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moonlight streaming through the window into the carriage. „I

have some questions to ask you about Dominic Delaney.“

She gazed at him in disbelief. „Why do you think I would

tell you anything now when I wouldn’t before?“

„Because they aren’t the same questions. Valentin thinks

I’ve made a mistake, but I have to know, dammit. You’re

becoming too – “ He broke off, searching for words. „He may

be right; the Randall Agency was wrong about your having a

lover. They could be wrong about what happened at Hell’s


„I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t been

back to Hell’s Bluff in four years.“

„It happened four years ago,“ Nicholas said tightly. „You

were there with Dominic Delaney and Elspeth MacGregor.

You – “

The carriage came to a halt as Mikhail reined in the team.

He called, „We are here.“

„Damn,“ Nicholas muttered, and opened the door of the

carriage. He stepped down on the cobblestone street

overlooking the levee and walked quickly toward the hitching

post where Mikhail was tying the horses.

Mikhail turned. „I will go tell Robert we are ready to leave.

You will want to carry Silver down to the Rose. She might cut

her feet on these rough stones.“

Nicholas’s frown faded and a smile of amusement curved

his lips. „I’ll see that her delicate toes never come in contact

with these coarse stones. Trust me.“

„I trust you,“ Mikhail said gravely. „But I know you and

she does not. You have not been kind to her. It is no wonder

she ran away from you.“

Nicholas expression became shuttered. „I kept my promise

to you.“

Mikhail nodded. „But you have made none to her. She is a

woman who has no one, a woman who belongs nowhere. Such

a woman needs promises.“ He paused. „Though she may never

tell you she does.“ He turned away. „She has great pride.“ He

didn’t wait for an answer but started down the slanting levee,

his bootheels clicking loudly on the cobblestones.

Nicholas gazed after him, then turned and crossed the few

paces back to the door of the carriage. He opened the door and

stood looking at her. Sensual Scheherazade. Fierce warrior.

Lonely waif. Silver.

She frowned in puzzlement. „Why are looking at me like


„No reason.“ He held out his arms. „Come. Mikhail is

worried about you cutting your feet. I promised him I’d – “


His head exploded with white-hot agony. „What…“

The pain struck again!


„Nicholas!“ Silver frantically slid across the seat. He was

falling to the ground!

„Good evening, Miss Delaney.“ Lee Bassinger stepped

forward, a coil of rope in one hand and a pistol in the other. „I

can’t tell you how glad I am to see you. I’ve been waiting here

on the wharf a long time for Nicholas to bring you back to us.

Now, stretch out your hands so that I can tie your wrists. I

have no intention of letting you get away again.“

„No,“ she said. Nicholas was lying still and white on the

cobblestones. „Is he dead?“ Her voice was faraway, only a

wisp of sound. „Have you killed him?“

„He’s alive.“ His shrewd gaze searched her face. „You

seem uncommonly concerned for a lady who has done nothing

but try to escape from the man. It’s foolish of you to reveal

such a weakness for Savron. It makes things too easy for me.“

He leaned down and pressed the barrel of the pistol to

Nicholas’s temple. „Give me your hands or I’ll blow a neat

little hole in his highness’s handsome head.“

She drew a deep, quivering breath and then, slowly, she

held out her hands to be bound.


„Where is she?“ Nicholas whispered, gazing up at Valentin

and Mikhail. He sat up on the bed, ignoring the blinding pain

that jagged through his head and threatened to fling him back

into the darkness. „Were we followed from that damn circus?“

„We don’t know. When you didn’t follow him to the boat,

Mikhail came back up the levee. He found you unconscious

with tw^o lumps as big as ostrich eggs on your head.“ Valentin

paused. „The carriage was gone and so was Silver. We thought

perhaps she might have demonstrated her opposition to your

plans for her.“

„No!“ Nicholas swung his feet to the floor. Christ, he was

dizzy. „It must have been one of her friends from the circus. I

have to get back there.“

„It wouldn’t do any good.“ Lee Bassinger stood in the

doorway of the stateroom, the omnipresent smile on his lips.

„Miss Delaney is accepting my hospitality at the moment.“ He

strolled into the room. „I do hope you’re feeling better,

Savron. I really hated to hit you on the head, as I wanted you

to be able to think clearly when I offered my terms.“

„Terms?“ Nicholas asked coldly. „The only terms I may

accede to involve the precise manner in which you meet your

end, Bassinger.“

„So arrogant.“ Bassinger’s tone was almost approving. „Do

you know that’s what drew me to you that night at Madam

LaRue’s? You wore your damn arrogance like an ermine-

trimmed cloak and everyone was fawning all over you. The

great Russian prince with the whole world at his fingertips.

You were just like those fancy Natchez planter folk up on the

hill.“ His green eyes were glittering in the lamplight. „I was

scum and I came from scum, but I showed them. I’m richer

than all of them now.“

„Where’s Silver, Bassinger?“ Nicholas’s words were

measured as he tried to control his temper. „Tell me now and I

may let you live. It’s not likely, but there is a possibility.“

„Your little pullet? She must be good if you still want her

after all the trouble she’s caused you. Perhaps I may try her


„I’ve changed my mind. There’s no possibility at all that

you’ll survive.“

„I will break his bones,“ Mikhail offered mildly. „He will

tell you after the second bone is snapped.“ He studied

Bassinger. „Perhaps after only the first one is broken. I think

he has no courage.“

„Keep him away from me.“ Bassinger took a step back. „If

anything happens to me, I’ve given orders that your little

whore’s throat be cut. My men are loyal to me; they know I

don’t tolerate disobedience.“

„Wait, Mikhail.“ Nicholas experienced a surge of

frustration liberally laced with cold panic. „We’ll listen to


„How kind,“ Bassinger said caustically. „You don’t seem to

realize that I’m in charge here now. It’s my choice what will

happen to your whore and what will happen to you.“

„And what do you propose to do to us?“ Nicholas asked

without expression. „I’m sure you have a plan in mind.“

„Oh, yes.“ Bassinger nodded with satisfaction. „I’m going

to rid you of a little of that arrogance. I’m going to get the

Rose back and I’m going to enjoy having your little schoolgirl

do a number of pleasurable tricks for me.“

Nicholas hands clenched into fists at his side. „I do believe

I may draw and quarter you.“

„Excellent idea,“ Valentin murmured, his light eyes icy

cold. „I’d be delighted to assist.“

Bassinger moistened his lips with his tongue. „This isn’t

Russia, your highness. You don’t have any power here, while I

have judges bought and paid for all along the Mississippi. I’m

the one who’s prince here. I can do whatever I want.“

„You can have the Rose,“ Nicholas said crisply. „Return

the woman and I’ll sign over the papers.“

„That’s not enough, it’s too easy for you. You treated me

like a stray pup nibbling at your heels.“ Bassinger’s fair skin