Looking behind him, the druid and warriors who led the way earlier were all gone.

When those who led the way had told him that they were leaving, he felt that they were being too careless. He almost let his doubt slip.

But when Zaryusu heard that this was the wish of the leader, of the tribe acting chief, His opinion of the person waiting inside the hut rose.

Although he had promised his brother that he would return safely, Zaryusu was already prepared for the possibility that he would be unable to fulfill that promise. As such, surrounding him with armed guards to pressure him would prove ineffective. In fact, it would only make him feel disappointed by the fact that this was all they could muster.

However, if the other party already knew his thoughts and still displayed generosity...

Possibly a skilled negotiator, a troublesome opponent...

Ignoring the peeping eyes from the distance, Zaryusu went straight to the door and announced in a loud voice:

“I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe, and I have come here to meet with the leader of the tribe.”

A small voice from within responded in kind, the voice of a female. It granted him permission to enter.

Zaryusu opened the door without hesitation.

The interior was as dark as he had imagined.

Because of the difference in brightness, even if he had night vision capabilities, Zaryusu could not help but to blink a few times.

The air inside smelled something akin to medicine, mixed with the scent of herbs that stabbed the nose. Zaryusu visualised an elderly female lizardman, but this was negated by reality.


A voice spoke out from within the darkness. He had mistaken the voice from behind the door as elderly. But hearing it close up, it contained a youthful energy .

Finally accustomed to the change in light, a lizardman appeared in front of his eyes.


This was Zaryusu’s first impression.

Snow white scales, a spotless purity. Round, bright red eyes like rubies, and slim limbs that did not belong to a male, but to a female.

Her entire body was covered in red and black patterns, meaning that she was an adult, able to use a variety of magic and was… unmarried.

Zaryusu had once been stabbed by a spear in the past.

In that moment, Zaryusu felt his body burn fiercely as if it had been pierced by a hot iron stake and likewise his heart also accompanied this by beating rapidly, both combining to produce a feeling of pain shooting across his entire body.

There was no pain, but then...

Zaryusu was lost for words as he stood motionless.

Having interpreted his silence in her own way, she merely gave a self-deprecating smile.

"It seems that I am a strange sight even for the wielder of one of the four treasures, Frost Pain."

Albinos in nature were exceedingly rare, partially because they were too conspicuous. It made it difficult for them to survive.

The somewhat civilized lizardmen had a similar tendency Weak to sunlight, bad eyesight, they have not reached a level of civilization where such feeble individuals could survive. Therefore it was extremely rare to come across an albino adult. There were even cases where they were killed at birth.

It should already be considered fortunate if albinos were seen as detestable existences by ordinary lizardmen. There were even some who saw them as a kind of monster, that was why she had a self mocking attitude.

However Zaryusu was not like that.

"...What is it?"

The female lizardman inside asked a surprised question towards the motionless Zaryusu standing at the door. Without reacting to the question, Zaryusu let out a tremolo cry.

Hearing this sound, the female lizardman widened her eyes and opened her mouth, in surprise, confusion and in embarrassment.

That sound was none other than a courtship cry.

Zaryusu came back to his senses and realised what he had done. Just like how a human's ears would turn red, he flicked his tail repeatedly in agitation.

"Ah, no, wrong, wait not wrong, not that, this isn’t what I..."

Zaryusu's frantic movements caused the female lizardman to calm down, and she smiled, making Zaryusu puzzled.

"Please calm down. It’s troubling if you move so violently.”

“Ah! Sorry.”

Zaryusu hung his head, made an apology and then entered the room. At the same time the female lizardman’s tail drooped as if she had finally relaxed. However the very tip of her tail was still fluttering, indicating that she was not entirely calm.

“Please come over.”

“...My sincere gratitude.”

Entering into the home, Zaryusu saw that the area where she was indicating had a cushion woven from an unknown plant. He sat on it, and she sat opposite to him.

“This is the first time we have met, I'm a traveler of the Green Claw Tribe, Zaryusu Shasha.”

“Thank you for your courtesy. I am the acting chief of the Red Eye Tribe, Crusch Lulu.”

After the introductions were over, the two observed each other as if to guess each other's intentions.

The hut was temporarily submerged in silence, but this could not be allowed to continue. Zaryusu was a guest, therefore it should be the host Crusch who should say the first word.

“First, mister messenger, I believe there is no need for us to be so formal. I would like for us to speak freely, so please make yourself comfortable.”

Accepting the proposal to speak without reserve, Zaryusu nodded.

“I am truly grateful for that, since I am not accustomed to speaking with a serious and formal tone.”

“Then do you mind sharing the reason for your visit?”

Although she asked, Crusch already had a rough idea.

The mysterious undead which appeared at the centre of the village. Magic that controls the weather, 4th tier magic 「Control Cloud」. And now the male lizardman from a different tribe, one who could even be called a hero.

From here, there could only be one expected answer. As Crusch pondered on how to deal with Zaryusu’s reply— she felt all of her expectations shatter.