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From his table across the room, Marley worked on draining another beer. But he wasn’t the one looking at me. He hadn’t glanced in my direction all night. No, it was the fine-as-hell woman beside him who had been doing her best at eye-fucking me who’d drawn my attention.

Tonight was the first night I had had the pleasure and the pain of meeting Marley’s girlfriend. She had at least five years on me, and that fact made me want to volunteer to be her cougar cub. If there was one word to describe her, it was exotic. Sure, she was probably more of an ethnic mutt, but it made for one hell of an attractive combination. One moment, she looked more Hispanic than anything, while the next, she took on an Asian appearance, thanks to her almond-shaped eyes. She had turned the heads of more than one of my brothers.

When she realized I was looking at her, a catlike smile curved her ruby-red lips. She tossed some strands of her silky, jet-black hair over her shoulders. Marley, sitting beside her, didn’t act like he noticed anything that she was doing.

Even though he wasn’t a patch-wearing brother, I still shouldn’t have been giving her the eye. You didn’t fuck around with other guys’ women. It usually led to trouble of the fist-flying kind. And even though there were more than enough hot pieces of available ass here tonight, I couldn’t help letting my mind wander to places it shouldn’t with this woman.

My ears perked up at the sound of a baby’s cry. I knew the cry very well—it belonged to my nephew. As I headed across the main room of the roadhouse, I could see Alexandra in the doorway to the kitchen, walking around, trying to pacify the fussy baby.

“What’s wrong with the little man?” I asked.

Alexandra huffed out a frustrated breath. “I have no idea. He’s just been fed and had his diaper changed, but he insists on being whiny.” She kissed the top of her son’s dark-haired head. “Truth be told, I think he’s sick of me. With Deacon gone camping with Willow, he’s had no one else to amuse him the past three days.”

“Here, let me take him.”

Alexandra’s brows rose in surprise. “Really?” When I nodded, she passed him into my waiting arms. He immediately dried up the sniffling and gazed into my face. “Who knew you were so good with babies,” Alexandra mused.

With a wink, I added, “Nah, it’s more about the fact he’s had too much tit time. He needs to be with some men for a while.”

“You’re terrible,” she replied, smacking my arm playfully.

“You love me, though,” I teased.

Alexandra leaned over and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Yes, I do. Very much.” Patting Wyatt’s back, she then said, “Bring him back when you get tired of him or he gets tired of you.”

“Sure thing.”

As I walked Wyatt around the main room, several of my brothers stopped to talk to us while their old ladies or girlfriends cooed at Wyatt. Although he was all Alexandra when it came to the looks department, Wyatt was like his old man in that he knew how to work a crowd. He grinned and waved his hands, drawing smiles from everyone we talked to.

“What a little cutie,” a voice said behind me.

I turned around to find my eye-fucker standing behind me. “Thanks.”

“Is he yours?” she asked.

“Oh hell no. He’s my brother’s.”

She smiled as she reached out to stroke Wyatt’s chubby cheek. “I take it you don’t have any of your own.”

“That would once again be a hell no.”

“You’re awfully good with him.”

“I like kids just as long as they belong to someone else,” I answered honestly. When Wyatt reached for her, she looked at me to gauge my response. “Sure. You can hold him.”

Wyatt happily dove into her waiting arms. “Aren’t you a charmer?” she murmured.

“I don’t think we’ve met,” I said as she sweet-talked Wyatt.

“I’m Samantha. But you can call me Sam.”

Extending my hand, I said, “I’m Bishop.”

“Nice to meet you.”

I knew with her introduction that she had to be new to this whole lifestyle. Most of the women knew that when introducing themselves, they were to say which man they belonged to. “You’re with Marley, right?”

She nodded. “This is my first MC party.”

“And what do you think about it?”

“It’s . . . interesting?” she answered honestly.

I laughed. “Sounds like you’re trying to be nice. Trust me, this one is pretty tame. Wait until you go to a rally.” At her wide eyes, I added, “It has to be seen to be believed.”

“Somehow I don’t think I like the sound of that.”

“You’ll get used to it. Especially if Marley becomes a prospect and then a patch member.”

At that moment Marley showed up behind us. “Hey, Bishop. I see you got to meet my girl.”

Deep inside, I wanted to snarl at his reference to Sam being his girl. Of course, I had no fucking reason to do that. Hell, I didn’t even know her. Yeah, she was one hell of a looker who got my dick up and running, and she seemed to have a sweet side when it came to the way she was interacting with Wyatt. But that was it.

“You’re a lucky man,” I finally replied.

Marley grinned and planted a smacking kiss on Sam’s lips, which caused her to step back slightly. But then she gave him a beaming smile. “I guess I’d better hand over this cutie,” she said. After I took Wyatt back from her, she said, “Thanks for letting me hold him.”


She then slid her arm around Marley’s waist and they moved away from me. Just as they got halfway across the room, she glanced over her shoulder at me, giving me that catlike smile again.

When she turned her head back, I groaned, which caused Wyatt to glance up at me in surprise. I smiled at him. “Little man, your uncle is in deep shit.”

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