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“Get it, Rev!” Bishop shouted.

“Oh my God,” I whispered.

“That’s not quite the response I was hoping for,” Rev mused.

I licked my suddenly dry lips. “Are you really sure about this?”

“I think this fat diamond should illustrate how very certain I am.”

“It’s just so . . .”


I nodded. “A little.”

“I bought the ring before I went to Virginia because I knew if you accepted my apology, there was no one else in the world I wanted to share my life with. And while we could live together, I’m an old-fashioned guy and would prefer you to be my wife.”

“That’s understandable,” I murmured breathlessly. Staring into his earnest dark eyes, I couldn’t help feeling totally undeserving of him. “Even with all of my baggage?”

Rev smiled. “We both have baggage. I’ll help you carry yours, and you can help carry mine. How does that sound?”

The tears that flooded my eyes caused his image to grow wavy before me. Even though it was sudden, I couldn’t fathom loving Rev any more than I did at this moment. He had been it for me since he had bared his soul to me that day in the hospital bathroom. He had spent nights by my side giving me the strength of his silent comfort. He had spent countless hours talking with me, laughing with me, and offering me a depth of friendship I had never experienced before with anyone—male or female. He had given me the greatest gift anyone ever could by bringing me into his blood and MC family, which set me on the path of the healing and acceptance I so desperately needed.

I had spent four miserable, heart-wrenching months without him, so I knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. He was my heart, mind, and soul.

“Yes. My answer is yes.”

Rev beamed before slipping the ring on my finger. I jumped into his arms to bestow kisses all over his face and neck. I was once again rushed by Rev’s brothers and their families. Pitchers of beer, rather than champagne, appeared for us to toast with. Everyone was genuinely happy for us, especially Rev’s blood family.

Once the hoopla had died down, Rev and I once again found ourselves on the dance floor. Gazing up at him, I smiled. “Take me home and make love to me. I won’t even mind if you fuck me, just take me home.”

At my use of the f-word, Rev’s dark brows shot up. “With a request like that, how can I say no?”

Taking my hand, he led me away from the other couples dancing. When we started for the back door, Deacon called, “Where you two sneakin’ off to?”

When I glanced over my shoulder at him, he winked at me. “It was a long ride, and I’m really tired,” I answered.

Bishop hooted with laughter. “Ha. More like you’re planning on some long ridin’ in the bedroom.”

“Shut your trap, asshole,” Rev growled, which caused me to laugh. It was obvious he wasn’t used to his brothers ribbing him about a girl. When I nudged him playfully, he did manage to give me a smile.

As soon as we were out the door and out of sight of his brothers, Rev couldn’t keep his mouth or his hands off me. It took us longer than normal to get down the hill because we kept stopping to grope each other in the dark.

Even though it was freezing outside, we were already stripping each other as we started up the porch stairs. We tumbled in the front door in just our underwear. I don’t know how we made it back to Rev’s bedroom. As we collapsed onto the bed, I couldn’t help thinking of all the times I had slept with Rev in this bed. Now we were finally going to have sex in it.

Without unfastening my bra, Rev pushed the cups up to bare my breasts. His mouth went to work, sucking and licking my nipples. As I wrapped my legs around him, he began to rub his growing erection against my panty-clad core. They were practically drenched within seconds. “Rev, please,” I urged.

“Please what, baby?” he asked, his warm breath hovering over my breast.

“Get inside me.”

“With my tongue or my dick?”

I pursed my lips at him. “Aren’t you being a dirty talker tonight?”

He gave me a teasing smile. “You bring it out in me.”

“I could say the same for you.”

Rev rose to his knees. He jerked off his underwear and then relieved me of my panties. It had taken a few times before I was comfortable with him on top. Now it was my favorite position because it meant I could wrap my arms around him and feel his skin on mine. He didn’t need to do anything else to prep me because I was more than ready.

When he thrust inside, I gasped with pleasure. “You feel so fucking amazing,” he murmured.

As he settled into a pounding rhythm, I brought my hips up to meet his thrusts. When my fingernails raked up and down his back, Rev groaned. The next place my hands went was his hair, which I knew was a pleasure spot for him. He reciprocated by dipping his head to nuzzle the tops of my breasts. I arched up to give him access to my nipples.

He pulled back to sit up on his knees. With his hands gripping my hips, he worked them as he thrust hard in and out of me. Our bodies became covered with a sheen of sweat from our efforts. After a few minutes, he pulled me up to where I could wrap my arms around him. I was once again riding him in a way, but I loved it more because we were chest to chest and face to face.

It was wonderful coming with his eyes locked on mine, sharing in the emotions and feelings. Rev followed me a few seconds later. When he eased me onto my back again, I cradled his head to my chest. My fingers naturally went to the long strands of his hair. “So we’re engaged now,” I mused once we had finally caught our breath.

“Yep. I’ll need to get you a cut of your own that says ‘Rev’s Property’ on it.”

“You’re not serious?”

He raised his head up to grin at me. “I sure as hell am. Haven’t you seen them on the other women?”

“I haven’t noticed Alexandra wearing one.”

“I don’t think they come in maternity sizes.”

“What would you say if I said I didn’t think I liked the idea of wearing a cut?”

“I would say I would be very disappointed and sad that you didn’t want to share that part of my life.” His serious tone took me by surprise.

“It really means that much to you?” When he nodded, I sighed. The feminist in me wanted to tell him where he could shove his little “property of” patch, but then I realized that relationships were all about compromise. He might’ve been the president of an MC club, but he wasn’t the type of Neanderthal to demand things of me. I appreciated him for that. “If I only have to wear it within the compound, then I’ll be happy to.”

Rev’s face lit up. “You mean it?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Mmm, let me show you just how happy you make me.”

When his head dipped between my legs, it was him making me very, very happy.


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Things continued to speed along with absolute perfection for Rev and me. A few days before Christmas, we got our first tree together—hand cut by Rev himself from the woods behind the house. We spent Christmas Day at Mama Beth’s, where both Alexandra and I helped her prepare a huge feast. As I sat around the table so full of delicious food that I couldn’t breathe, I once again had to thank God that going through hell had led me to the most divine existence I could ever imagine.

As New Year’s Eve approached, Rev and his brothers were busy planning a huge party at the roadhouse. I found myself at home sitting around the tree while working on my admissions essay to the veterinary program at the University of Georgia. I had already talked to an adviser, who, after reviewing my transcripts and work experience, put me at ease about having missed almost a year of school after what had happened to me.