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“I just feel bad. I know Eve doesn’t want us here, and that could change our situation. Why set my daughter up to be disappointed?”

Sophia had a point. Eve was a wonderful person, but she felt threatened, and he couldn’t expect her to put up with that for long. Still, there was a part of him that believed he should have the right to befriend anyone he wanted to, especially a child who was lonely and needed him.

Unsure of how it would sound if he said that, he hesitated. Then Alexa came back, so he let it go and started the movie.

“Where’s your girlfriend tonight?” Alexa asked during a slow part of the show.

Blinking, he drew himself out of his thoughts. “Eve?”

“Do you have more than one girlfriend?” she teased.

He pretended he’d needed clarification because he’d been engrossed in the movie, but even after sleeping with Eve, it was difficult to think of her as his girlfriend. “She’s out of town.”

“I bet you miss her.”

When he made a noise he hoped would pass for agreement, Alexa spoke in a conspiratorial manner. “Too bad you don’t still like my mom.”

“Lex!” Sophia nearly gasped her daughter’s name. “Eve wouldn’t be happy to hear you say that, would she?”

Chastened, she shook her head.

“That’s in the past,” Sophia said firmly.

But she’d finally told her daughter. Ted wondered why.

Lex turned back to him. “So...are you going to marry her?”

Sophia jumped in again. “Come on, honey, don’t ask such personal questions. That’s none of our business.”

Feeling pensive for no particular reason, Ted shrugged it off. “No worries. I’d answer, but...our relationship is relatively new. No one can say what will happen.” Especially since even thinking about marrying Eve felt odd. Shouldn’t he be missing her? Shouldn’t he be craving the touch and feel of her?

Maybe that wasn’t happening because he’d just seen her this morning. There hadn’t been enough time to miss her....

Or maybe he was expecting too much from love. Chances were good that you didn’t experience the same heady rush at thirty-four as you did at seventeen. Emotions often grew more subdued as a person aged.

But, God, he wasn’t old yet. He kept coming to the same conclusion: something was missing. He just hoped, with enough effort, that would change.

“Sorry,” Lex said. “Didn’t mean to be rude.”

He smiled. “It’s not a problem.” It would’ve been even less of a problem if those questions had come from anyone other than Sophia’s daughter. And if this evening in front of the TV was turning out to be as placid and relaxing as he’d intended. But he and Sophia were never meant to be friends. He was coming to the conclusion that, with her, it had to be all or nothing. There was so much tension between them he could hardly keep his knee from jiggling with nervous energy.

Fortunately, that tension eased as the minutes ticked away. At least for Sophia. She fell asleep about halfway through.

Alexa started to wake her, to tell her she was missing the movie, but Ted shook his head. “Let her sleep. She can watch it tomorrow if she’s really interested,” he said, but by the end of the movie they were all asleep. When Ted woke up, the TV was looping the intro music, and he had no idea how long it had been playing.

He got up and turned off the TV. Then he considered what he should do with his guests. He could throw a blanket over them, but he was sure they’d sleep much better in their own beds. So he opened the back door of his house and the front door of the guesthouse before carrying Alexa over. She didn’t wake up, even as he placed her carefully on the downstairs bed. Then he came back for Sophia.

“I zonked out? I’m sorry,” Sophia muttered, but she was so groggy that she didn’t fight him when he lifted her into his arms.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” She didn’t weigh much more than her daughter, so it wasn’t hard to carry her. But he hadn’t bargained on the ten steps leading to the second story of the guesthouse, which he’d have to climb to get her to her room.

He was exhausted by the time they were halfway up, and that was when she began to rouse in earnest.

“What’s going on?” she asked. “Where are we? Wait, I can walk. I’m sorry, I didn’t—”

“Relax.” He tightened his grip so her wriggling wouldn’t send them both crashing down the stairs. “We’re almost there.”

“Put me down! I’m too heavy.”

“And you’re getting heavier by the minute,” he joked. “But now that I’ve started this, you have to let me finish or it’ll wound my male pride.”

Surprisingly, she stopped fighting and laughed like she used to laugh when they were younger. She also made his job easier by slipping her arms around his neck, which helped him keep his balance.

“I may not be the athlete Noah is, but I can carry a girl to bed,” he muttered. He didn’t realize how bad that sounded until it was out of his mouth, but she pretended not to notice the double entendre. At least she didn’t comment on it.

“This is so gallant of you,” she teased. “Not many employers would be so kind.”

“It’ll be gallant if I get you there in one piece. I doubt it’ll be seen that way if we both break our necks.”

“I have absolute faith in you.”

She sounded genuine when she said that, which he found oddly gratifying. But he was staggering so badly by the time they reached the top that they were both laughing.

“It’s harder to carry someone up a flight of stairs than I thought it would be.”

“And that’s a long flight of stairs—not to mention that you had to cross the lawn first.”

“I’ll have to get more serious about my weight-lifting.” He nudged her bedroom door open with his shoulder. “But we made it. Here you are, my lady.”

He put her down on the bed, but before he could withdraw, her arms tightened around his neck.

For a moment, it felt like the warmest embrace—as if they’d never meant to be parted for all these years.

He almost allowed it, almost responded to the passion he sensed in her—which scared him. No way did he want to be the kind of man who would cheat. He knew how low he’d feel afterward.

His muscles tensed, but before he could break her hold, her mouth found his ear and she whispered, “I’m sorry, Ted. I’m so sorry.”

The entreaty in her voice left no doubt that she wasn’t making a move on him as he’d first thought. She was apologizing for the past. The fact that she immediately released him confirmed it. She didn’t even look at him again. She rolled over and buried herself in the blankets as if she couldn’t bear to look.

Ted wasn’t sure how to react. The way she’d clung to him had nearly taken his legs out from under him—had flooded his system with so much testosterone he couldn’t think straight.

He forgave her, didn’t he? Of course he did. Or he wouldn’t be helping her. But it wasn’t what he wanted to say that held him fast; it was what he wanted to do. The desire to feel her under him once again—to claim her mouth and her body as he had many times before—was so powerful he felt himself go hard in an instant.

But what about Eve?

“Damn it!” He tore down the stairs before temptation could get him in such a chokehold he no longer cared about his integrity.

* * *

Ted seemed eager to avoid her after that. Although it made Sophia sad to find the friendship that had started between them suddenly gone, she was also relieved. It wasn’t easy to maintain a friendship when she wanted more. Maybe she could’ve done it with someone else, but not Ted, and their new boundaries helped keep her hopes and thoughts in check. She hadn’t been trying to steal him from Eve when she’d clung to him long enough to apologize. She’d just wanted him to finally understand that she was sincerely sorry. Now that she’d said her piece, he could go on with his life, and she could, too—hopefully without the regret that had eaten at her for so long.