Take Me Home for Christmas
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Take Me Home for Christmas


Whiskey Creek

Страниц: 71
Символов: 445047
ID: 266869
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2013
Издательство: Harlequin
Создана 11 октября 2015 02:50
Опубликована 11 октября 2015 08:56


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Christmas is a time for remembering.

Too bad all memories aren't pleasant. Everyone in Whiskey Creek remembers Sophia DeBussi as the town's Mean Girl. Especially Ted Dixon, whose love she once scorned. 

But Sophia has paid the price for her youthful transgressions. The man she did marry was rich and powerful but abusive. So when he goes missing, she secretly hopes he'll never come back—until she learns that he died running from an FBI probe of his investment firm. Not only has he left Sophia penniless, he's left her to face all the townspeople he cheated. 

Sophia is reduced to looking for any kind of work to pay the bills and support her daughter. With no other options, she becomes housekeeper for none other than Ted, now a successful suspense writer. He can't bring himself to turn his back on her, not at Christmas, but he refuses to get emotionally involved. He learned his lesson the last time. 

Or will the season of love and forgiveness give them both another chance at happiness?

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