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promises was that if you lived, I’d release you and let you go

your own way.“

Silver experienced a strange throb of pain. He was giving

her what she had fought for so fiercely. How foolish to feel

this aching emptiness. „Guilt?“

He nodded, his lips twisting in a mirthless smile. „Oh, yes,

I’m capable of feeling guilt… and compassion… and many

other emotions besides lust and anger and a desire for revenge.

It’s unfortunate our association will end before I’m able to

demonstrate any of my more virtuous qualities.“ He.opened

the door. „Though you would probably only suspect me of

pretending to lure you into my bed again.“

„No,“ she said impulsively. Then when he looked at her in

surprise, she hesitated before continuing slowly. „You

wouldn’t pretend. I think you’re an honest man.“

He bowed mockingly. „Many thanks. I suppose I should be

grateful to be granted your trust in one area at least.“ He gazed

at her for a long moment, a multitude of expressions flickering

over his face. „I’ll send Valentin and the child to you as soon

as he returns.“

The door swung shut behind him.

Silver stared at the mahogany panels of the door for a long

time before she slowly turned to lie on her stomach, her cheek

nestled against the pillow. Her captivity was over. Soon she

would be free to take Etaine to Killara, where the child would

be safe. She should be wildly happy. She was happy. Naturally

her body would miss Nicholas, who had awakened it to

pleasure, but her heart would not miss him and she would

surely forget him in a few months.

Forget Nicholas? Forget his seductive golden beauty and

sorcerer’s smile? Forget the moments when she had glimpsed

tenderness behind that cynical facade?

Of course she would forget him. The tears running down

her cheeks were due only to temporary physical weakness, not

sadness. She must get on with her life, for there was no place

in Nicholas’s for her that she would accept.

She wiped her damp cheeks against the pillow. She must

plan her future, for she thought it quite possible that she would

have Nicholas’s child. If this was true, she must take measures

to protect that child. She had taken her pleasure, but the baby

must not be allowed to suffer for her recklessness. She must

leave the Rose as soon as Valentin returned with Etaine, but

there was something she had to do first.

But she would not worry about that now. She would rest

and gather strength and perhaps remember Nicholas’s face

when he had smiled at her. It could do no harm to indulge

herself when she would be leaving him so soon. Yes, she

would lie here and think of Nicholas….


„The circus is gone?“ Silver gazed at Valentin blankly. „But it

couldn’t be gone. I was there only three nights ago.“

„They packed up and left the next morning.“ Valentin said

gently. „Monteith arranged passage for his troupe and animals

on the Jefferson Davis to New Orleans. According to the

shipping agent, he was planning on taking another ship when

he reached New Orleans.“

„He’s going to Europe,“ Silver said numbly. „Etaine said –

„Not Europe. At least, not immediately,“ Valentin said.


Silver’s eyes widened. „Russia!“

Valentin nodded ruefully. „He was evidently very

impressed by Nicholas’s affluence. He told the shipping agent

he was sure Russia would have rich pickings.“

„Which port?“

„The agent wasn’t sure. Monteith said he would decide

when he got to New Orleans and found what ships were


Silver drew a deep quivering breath. Oh, Lord, she didn’t

even know where Monteith had taken Etaine. Well, she had to

find out and quickly. „Where’s Nicholas?“

„He’s gone ashore to telegraph Randall’s in New Orleans

and try to have them intercept Monteith.“

„Those idiots will never – “ She broke off and her hands

tightened on the sheet until her knuckles turned white. She

must not become upset. She had to think… and act. „Valentin,

I need clothes. Would you buy a gown, shoes, and cloak from

one of the volunteers nursing the survivors?“

He gazed at her warily. „Nicholas won’t like it. You’re not

well enough to get up yet.“

„Would he like it better if I walked down that gangplank

wearing no gown at all?“

„Touche.“ He grimaced. „It seems I have no choice.

Anything else?“

„Money. I have to go ashore and purchase something.“

„I don’t suppose you’d be willing to tell me the nature of

the purchase?“


„Nor let me accompany you?“


Valentin shook his head gravely. „I can’t let you go unless

you promise to come back. Nicky would have me skewered

and roasted over slow flames if I let you run away again.“

„I promise. I have every intention of returning to the


Valentin hesitated before slowly reaching into his pocket

and pulling out a fat roll of bills and tossing it on the bed. „I

know you’re upset, Silver, but don’t do anything foolish.“

„I won’t.“ Silver felt a sudden stinging behind her eyes as

she looked up into his worried face. This might be the last time

she’d see Valentin, and she realized she would truly miss his

wry humor and droll pretense at fopishness. „Thank you,


„It’s Nicky’s money.“ He made a face. „But my head, if

you don’t keep your word.“

„I’ll come back.“

Valentin studied her. „I believe you.“ He turned away. „So

I’ll use my considerable charm to talk one of the good ladies

out of her clothes. You won’t be pleased. They all dress with

the depressing drabness of most virtuous women.“ He lifted

his brow as he glanced back over his shoulder. „You won’t

change your mind?“

Silver shook her head.

Valentin sighed. „I didn’t think so.“ He shut the door

quietly behind him.

„Hurry,“ Silver said impatiently. „I told you there wasn’t

much time, Father.“

The plump, white-haired priest’s breath was coming in

little pants as he followed Silver up the gangplank of the Rose.

„I am hurrying, young lady,“ he said indignantly. „It will do

that poor dying soul no good if I expire before I can give him

the last rites.“

Silver caught sight of Mikhail watching them at the top of

the gangplank. „Is Nicholas back?“

Mikhail nodded, puzzled. „He’s in his cabin.“

„Good.“ Silver turned briskly and started toward the stairs

leading to the hurricane deck. „Come along, Father Jason.“

The priest scurried after her.

Mikhail gazed after them thoughtfully for a moment. Then

he walked slowly toward the stairs and began climbing the


Silver threw open the door to Nicholas’s cabin and strode

into the stateroom.

Nicholas jumped to his feet. „It’s about time you saw fit to

come back. Valentin says you left long before dark. If you ever

– “ He broke off as he caught sight of the priest behind her.

„What are you doing here, Father Jason?“

The priest leaned against the doorjamb attempting to!catch

his breath. „This young lady said it was urgent that I come. I

assume another one of the seamen is near death, your


„I didn’t say that. Only that the matter was urgent.“ Silver

came forward to stand before Nicholas. „And it is.“ She drew

a small derringer from beneath her cloak and pointed it at

Nicholas. „He has to marry us.“

Nicholas’s froze, his expression stunned. „I beg your