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“No way.”

“There’s something I want to do for you.”

“Give Lord Landon a rest for a bit.”

He laughs under me. “I will. I meant something else.”

Chapter 37

“What does it feel like to orgasm?”

“Ugh, I told you I was sorry!” Landon says as he shifts in the tub, accidentally kicking me.

“I meant for you.” I blow a handful of bubble bath at him. We’ve already downed the champagne he poured and splashed all the candles out when we tried to get in the tub at the same time. “I’ve always wondered if orgasms for men feel different than orgasms for women.”

“Yeah…I wouldn’t know.”

“Well, is it just the rubbing that gets you? Or is it the head that feels the best? The balls? The shaft? Do you like it when it’s sucked on or when I flex or when we sort of circle our hips?”

“All of the above.”

“But what’s the best part?”

“All of it.”

I throw my hands up. “You are no help.”

“Okay, what’s the best for you? Which erogenous zone?”

“I doubt you even know them all,” I tease.

“I know yours.”

“Prove it.”

He slips to his knees, and I stretch my legs out, lowering in the bubbles. His lips brush my earlobe before he takes it between his teeth.

“Sweet Georgia pie,” I groan.

“There’s one.”

He moves down to my clavicle.

“No, wait, stay at number ooooooonnnnnneeee…” Lawdy, what is he doing?

His tongue snakes out after his teeth give my neck a delicious bite, and suddenly my fingers are gripping his ass cheeks.

“Patience, Tumbles. That’s only number two.”

“Nope, go to whatever hell number this is,” I say, thrusting my hips up. But that makes me slip in the tub so far I go under for less than a second that seems like more because I breathe in a lungful of bathwater.

“I’m dying!” I choke, and Landon, being the sweet husband he is, laughs at me while grabbing a towel.

“I told you to be patient,” he says, wiping my face free of bubbles. Then he tosses the towel and dips his hand under the water and grasps my ribs.

“Good golly almighty,” I say, heart thumping in my nethers.

“Watch your mouth,” he teases.

“Shut your mouth.”

“Mmmkay.” He closes his lips around my left nipple peeking from the bubbles, and I try not to move so he doesn’t inhale water too. But I lose concentration about two seconds in.

“Get the other one,” I say, wiggling a little so the twin gets attention as well. Something prickles all the way from my crown to my painted toenails, and I tug on his ass again.

“Number three, four, and five,” he says, leaning up with a wink.

“That’s a good look for you.” I point to the bubbles on his chin. He rubs them onto my face. Then he nudges my thighs open.

“You’re going to drown yourself if you kiss there.”

“I’ll use my wickedly talented fingers.”

“Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh…” There’s Chocolateville in the distance again. Erogenous zone number six is by far my favorite. His thumbs gently massage my inner thighs while his fingers take care of my ass, and I have no idea how he’s keeping his balance with what he’s doing to me.

“Can you come inside now?” I moan, and it takes him two Mississippis to grant my request.

“Mmm…” I muse, settling my arms around his neck.


“I’ve never done it in a tub before. The one at home is too small.”

“I’ve done it in there.”

I stop moving my hips with him and give him a look.

“I mean, it was with myself,” he explains, and I laugh. He twitches inside me, and I tap the back of Landon’s head.

“Trying to make me laugh?”

“It’s like a hug.”

“So I’ve heard.”

We start moving again, the slow lap of the water rising enough to spill from the tub. I have to adjust a couple times because my back starts panging, and when I lose concentration I slip too far down into the water.

Landon rests his forehead on mine, letting out a long breath. He’s so sexy, his muscles straining as he keeps himself over me, his nose bumping into mine as he tries to kiss me and grind into me at the same time. He’s mine, damn it. I capture his lips, kissing him as hard and passionately as I can because it feels so good to be here with him. And it doesn’t feel like we’re peas and carrots, or even strawberries and whipped cream right now. It feels like we’re the main course, the meat and potatoes of the entire meal.

I open my eyes when he breaks our kiss to keep pumping into me. There’s a vein in his forehead becoming more and more prominent, and I settle my hands on his smooth jaw.


He looks back at me, still in the water. “You don’t want to…?”

“Stop overthinking. I’m enjoying this, Landon.”

He drops his head onto my shoulder. “I know. I just…you need to be whipped cream or whatever the hell it was you said, and I’ve already screwed up once and—”



“Play with me.”

He leans up. “What?”

“Just play with me. Have fun.”

The corner of his mouth quirks, and he slides back in the tub, out of me, and pulls me up against him. His hands are on my ass, and he kicks the plug from the drain.

“Hold on to me,” he says with a wicked grin, and his hand takes a dive under the water and finds the hallelujah erogenous zone.

My nails dig into his forearm, and that’s about all I can concentrate on as sparks fly behind my eyes. The dip in my lower abdomen drops ten thousand feet, then jumps back up and up and up, and I bite down onto Landon’s shoulder to muffle the scream.

Ten Mississippis. That’s how long it takes for me to plummet into the biggest piece of double-fudge raspberry cheesecake.

He slides his hand up to my cheek, and I can barely make out his burning, lust-filled eyes through my satisfied haze.

“Looks like I’ve still got it, too,” he says, and if I had any energy left I’d playfully smack the smirk from his face.

The rest of the water drains from the tub. Landon picks me up and we slip on the wet floor, but it doesn’t matter, because he’s rushing me to the king-sized bed. But we don’t jump in. We stay standing next to it, his hands grasping at my face, holding my lips to his, and the Land of Liz is ready for another visit from Lord Landon.

“Make love to me,” I demand against his bottom lip. I feel him smile, and he pushes me back onto the mattress. My body bounces, and I can tell he enjoys the show the ladies give him.

His fingers splay across my abdomen, the angel butterflies beat their wings against his fingertips, and then he wraps his hands around my hips. The sheets stick to my butt as he pulls me to the edge of the mattress and slides in. We groan in unison again, and this time it’s him who races to Chocolateville, hips rocking and rocking with no prelude, and it’s okay, because I am so there with him.

“Please…don’t…stop…” I can see the cheesecake skydive. He’s driving me to it, pushing and pushing on my shoulders, and I climb onto the lift, throat getting sore as I scream out. The butterflies in my stomach dive-bomb, and I’m only half aware that I’m biting down on Landon’s shoulder again, muffling unintelligibles.

And I fall. I fall so fast and so hard I can’t see straight. It knocks the breath straight from my lungs, fireworks burst behind my eyeballs, and I taste the epitome of chocolate. It seems to last forever, and he’s still rocking into me. The thrusters have not ceased, and they continue to rub and please as I find my breath and blink my eyes open.

Landon smirks, and his hips slow.

“Did…did you not…?” I ask, my mind still trying to figure out where I am.

“It’s okay,” he says in a horrible impression of my voice. “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.”