Can you hear what he’s saying now?”

“Hang on. Here, I’ll hold the phone out so you can hear, too.” I picture her hiding behind the center island, holding up her phone. Toby’s voice is quiet, but I can make out what he’s saying. “Yeah, I can go. I just have to clean up this mess, and then I’ll meet you there. Okay. Sounds good.”

I wait for Tori to get back on the line. “Did you hear that?” she whispers.

“Yeah. Sounds like he made plans with someone. Probably Jeff.”

“Why would he call Jeff beautiful?”

“I told you it was probably just him reading the eggs.” I look at the clock. “Hey, are you dressed and ready? It’s almost time for your date.”

“Crap! Got to go!”

When she hangs up, I see both calls are dropped. Toby’s gone. I’m going to have to wait for him to call me to change our plans.

I eat some breakfast and take a warm shower. Still no call from Toby. I don’t think he’d pick me up, even with Tori out on a date. It’s still too risky. Where is he?

My cell rings at a quarter to ten, and I grab it. “There you are. I was wondering where you were. You just hung up before.”

“Yeah, I had to get ready for my date.”

I hold the phone away from me and check the screen. Tori. Damn it! I thought it said Toby.

“Um, I know, but I knew you’d call again before you left.” I smack my fist against my forehead.

“You did?”

“Yup. I think I know my own best friend.”

“Weird. I didn’t even know I was going to call you.”

I force a laugh. “So, what’s up?”

“Red ruby or watermelon blast?”

Lip gloss. She called me to ask which lip gloss she should wear. “Which one did you have on last weekend? Ryder seemed to like it.”

She squeals. “Genius! Red ruby it is. Hey, what are you doing today?”

“Not sure yet.” At least I can keep from lying right now. I don’t know what Toby and I will do if we don’t skydive. “You should go. Ryder’s going to be there any second.”

“I know, but I have to ask you something first.”

“Okay. What is it?”

“Why did my brother call you last night?”

Chapter Fifteen

Oh God! How could she know? “What do you mean?” Playing dumb never works with Tori, so what the hell am I doing?

“I mean, why did Toby call you last night? It’s a simple question.”

Sure. And my simple answer will cost me my best friend. “Um, he had a question about the trig homework.”

“My straight A, math wiz of a brother called you with a question about the math homework? How stupid do you think I am?”

Crap. “Wait, what makes you think he called me anyway?” Toby would’ve warned me if Tori overheard us talking, just like he did earlier.

“Because I grabbed his cell by mistake this morning. They were both on the table, and I was in a rush. I went to dial your number, and it wasn’t in my contacts. It was in the call log, though. I realized it wasn’t my phone. And that I’m not the only Michaels calling you. Care to explain?”

Double crap. If she saw the call log, then she knows we were on the phone for an hour last night. My mind swirls with possible excuses—lies. More lies. But Toby and I are perfect together. We fit. If I don’t lie to Tori… “Your birthday,” I blurt out.

“What about it?”

“I’m planning a surprise party, and Toby is helping me.”

“But it’s his birthday, too. Isn’t that like planning his own party? Or are you not inviting him?”

Damn it! I have to start thinking ahead. “Um, he doesn’t like surprises, remember? So I told him, and the surprise was just going to be for you.”

“And you’re telling me you got my brother to spend an hour on the phone, planning my surprise party? What the hell did you give him in exchange?”

How about an intense make-out session behind the stage during fifth period? “He said he couldn’t think of a good gift for you, so he thought he should help plan the party to make up for it.”

“Oh really? He thinks he can skimp on my gift just because he helped you plan my party? Yeah, right! I got him basketball tickets.”

“You did? The Knicks?” Maybe she does really love him after all.

“No, they were way too expensive for my budget. But who cares what team it is. They’re basketball tickets. He’ll go.”

“Way to put some thought into his present.” What am I going to get him? It can’t be anything too big. We just started dating, and we aren’t public, so it can’t be anything people would ask about. This so isn’t going to be easy. And now I have to throw a party for Tori and Toby. There goes the rest of my allowance for the year.

“Why couldn’t you two plan the party during your tutoring sessions?”

“Um, because we’re busy studying.” And making out.

“Well, I really don’t like you two hanging out so much. He has his own friends. You and I don’t get to spend much time together anymore since your trig grade went to hell.”

“I know, but I really don’t see why you and Toby can’t have the same friends anyway.” Might as well get it out there and see how she reacts. “I’ve known you both all my life. It’s kind of weird not being friends with him. I mean, I guess I do think of him as a friend in a way.”

“Are you kidding me? Before you started tutoring, you two only said about two words to each other, hi and bye.”

She’s exaggerating, but I let it go. “Don’t you think that’s crazy? We grew up together.”

“No, it’s not crazy. We have our own friends. It’s always been that way.”

I’ve reached my limit. This has to stop. “Ever since Allison, right?”