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God, I loved that sound.

I guided my crown to stroke up the line and back down, gripping her hip with my free hand when I hit the dip, flexing my hips and pulling her onto me until I filled her, felt her all around me.

I couldn’t breathe.

Her thighs trembled as I pulled out slow and flexed again, harder. I hit the end, and she jolted forward with a moan.

My hands found the bend in her hips, and I pushed her away, pulling her back down onto me with a soft pat.

Yes,” she whispered and slipped a hand between her legs.

Every motion, every thrust, every moan from her lips and quake of her thighs sent my pulse racing faster. And when she came again, I couldn’t hold on. I slammed into her, my heart stopping for a long moment, and when it started again, it was all I could hear, my fingers squeezing her hips like I’d fly away if I let her go.

I drove into her a final time before leaning forward, pressing my chest against her back as she stretched out onto her stomach.

Her lids cracked open when I kissed her bare shoulder. “That’s my favorite.”

I brushed her hair from her face and smiled. “I know.”

“I used to hate it from behind. It always felt so cheap … but not with you.”

The thought of anyone making Maggie feel cheap made me want to find the asshole and explain a few things to him. With my fist. “I’m happy to make you feel expensive any day.”

She chuckled and shifted, and I rolled over, propping my head on my hand.

“What’s the rest of your day look like?” I asked.

She mirrored me. “I was going to go read in the park.”

“Great. I’ll come with you.” I smirked, knowing she’d resist and knowing I could talk her into it anyway.

One eyebrow rose, and she shook her head. “That sounds like a date.”

“How so? I won’t buy you anything or even touch you. Just a couple of young New Yorkers, reading in the park on a perfect afternoon.”

Her cheeks flushed, even though she was trying to look resolute. “Don’t you have a thing to go to?”

“Not for hours.”

“I’m sure you need to prep for that instead.”

I shrugged. “Nothing to prep for. It’s just some photo shoot I regret agreeing to.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“Yeah, I do photo shoots all the time. Totally normal. Why do you regret it?”

“Because they want to shoot on my boat, and I don’t think they’ll respect my boat.”

Her brow quirked. “Is it for a sailing piece?”

I hesitated. “No.”

“What’s it for?”

I eyed her. “I’ll only tell you if you swear not to tell anyone, especially not West.”

Her interest was piqued, eyes a little wider, the corners of her mouth turned up. “Well, I’m keeping everything else from him, so why not add to the list?”

I hesitated again. I hadn’t spoken of it to anyone but Jules, and I was suddenly embarrassed. I thought about talking my way out of telling her, but part of me didn’t mind that she knew. I took a breath. “I was chosen for W’s twenty-five most eligible bachelors.”

Her mouth popped open. “Are you serious, Coop?”

My cheeks flushed, and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it. “Yup.”

She glanced away, shaking her head and said, half to herself, “I just banged one of the twenty-five most sought-after men.”

“According to W.”

She pushed me in the shoulder, smiling. I grabbed her hand and pulled her a little closer. She smirked at me. “I can’t believe that. No wonder you don’t want West to know. He’s going to have a field day.”

“Yes, he is. Which is another part of the reason I’m regretting agreeing to it. But I’m supposed to meet the photographers this afternoon. I’ve still got a few hours.” I slipped a leg between hers and squeezed until her body was flush against mine.

She bobbled her head, eyes on the ceiling, and I knew I had her. “I dunno. I have some very important solo reading to do in the park.”

“Come on, Mags. It’s not a date. In fact, it breaks none of the rules. But if you really don’t want me to go, we could always stay here.” I squeezed her tighter.

“I just had two orgasms, which no one besides you has ever done to me, by the way. I don’t think I could go another round if I wanted to.”

“Is that a challenge?” I brushed my lips against hers.

She laughed. “You really are impossible.”

“I know.” I kissed her again. “Let’s go.”

“All right,” she said with a sigh. “But it’s not a date.”

“Whatever you say, Mags.”

She rolled away from me, dropping her legs to the floor to stand. “Whoa.” She wobbled and reached back for the bed to steady herself. “I think my legs are rubber.”

I headed into my bathroom, feeling nine feet tall. “Then my work here is done.”


I paused with my shoe in my hand when Cooper walked out of his closet looking like a freaking model — black jeans and oxfords, a grey Henley half-tucked into his pants, body long and lean, a jaw that could cut stuff. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at me.

Bastard didn’t even have to try. It’s like he just existed on some separate plane of sexy than the rest of the world.

“You ready?”

I blinked, smiling back as I pulled on my shoe. “Ready.”

I followed him through his apartment as he collected his things, first his dark messenger bag, then a blanket that I thought might be cashmere. He folded it into a neat square and slipped into his bag, and I watched him, wondering absently how much it cost. It was so strange when I thought about it, which oddly wasn’t all that often. Just moments that reminded me how different our lives were. But Cooper was just … Cooper. I mean, he was superhuman in bed and had the bone structure of a Michelangelo, but he was just a man.

I picked up the scrambled Rubik’s Cube that sat next to a marble chess set on the long table behind his couch. “I haven’t seen one of these in years. The only way I can do them is by peeling the stickers off.”

“It’s not hard, once you figure it out.”

I laughed. “No way can you solve this. I’ve never seen anyone do it.”

He smirked. “Bet you a kiss.”

I smirked right back and offered it to him. “Deal.”

“Go ahead and mix it up.”

I mixed it up even more than it already was and handed it over.

He took it, turning it over in his hands a few times before getting to work, spinning the cube around. My eyes widened with every turn as the colors came together, click by click by click until it was finished. He handed it over for inspection. It was perfect.

“You’ve got to be kidding m—” His lips were against mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth as he kissed me deep.

He broke away, and I was breathless. “Told you,” he said as he let me go.

I blinked, trying to collect myself, a smile stretching across my lips as I watched him walk around the couch. My eyes found the chess set again, and I picked up a pawn to inspect it.

“This is beautiful, Cooper.”

“Thanks,” he said. “It was my grandfather’s. I never could beat him. He was the smartest man I’ve ever known, and the only person who could beat me at chess.” He chuckled and grabbed a hardback book off the coffee table in his living room with Batman on the cover.

I set the pawn back down and picked up my bag. “So, you’re a DC man, huh?”

He smiled at me appreciatively and glanced at the cover before putting it into his bag. “I like them both, to be honest. But I find I enjoy DC more than Marvel, aside from X-Men. That’s my jam.”

I snickered. “Your jam.” We headed to the door and into the foyer. “Batman seems a little obvious, though. I mean, super-rich dude uses money to fight crime?” I gave him a look and waved a hand over my opulent surroundings.

“Don’t hate.” We stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed.

“Oh, I definitely don’t hate. Just saying, there are a lot of similarities between you and the The Bat.”