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it, but Dominic and I came too late. He was already dead when

we got to the hanging tree.“

„The hanging tree?“

„It’s a huge oak tree on the edge of Hell’s Bluff. Elspeth

found out that the vigilantes were going to lynch Marzonoff

and she was very upset. She told me they had become friends

and, if he had stolen a horse, it was because he didn’t

understand that it was wrong.“ Silver shook her head. „He

must have been very stupid.“

„He wasn’t particularly clever.“ Nicholas stopped to clear

his throat. „What connection did Dominic Delaney have with

the lynching?“

„He didn’t know anything about it. He was at Rina’s.“

„The madam?“

Silver nodded. „I ran to get him because I knew he could

stop the lynching if anyone could. I was afraid Elspeth would

get hurt and – “ She stopped. „You knew this Marzonoff?“

„He was my cousin.“

„Then I’m sorry I called him stupid. I didn’t really know

him, but anyone who would steal a horse in a town like Hell’s

Bluff must have been.“ She gazed at him, thinking hard. „It

was so long ago, but Elspeth said something….“

His gaze flew back to meet her own. „What?“

She bit her lower lip. „I just don’t remember. It wasn’t

important at the time. I think she said Mar-zonoff said

something about a Nicholas right before he died. I guess you’ll

have to ask her.“

„But I can’t ask her,“ he said dryly. „She’s in the company

of your elusive uncle.“

Her expression became wary. „And I won’t tell you where

he is.“

„That has been established.“ A corner of his lips curved in a

crooked smile. „It may no longer be necessary if you can tell

me why Charles Durbin would send me a letter telling me

Dominic Delaney was responsible for my cousin’s death.“

„Durbin!“ Silver’s eyes widened in surprise and then

glittered with anger. „Why, that yellow bastard.“

„You know the gentleman?“

„Dominic shot his son. It was a fair fight, but Durbin put a

price on his head anyway. When Elspeth told him she’d blow

his head off if he didn’t leave Dominic alone, he backed off

but – “

„The women of your family seem to be of a singularly

violent temperament.“

„He deserved it,“ Silver said fiercely. „He was probably

afraid to send any more bounty hunters after Dominic, so he

snooped around until he found out about your cousin and then

tried to get you to go after him. You couldn’t have been stupid

enough to believe anything that weasel told you?“

„If you recall, I had no acquaintance with Durbin or any of

you. I had to rely on the Randall Investigative Agency and

they – “

„Are fools,“ Silver said flatly.


„But you’re a fool, too, for not asking me before this. I

could have told you what happened.“

„I believe you swore you wouldn’t tell me anything,“

Nicholas said wearily. „And I would scarcely have trusted any

story you’d seen fit to regale me with when I first met you.

You told me yourself you would only lie to me.“

He was right, Silver thought. „But you believe me now?“

she whispered.

„Yes,“ he said quietly. „Because you also said you would

be honest with someone who had your respect. Whatever else

we feel, I think there’s no doubt that we’ve fought our way

through to respect for each other.“

There was silence in the room.

„Dominic didn’t want your cousin to die,“ she finally said

haltingly. „He would have saved him if he could have. Do you


Nicholas gazed at her without answering.

„You can ask Elspeth.“ She hesitated, the ingrained distrust

of a lifetime struggling with instinct and the desire to ease his

troubled mind. Then she rushed on, „You can find her and

Dominic in Tyre. They’re going on one final expedition before

they go home to Killara.“

A sudden brilliant smile lit Nicholas’s face. „Thank you,

but I don’t think it will be necessary to see them. I know what

I came here to find out.“ His hand reached out and gently

stroked the dark hair at her temple. „Poor Silver, it wasn’t easy

to tell me this, was it? Neither one of us is very good at trust.“

His smile became bittersweet. „I suppose we’ve both learned

it’s safer not to let anyone too close.“

He was trying to tell her something beyond what his words

were conveying, but she couldn’t grasp what it was. They were

too far apart, she thought in despair. Strangers. She looked

away. „I can’t stay here. I have to get back to the circus.“

He frowned impatiently. „You can wait until you heal.“

„No.“ She clutched the sheet to her breasts. The burns on

her wrists were bandaged, she noticed absently. She had

forgotten about holding her wrists over the lantern flame to

free them. „I have to leave. I’ve been here too long as it is.

Etaine needs me.“


„Monteith’s daughter. She’s only a child and can’t fight

Monteith alone.“ She brushed her hair from her face, wincing

as the muscles rippled beneath the flesh of her lacerated back.

„She thinks he wants her dead and she may be right. Monteith

is capable of anything. Where are my clothes?“

„That bit of scarlet gauze you were wearing is in rags and I

haven’t procured any replacements yet.“

Nicholas’s eyes twinkled. „You could always try the bed

curtains again.“

„This isn’t funny. Etaine needs me.“ Silver’s hand

tightened on the sheet. „She has a lung affliction and – “

He placed his fingers on her lips to silence her. „I’m not

laughing,“ he said softly. „You say the child is in danger?

That’s not reasonable if the man is her father, Silver.“

„Just because he’s capable of begetting a child doesn’t stop

him from being a monster. He makes her go into a cage with

three lions every day of her life. Does that sound like a loving,

fatherly thing to do?“ she asked fiercely. „I promised her I’d

take her away from Monteith. I was going to wire Patrick and

ask him to send me a draft on a local bank. I thought Monteith

would give her up if I gave him enough money.“

„I don’t know. Monteith impressed me as being something

of a puzzle. Still, money might be the key.“ He stood up. „You

want the child?“

„Of course I want her. I just told you that I’ve made her a

promise. Now, get me something to wear.“

He shook his head. „You stay where you are. The doctor

said you should spend at least another week in bed. I have to

oversee the moving of more burned patients to the hospital,

but I’ll send Valentin to get your Etaine.“ He turned toward the

door. „Don’t worry, I’ll give Monteith enough money to be

sure he releases the girl to you.“

Silver gazed at him suspiciously. „Why should you do that?

Etaine is my problem.“ She paused. „I still won’t go to St.

Petersburg with you.“

He flinched. „I’m not without compassion for a helpless

child. I don’t demand my pound of flesh in every instance.“

She gazed at him, the frown still wrinkling her brow.

He laughed harshly. „My God, what do I have to do to

convince you? You want the child. I’m giving her to you. I’ll

give you any damn thing you want. As soon as you’re well you

can leave me and I won’t reach out a hand to stop you.“


„Why?“ he echoed incredulously. „I stood there and

watched Bassinger try to beat you to death, knowing I couldn’t

do a damn thing to stop him.“ His hands slowly closed into

fists at his sides. „I was helpless. I stood there muttering curses

and prayers.“ He paused. „And promises. One of those