“Head Hunter, let us hear your point of view.”

“......Elder Druid and Head Warrior’s opinions are both understandable, they both make sense.”

To answer Shasuryu’s question the skinny Lizardman opened his mouth. Although he seemed small in size, it was not for a lack of muscle, but rather that his muscles were densely packed.

“That is why since there is still time. We should examine the situation. Supposedly, they are sending an army. There ought to be signs of construction for a forward base and such, therefore we should observe first and decide afterward.”

Without any information, saying this or that would be completely useless. A number of people expressed their agreement.


“There’s not much to say, all of the opinions are correct. All that’s left is to leave the decision up to the Clan Head.”


Letting his gaze wander, Shasuryu met Zaryusu’s eyes, who was sitting among the crowd, and gave him a nod.. Zaryusu felt as if he’d gotten a gentle push on the back — whether the road ahead was dangerous was unknown — still, he raised his hand to show he had an idea.

“Clan Head, please allow me to speak.”

At this time, the focus of all the Lizardmen gathered on Zaryusu. Most of them wore expectant expressions, but others showed discontent.

“This isn’t the place for a ‘Traveler’ to be speaking. You should be grateful we’re already allowing you to attend,” a member of the Elder Council declared. “Step down right...”

Bam! The sound of a tail striking the floor, it cut through the Elder’s words like a sharp knife.


Giving off a dangerous vibe, Shasuryu's voice carried the guttural sound that Lizardman made when riled up, the tension in the room increased sharply as the heated atmosphere from earlier cooled down.

In this atmosphere, an Elder opened his mouth without paying attention to the gazes around him who were warning him “Don’t do anything unnecessary.”

“But Clan Head, to receive special allowance just because he’s your younger brother is not good. Besides, Travelers are—”

“I said to be silent. Didn’t you hear me?”


“Presently, all who are seated here possess wisdom. Why not hear the idea of the Traveler.”

“Travelers are—”

“The Clan Head has spoken and you still refuse to comply?”

Moving his sight from the silenced Elder, Zaryusu looked at the other Heads.

“Elder Druid, Head Warrior, Head Hunter, do you also think there’s no value in listening?”

“Zaryusu’s words are worth listening.”

The Head Warrior spoke first.

“What kind of warrior would disregard the words of Frost Pain’s wielder.”

“I agree, there’s definite value to listening.”

Then the Head Hunter spoke followed by the Elder Druid who shrugged.

“Of course we have to hear. Refusing to listen to a wise man is something that’s only done by fools.”

Receiving the intense mocking, some of the elder council’s members pursed their eyebrows. Shasuryu nodded to the three Heads and let Zaryusu continue his speech. Zaryusu sat still and opened his mouth.

“To flee or to fight, if we had to decide we must choose the latter.”

“What is the reason?”

“Because it is the only choice.”

Normally, if the Clan Head asked for the reason one must explain clearly. But Zaryusu didn’t continue and closed his mouth as if he was finished.

Shasuryu cupped his chin and sunk deep into thought.

…Have you seen through what I am thinking? … Brother.

Zaryusu did his best not to leak his inner thoughts. At this time, the Elder Druid showed a pained expression while directing his question to no one in particular.

“Is it possible to win?”

“Of course we can win!”

Head Warrior shouted as if to disperse the feeling of unease, but the Elder Druid only narrowed his eyes.

“...No, in the current situation the odds of success are very low.”

The one to directly reject the Head Warrior’s opinion was Zaryusu.

“...What exactly are you trying to say?”

“Head Warrior, the opponent should already know about our side’s fighting force, otherwise they wouldn’t approach us with such a belittling attitude. If that is the case, then it is impossible to obtain victory with our current fighting power.”

Then what shall we do? Just as everyone was about to voice out their doubts, Zaryusu spoke out before anyone else to share his inner thoughts.

“That’s why we need to disrupt the plans of our enemy… Does everyone here still recall the previous war?”

“Of course.”

Even those with dementia would be unable to forget the last war which took place several years ago.

In the past these wetlands had been inhabited by seven lizardmen tribes: Green Claw, Small Fang, Razor Tail, Dragon Tusk, Yellow Speckle, Sharp Edge and Red Eye.

However, now only five remained.

It was a war which claimed the lives of many, and wiped out two tribes.

The reason for this conflict was the bad harvest of the staple food, fish. Led by the hunter classes, the fish hunting zone was expanded further around the lake. Of course the other tribes followed suit.

And then conflicts over hunting and fishing spots amongst the hunter classes arose. Since it concerned food resources necessary for the survival of the tribes, it was impossible to make concessions

Quarrels soon turned into fights, and it was only a matter of time until these fights escalated into carnage...

Next, in order to support the hunter class, the warrior class also took action. A fierce battle was sparked because of the food shortage.

Five of the seven existing tribes were embroiled in the fighting and ended up in a three vs. two situation: Green Claw, Small Fang and Razor Tail against Yellow Speckle and Sharp Edge. Apart from the warrior class, other male lizardmen and even female lizardmen were mobilized to fight for their tribes.

After several large battles, the side with the three tribes that included the Green Claws emerged victorious, leaving the defeated two tribes so destitute they became unable to sustain themselves and were forced to scatter. These remnants were then absorbed by the Dragon Tusk tribe who didn't participate in the war.