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Chapter 2

My thing…My business

I walked through the doors of the Neon Cowboy and glanced around, scanning the crowd for Jeanine. Not because I wanted to see her, but because I didn’t want to deal with her shit tonight.

“Hey, Frisco.” Brandy, the waitress I flirted with often and fucked sometimes, greeted me.

Brandy and I had an agreement. We’d spent some nights together, enjoyed each other’s bodies, and didn’t need anything more. She was easy and didn’t make my head hurt with her bullshit.

I buried my face in her hair. “Hey yourself, beautiful. How you doin’ tonight?” My lips brushed against her ear and she shivered in my arms.

“I’m better now that you’re here,” she whispered.

“Want me to wait around for you tonight? I can give you a ride home?”

“Yeah. I could use a ride,” she replied with a small laugh.

“Let me hang out with the guys and then find me when you’re ready to get off.”

“I plan on it.” She dragged her lips against my cheek before she backed up a step.

Tonight I’d get a piece of ass without hearing shit about it in the morning. That had been the best part of being single. No one expected anything from me.

“Look who finally decided to show his face,” City said when I approached the table. He wrapped his arm tightly around his wife, Sunshine, before he took a sip of his beer.

We’d been friends for as long as I could remember. Unlike the other guys we hung out with at the Neon Cowboy, City and I had an understanding. I’d even say we were cut from the same cloth. We both believed in fidelity and loyalty above all else, and we knew how to treat our women until they needed to be tossed to the curb.

City had the look of a man you didn’t fuck with. He was big, wide, and dark. His piercing blue eyes were haunting against his olive skin and dark hair, and his appearance unsettled many people who crossed his path. Much like me, his skin was covered in tattoos, but his were part of his trade.

“If your brother didn’t work me to death, I’d be here more often.” I pulled out a chair and collapsed. “Hey, Sunshine.”

She gave me a lopsided smile and swirled the drink around in her glass. “Hey, Frisco. I haven’t seen you in so long. How are ya, sweetie?” Her blond hair cascaded down her shoulder, kissing the edge of her cleavage, but I didn’t dare stare.

I watched the way she curled into her husband’s side, always touching him. “Just perfect, babe.”

When I’d first met Sunshine, I didn’t think she had a chance in hell of lasting with City. They were complete opposites—him a badass biker who inked for a living, and her a prissy schoolteacher with more issues and rules than I had back in Catholic school. But here they were, happily married.

“Are you over her?” Her eyes shifted when she referred to Jeanine.

“Yeah, babe. She’s in the past.” I looked around the table and my eyes stopped on Bear, who had a look that screamed bullshit.

He held the beer bottle in front of his face and stared at me down the glass. “Where was your dick last night?”

Motherfucker. Bear always had to throw me under the fucking bus.

I glared at him, grinding my teeth. “There’s a lady at the table.” I leaned forward in my chair, resting my elbows on the table and glaring at him.

He glanced around before looking at me. “Who?”

I shook my head, wondering if he’d had a few too many already. “Sunshine,” I snapped, motioning toward her with my fingers.

He laughed. “She’s one of the guys now. I’ve heard her say some pretty nasty shit. Ain’t that right, Sunshine?” He winked at her, causing her to giggle.

“Yeah.” A straw clung to her bottom lip. “So where was it?”

There it was.

The innocence.

We’d all teased her about her inability to use cuss words, and she hadn’t changed. But every so often, when you got her mad enough, she’d let them fly.

Everyone was fishing. They all wanted me to admit what I tried to hide, wanted to hide. I don’t know if I was ashamed of the night before or just didn’t want to hear their comments. I could see that no matter what I said, they weren’t going to drop it until I fessed up.

“Where was what?” I asked Sunshine, trying to get her to say the word.

“Your thing,” she replied as she set her drink down.

The entire table erupted in laughter. Sunshine had been a good girl—hell, she still was. She may have hung around with a crowd that cursed as if it was our only language, but she still couldn’t use the words herself.

“See.” I pointed at her, unable to contain my smile. “She’s still an innocent.”

I wanted someone like her.

Scratch that.

Although I loved her to pieces, I needed someone with a little more bite.

Scratch that too. I didn’t want anyone. Didn’t need them.

City choked on his beer and wiped his lips with the back of his hand. “She’s far from that, man.”

Bear slapped the table, tears forming in his eyes as he laughed. “Stop stalling. Since you’re over her, why don’t you tell us where your thing was last night?” He raised an eyebrow, challenging me to answer even though he knew I wouldn’t back down.

“Fuck off, Bear.” I waved my hand in front of my face.

“Hey, guys.” Brandy held her tray against her hip and bounced slightly on her heels. “Another round?”

“I’ll take a shot of Jack and a beer, Brandy.”

“You got it, Frisco.” She winked at me.

“Another round for everyone, including Sunshine. Make hers a double.” Bear nudged City with his elbow. “We’ll get you laid tonight.”

City laughed, pushing Bear back. “She isn’t as much of a lightweight as she used to be, Bear, and I don’t need to liquor my girl up. What do you want, sugar?” He stroked her shoulder with his hand.

“I’ll take another, but not a double.” Sunshine pushed her empty glass toward Brandy. “I have a kid to take care of.”

“Coming right up,” Brandy said before sauntering off.

Bear watched her walk away. “I’d love to sink my teeth into that.”

“You’d sink your thing into anything, Bear. Who the fuck are you kidding, you old bastard?”

“You think you have more game than me, buddy?” he challenged, adjusting himself in the chair and leaning forward.

“I think I can get more pussy than you. In a fuckin’ heartbeat.”

“Yo, fuckers!” Tank yelled as he walked up to the table and tossed his cigarettes in front of his open seat.

“Tank,” everyone replied without looking.

“What the fuck did I miss?” His eyes swept around the table.

I laughed and pointed my thumb at Bear. “He thinks he can get more pussy than me.”

Tank slammed his hand down on the table and broke out into laughter. “That old fucker thinks he can beat you in a pussy contest?” Tank looked at Bear, shaking his head. “You senile or some shit?”

“No, asshole,” Bear snapped, his top lip snarling. “I can get any pussy in this room.”

Tank laughed harder, holding his side with one hand. “You should get your ass checked for that dementia. Frisco has a good fifteen years on your ass, and he knows how to treat a woman. Plus, his face doesn’t hurt either.”

Bear recoiled and his expression hardened. “What the fuck is wrong with my face?” He ran his fingers through his beard before smoothing it.

Tank slapped the table again, doubling over in laughter. “I can’t,” he said, trying to catch his breath. “You’ve got to be fucking joking me.”

Bear’s face softened as he looked around the table. “I’m pretty.”

“Scary,” City added, joining in on the laughter.

Bear crossed his arms over his chest, pushing back his shoulders. “Fuck you guys. You’re all assholes.”