Even if these thoughts were unspoken, it seemed to have been transferred to Albedo.

Ainz then respectively pointed at the areas south and east beyond the map.

"Towards the east there is a city called the Sea City, towards the south there is another city created by the one name Eight Desire King, it’s the city you must be most wary of. Eight Desire King’s City … is a floating city in the desert."

"Floating city?"

"This is merely hearsay, and may not be accurate, but there is a metropolis below the floating city. As if the floating city can generate an unlimited amount of water, the metropolis is entirely surrounded by a magic enchantment, such that people cannot imagine it is in a desert."

Albedo’s eyes turned frosty, and several words were whispered.

"Would you like to have servants carry out some forced reconnaissance?"

"There is no need to take such a risk. Even if the World-Class item users arrived here, before understanding their combat prowess, it is also necessary to confront them with a smile… how is Shalltear’s condition?"

"Regarding the resurrection, physically there is no problem, except..."

"Your speech is hesitant. Is it something that will make me upset?"

"Ah! Extremely sorry for this. Actually mentally she is a little disturbed.”

"... Did the effects of mental dominance still remain? Even with the resurrection after death is it unable to dispel the effect of the World-Class item?"

"No, not like that… because of showing hostility and battling with Ainz-sama, deep down she considered this to be an unforgivable sin."

Ainz was momentarily confused.

That was entirely Ainz’ mistake, Shalltear committed no wrong. She was already told this several times.

"Please forgive my rudeness of objecting to Ainz-sama’s decision."

Ainz nodded towards Albedo who had a sincere expression.

"I think it’s best if there are some punishment."

The fire in Ainza eye sockets darkened, he opened his mouth, but closed it immediately because the person in front of him still had words to say.

"......[Carrot and stick] is a well known idiom. If Ainz-sama were to mete out punishment, then the guilt in Shalltear’s heart will disappear, on the other hand, without punishment the negative feelings in her heart won’t go away."

So it is, it is true that there can’t be reward without punishment, the two must both exist to hold reason.

Regarding the parts though, to what degree to punish and to what degree to forgive, these are all decided by Ainz. If it was the usual, everything would simply be forgiven by Ainz.

On the other hand, even though it’d be slightly hard on Shalltear, but this is a good educative opportunity.

".....I get it, let’s give Shalltear some punishment."

"That’s right, this way will be best, also please forgive my impudence."

"What are you saying. To propose your viewpoint like earlier is what I need. When I am out of ideas, proposing ideas like you did just now is exactly what you should do for your duty as The Great Tomb of Nazarick’s Floor Guardian Overseer."

"Thank you very much!"

With red cheeks and wet eyes, the world class beauty lowered her head toward Ainz. Getting embarrassed over her heartfelt words, Ainz waved as reply.

"Therefore, (we) shall go do work. The matter here will rely on thee."

"Yes! Leave it to me! In Ainz-sama’s absence, I will take the responsibility and manage properly."

On the way, Ainz heard a little bit of a wifely tone mixed up in there but he ignored it, because Albedo’s words were not finished.

"However, Ainz-sama must take care, the World-class item user who brainwashed Shalltear might attack here."


Returning to this room, Ainz let out a displeased sound for the first time.

"If they were to come, easily repelling them… cannot be done. Rest assured, Albedo. If we encounter an unknown assailant, I will treat retreating as priority, and even have servants prepared to serve as shields."

Ainz slowly looked towards the ceiling, imagining the presence of alarms which should have been there.

The hostile World-Class item user, players who may or may not exist, and vestiges of players who existed in the past of course would not necessarily appear as an enemy. However matters concerning safety should not be handled carelessly, therefore preparations ought to be made with regards to the worst case scenario.

"The first consideration is that before the enemy’s true identity is confirmed, operations must be as covert as possible. However, it is also necessary to place bait to lure prey… how should such a scheme be carried out?"

Albedo slightly lowered her eyesight, but from this reaction Ainz already anticipated the result.

"The report from the Cocytus has not yet been received. Entoma’s report was within the expected range, and the battle begun pretty much closer to the destination, so the report was prepared in advance."

"So it’s like this… although this is not the desired outcome, the important thing is what we can gain from that."

"I am relieved that you think that way."

"Good. Although I wish to head over there to witness it personally, regrettably my adventurer work has piled up and I am unable to go. However I still wish to know of the condition of the battle, therefore video record the battle between the lizard men and the army of the Great Tomb of Nazarick."

Chapter 1 – Departure

Overlord - The Lizardmen Heroes _1.jpg

Translator: Ferro, Exct

Editors/Proofreaders: Sene9ty, Namorax, Skythewood, Ghoststaker, JcqC, TaintedDream

Part 1

Azellerisia Mountains - the mountain range separating the Baharuth Empire and the Kingdom of Re-Estize, which also served as the national border. The Great Forest of Tove covered the mountain range’s southern foothills and to the north of the forest lay an enormous lake.

This enormous lake had a radius of approximately twenty kilometers, and was shaped like an inverted calabash, divided into the upper lake and the lower lake. The upper lake was relatively deep, hence large creatures gathered there while the lower lake was inhabited by smaller creatures.