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Tears stung my eyes from his adoration. “I am?” I questioned.

He smiled. “Every inch of you.”

Closing the gap between us, I took his hands in mine. One I brought to my cheek and the other I brought to my breast. Rev and I both sucked in a breath as his fingers closed over my nipple. I cupped his face in my hands. “Please don’t ever stop looking at me like you want me.”

He shook his head. “Not wanting you sexually has never been an issue, Annabel. Every morning you lay beside me, I was hard as a rock. But I didn’t want you to think I could only see you sexually—that I was some sort of animal like Mendoza. I wanted you to see I cared about what was inside.” His chin jerked at the shower. “You better get inside before all the warm water is gone.”

“Get in with me.”

Although his hand remained firmly on my breast, his brows shot up in surprise. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Warm me up, Rev. I need you.” My hands went to the jacket of his tux. When I moved to slide it off his shoulders, he didn’t protest. As my fingers worked at the buttons on his shirt, he began to unbutton and unzip his pants.

When he slid off his pants, he revealed that even with a tux, he was going commando. As I stood there, staring at him, my heartbeat roared so loudly in my ears I was sure Rev could hear it. God, he was so beautiful. A wall of muscle that was decorated with multicolored tattoos. My gaze slid down his washboard abs to take in the dark dusting of hair below his hips, but, more important, his already large manhood, which wasn’t fully aroused yet.

At Rev’s chuckle, I glanced up in surprise. “It’s surprising that a lady like yourself would be staring at my package.”

“I can’t help it. I’m impressed.”

His eyes gleamed with male pride. “I’m glad to hear that.”

After I shimmied out of my panties, I stepped into the shower. Rev followed close behind me. The scalding water didn’t feel nearly as good as having him so close or feeling his eyes on me.

We stood there, breathing hard and staring at each other, for a few seconds. “I swore if you took me back, I wouldn’t move fast with you,” Rev whispered to me.

“Once again, it’s me putting the moves on you, isn’t it?”

He flashed me a wolfish grin. “I would have to say I’m a very willing participant.”

“All I know is what is happening between us or what is going to happen feels right. That’s all we can go by, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

Rev stepped behind me and turned my body into the full force of the stream of water. He brought his strong hands up to rub up and down from my shoulders to my wrists. Between the warm water and his touch, my chilled skin became inflamed. He placed a tender kiss on my shoulder blade, which caused me to arch my back against his lips. Gentle kisses feathered across my back to my other shoulder. He then kissed his way up to the back of my neck while his hands left my shoulders to rub around my waist and abdomen.

Resting my head back against his chest, I sighed in what could only have been extreme contentment or ecstasy.

Slowly Rev turned me around so that I was facing him. “Are you getting warm?”

I smiled seductively at him. “I’m on fire.”


“Everywhere,” I replied.

His hands came up to cup my breasts. “Here?”

As he rubbed the hardening nipples between his thumb and forefinger, I closed my eyes. “Mmm.”

“You have beautiful breasts.”

Never one to be satisfied with compliments, I argued, “They’re not very big.”

“Look,” he commanded. When I opened my eyes, he gestured to his hands holding my breasts. In a lust-filled growl, he replied, “They’re a perfect fit for my hands.”

“Yes. They are,” I replied breathlessly.

“Maybe I should see how well they fit my mouth.”

My heartbeat skipped at his suggestion. “You probably should.”

Dipping his head, he closed his mouth over my right breast. As he sucked, his tongue twirled and flicked over the nipple, causing me to moan. My arms slid from his shoulders into his hair, my fingers tangling through the wet strands. When his teeth grazed my tight nipple, I gripped his hair even tighter, which caused him to groan. “Did I hurt you?” I panted.

He released my nipple with a pop. A sly grin appeared on his face. “No. It’s more like I get hard as fuck when you tug my hair.” To prove his point, he rolled his hips against me, letting me feel his erection.

I smiled at him. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Rev shifted to my other breast, teasing and tasting me until I had to squeeze my legs together because of the growing ache. As if he sensed the tension in me, Rev snaked a hand between us and dipped it between my thighs. I gasped at the wonderful feeling. His forehead wrinkled with concern. “Is this okay?”

“It’s more than okay. It’s amazing.” I then opened my legs wider to give him more room.

Over and over his calloused fingers teased my clit. When he plunged two fingers inside me, I cried out and gripped him tighter. As I worked my hips in rhythm with his fingers, I wanted more than anything to come. I wanted to come for Rev and his ability to turn me on, but more than anything, I wanted to come for myself, so that in a small way I could reclaim my sexuality.

I grew closer and closer to the edge, but I couldn’t go over. And then Rev sank to his knees. Pushing my back against the tile, he spread my legs even farther apart. It took only the flick of his tongue against my clit to send me over into orgasm. As tears stung my eyes, I came, crying out his name over and over.

But he didn’t stop. Instead, he waited for me to come down. Then his tongue and fingers went to work again. My legs began to shake, and they felt like they wouldn’t hold me up, so I gripped Rev’s shoulders to steady myself. It didn’t take long this time before I was throwing my head back and experiencing sheer mind-blowing pleasure once again. “So fucking sexy,” Rev muttered against my sex.

He rose from his knees. When his mouth met mine, I could taste myself on his lips and tongue. I don’t know how long we stayed lip-locked, our hands running over each other’s body. With my fingertips, I traced the bulging muscles of his biceps, his hard pecs, and his washboard abs. Although the large contours of his body could be frightening, I found myself feeling more and more protected. I was safe with Rev. He would never expect me to do something I wasn’t comfortable with or that made me uneasy.

When the water turned cold, Rev tore his lips from mine. As he stared into my eyes, I knew we were once again teetering on the edge of a line—a line that would inevitably have to be crossed. “Make love to me,” I whispered.

Conflict raged in Rev’s eyes. I knew that in his mind he thought we had gone far enough with what we had already done. We didn’t need to rush things—we had all the time in the world.

“Please,” I murmured.

With a slight jerk of his head, Rev reached forward to turn off the shower. After he got out, he turned back to grip me by the waist. He hoisted me into his arms and carried me out of the bathroom, then eased me gently down on the bed.

When he turned and started back toward the bathroom, I propped myself on my elbows and gazed at his retreating form. “What are you doing?” I called. I hoped he hadn’t changed his mind about giving in to me.

He returned with two large towels. Kneeling over me, he brought the soft cloth to my arm. After he dried me, he placed warming kisses on my skin. He repeated the process along my chest, taking extra time with my breasts, and then my other arm. By the time he finished with my lower body, I was drenched between my legs and aching for him. I’d barely given him time to dry himself off before I was grabbing his arm and dragging him closer to me. “What about a condom?”

I thought about all the testing I’d had in the hospital. Remarkably, my rapists and Mendoza hadn’t given me any STDs. “I’m clean,” I replied softly.