After some time passed, they exchanged gazes filled with emotion and without warning, the two drew apart.

Part 3

Overlord - The Lizardmen Heroes _3.jpg

The ninth floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. This floor had many rooms of various types. It goes without saying that these included Guild Members’ and NPCs’ rooms, but also included imitations of large communal baths, cafeterias, beauty salons, clothing stores, grocery stores, fitness salons, nail salons and numerous other types of facility rooms.

The creation of these rooms had no actual significance for game play. It was because the players here had an attachment to these things, or perhaps due to the players’ pursuit of an ideal city, or perhaps a longing for these features due to the poor working conditions in real life.

Within these rooms, there was one particular room whose manager was the Great Tomb of Nazarick’s deputy chef. Although his ability would normally be used in the cafeteria, according to certain days of the week and time of the day he would come to this room and make preparations for those that might stop by.

The room was designed in the concept of a bar with few regular customers and was illuminated with soft gentle light.

There was a shelf lined with alcohol behind the counter and eight chairs. Although there were only these features, it was sufficient for a quiet tasting. The deputy chef thought of this space as his own castle, and it gave him immense satisfaction and fulfillment

However the atmosphere of the place also relied upon customers having refined taste. He realised this minutes after today's first customer was welcomed in.

Glug, glug, glug, phew—

Making a sound like that, that person downed his drink.

While wiping the glass, he thought to himself: for people who drink like that, there are more suitable places.

In fact, the ninth floor also had common rooms and tavern facilities, so there was no necessity for those who drank like that to come to this bar.

The deputy chef struggled to keep his face from contorting at the sight of the person chugging down the approximately 500ml beer mug and then slamming it onto the counter.

“One more!”

Responding to the customer’s request, the deputy chef injected a continuous stream of Polish distilled vodka, and then injected a shot of blue food coloring.

He then gently present the cup.

“This drink is called ‘Lady’s Tears’.”

The customer looked at the drink with suspicion. After being casually informed of this name, and because she did not see the cocktail mixing process, the customer then revealed an expression of gratitude.

“Ah, does the spreading blue colour symbolise the tear?”

“Yes, it is just as you say.”

He lied through his teeth.

The woman grabbed the cup, placed it besides her mouth and drained it in one gulp like one would with a glass of milk after a shower.

With no hesitation she slammed the empty cup on the counter like with her previous drink.

“Huu, feeling a little tipsy~”

“You drank too fast, so it cannot be helped. How about retiring a little early tonight?”

“...No, I do not want to go back.”

“Is that so...”

While wiping the glass, he felt annoyed by the woman’s gaze.

Wanting to say something, yet unwilling to speak out, that is why women are so troublesome. Gentlemen are more suitable for this kind of establishment, not troublesome women. Barring women from entering… is impossible, it would be too disrespectful to the Supreme Beings. I really messed up this time.

The one who invited her was none other than himself. This was the result of him greeting her out of concern on the ninth floor upon seeing her distraught appearance. He now regretted his actions, but since he had offered to be a host, it was also necessary for him to display etiquette as a bar owner to customer.

Even though I am serving drinks made sloppily, I have to handle this properly!

Having resolved himself, he asked:

“What is the matter, Shalltear-sama?”

In that moment the woman, Shalltear, prepared to answer as if she was waiting all along for this question to be asked, proving that his conjecture was correct.

“Sorry, but I do not wish to talk about it.”

Stop kidding me. His face involuntarily contorted, but since he was a mushroom man, the woman could not comprehend his facial movements. Neither did she say anything, merely continuing to toy with the drink glass on the counter.

“A bit drunk?”

“...Yes, that is true.”

...That is not possible.

Shalltear seemed to feel that she was already drunk, but he was certain that it was impossible.

Intoxication and poison were seen as the same kind, so a person who had absolute immunity against poison could not possibly be drunk. Of course, Shalltear, being undead, was immune to toxins and could not become drunk. Basically, those who came to his store either unequip poison neutralising items, or knew that they would not be drunk and just wanted to enjoy this atmosphere.

Except, Shalltear genuinely felt that she was drunk, intoxicated due the atmosphere.

Well then, what to do? He thought. Fortunately at this moment he heard the ringing sound of salvation. He lowered his head to the arriving customer.


“It’s good to see you, Piki.”

The person who shouted out the nickname given to him because of his mushroom-like appearance. He was a regular patron here, the butler assistant by the name of Eckleya, accompanied by the male servant who was carrying him.

As usual, Eckleya was silently placed upon the chair. For Eckleya who was one meter in height, sitting on the tall bar stools was a difficult task.

Piki felt it was odd that Shalltear didn’t made any greeting. He turned to face her, and found her with her head facing downwards as she was mumbling something. Listening carefully, it seemed that she was making an apology to the Supreme Being.

Eckleya ordered wine with fake grandiose:

“That one.”
