The children's gazes were not caused by hunger --- something that would've been impossible a few years ago. This gave Zaryusu a feeling of happiness.

With his back facing the reluctant gazes, he passed through the residential area and arrived at the hut that was his destination.

This area was not connected to the village. Going a bit further, and it became dissimilar to the wetlands which were the general depth of the lake. This hut, which was sturdier than it looked, was built on this subtle border and was larger in size than Zaryusu’s home.

The strangest feature was that it was tilted. Because of this reason, approximately half of the house was submerged in the water. This was not collapsed due to damage, but was intentionally constructed to be so.

Swishing, Zaryusu got closer to the house whilst making audible water noises.

Wheedling sounds could be heard from the hut, it could probably smell the scent of fishes.

With a squeak, the head of a snake with deep brown scales and amber eye-pupils appeared from the window. after confirming that it was Zaryusu, the neck extended and coquettishly twisted around him.

“Good, good.”

With a habitual hand movement, Zaryusu stroked the snake’s body. The snake comfortably squinted using the eye protection membrane. Zaryusu also thought that the scaly snakeskin felt fine.

This creature was Zaryusu’s pet, called Rororo.

Since Rororo was raised from young, it was as if it could actually understand language.

“Rororo, I’ve bought food. Be good and eat it okay?”

Zaryusu chucked the brought fish through the window. ‘Dang’ and ‘Pluck’ sounds came from the inside.

“I really want to stay and play, but right now I really need to attend to the fish . See you in a bit.”

It probably understood the contents of the speech, and let out a reluctant noise and slowly released Zaryusu before returning inside the house. Afterwards, a chewing sound could be heard from inside.

Having confirmed that Rororo was in good health, judging by the spirited manner of eating, Zaryusu left the hut.

Zaryusu’s destination after departing the hut was the lake, which was a fair distance away from the village.

Zaryusu silently pattered along the forest. Swimming in the water should be much faster, but his concerns of ‘whether any problems would occur on land’ had fostered his habit of monitoring the land path. It was just that the trees would obstruct his line of sight while walking, therefore to Zaryusu it could also be considered a matter which consumed his concentration quite a bit.

Finally he could see his destination from a gap in the trees. Zaryusu let out a sigh of relief since no obstacles had arisen along the way. With only a short distance left to travel through the forest, Zaryusu quickened his pace.

Brushing aside tree branches like a diver swimming in the water, Zaryusu widened his eyes in surprise. This was because he saw the back figure of a person he did not expect to encounter.

That person was similar to Zaryusu: a lizardman with black scales.

“Older brother…”

“...Oh, it’s you.”

The lizardman with black scales turned his head around and looked welcomingly at Zaryusu. This lizardman was the current tribe chief of the ‘Green Claw’ tribe; Zaryusu’s elder brother Shasuryu.

He won the competition to be a chief twice in a row, and retained his position without needing to fight this year. His body was amazingly huge. When he stood next to Zaryusu, who was of an average build, he made him look small in comparison.

There was a single long, white and old scar on his black scales. It looked like lightning piercing through dark clouds.

This fellow who carried an enormous sword on his back, was close two meters in height and was huge and plain. The steel sword —— proof of being tribe chief —— had magic which increased its sharpness and prevented rusting.

Zaryusu and his older brother stood next to each other on the lakeside.

“What are you doing here?”

“...Older brother, that should not be your line, but mine. This is not the kind of place the tribe chief would need to visit personally.”


Lost for words, Shasuryu muttered his catch phrase, then turned to look at the lake in front of them.

Sticks stretched out from inside the lake, surrounding the area. Being carefully placed, there were very fine mesh nets between the sticks. Their purpose was obvious with a single glance.

It was a fish farm.

“Could it be… stealing a meal?”

Hearing Zaryusu’s words, Shasuryu’s tail jumped and flapped against the ground with a flopping sound.

“Muu, there is no way that could happen. I am only here to check up on the breeding conditions.”


“Younger brother, do you see your older brother in that kind of light?!”

Finishing his statement with a strong intonation, Shasuryu slid one foot forwards. The pressure he gave off felt like a wall pressing down on Zaryusu. Even Zaryusu, who was an experienced traveller and veteran of many battles, felt the urge to take a couple of steps backwards.

However, he had the perfect retort.

“If it’s only to inspect the breeding conditions, then it also means that you don’t want them. Such a shame, elder brother. If they were raised well, I was thinking about giving some of them to you.”


The flopping sound stopped, and the tail appeared dejected.

“So very aromatic too. They have become nicely fattened because of the nutrients diligently fed to them, even more plump than hunted fish.”


“If you keep them in your mouth, some really good tasting juice will flow out. Biting down with a crunch will also make it seemingly melt in your mouth."


Once again the cocked tail gave off a flopping sound, and it was even more intense than before.

Half of Zaryusu’s attention was transfixed on that tail, the other half was directed to addressing his elder brother in an almost teasing manner.

“Sister-in-law has also mentioned this before. Elder brother’s tail is just too honest.”

“What? That horrible person, making fun of her husband. Say again, which part is honest?”

At the sight of his elder brother replying whilst looking over his shoulder at the tail which was still, Zaryusu was momentarily lost and don’t know how to react, before vaguely replying ‘right’.

“Huh. That horrible person… If you have a woman… then you will understand how I feel right now.”

“I won’t be able to marry.”

“Huh, nonsense. Is it because of that mark? You’re better off ignoring whatever those elders say. Saying that there are no women in this village who find your affection annoying… even the person with the most beautiful tail will accept you.”

Lizardmen stored nutrients in their tails, therefore having a thicker tail was an important key factor for the opposite sex. In the past, Zaryusu would have chosen a thick-tailed female. However, the grown up Zaryusu, who now had an understanding of the world, wouldn’t choose in such a way.