“What the hell are you doing to me?” Tate groaned.

“I’m gonna make you lose your fucking mind,” he promised.

Logan lowered himself to the mattress, so he could bring his free hand up to Tate’s body. With a finger against Tate’s ass, Logan eyed him as he licked the pucker. Tate’s hand was desperately jerking himself now as he watched what was going on.

Pushing his leg up a little higher, Logan got a great angle and tongued his way up to his balls where he sucked one into his mouth as he pushed his finger inside Tate. He heard Tate shout out his name, but Logan didn’t stop what he was doing. Instead, he sucked and kissed his way back to where his finger was penetrating Tate, and sucked around it, making sure to keep Tate’s hole nice and wet.

Ah, your mouth is going to kill me.”

As the words hit Logan’s ears, he shoved his finger back inside, and—oh yeah, there you go, Tate—he grazed it over Tate’s prostate causing his ass to clench Logan’s finger, as his hips snapped up hard.

Logan continued fingering him while his tongue devoured him, and it took less than a minute for Tate to come on a loud bark, his cum shooting out all over his stomach and chest in creamy spurts, which made Logan want to come up there and—

Oh, fuck it.

Removing his mouth and fingers from Tate’s body, Logan crawled up between his thighs and licked up the cum leading from Tate’s navel to his nipple. When he was finally hovering over the shocked and satiated man, he greeted him, “Morning.”

As Tate’s mouth fell open as if to answer, Logan couldn’t help but kiss him. He wasn’t sure what kind of response he’d get, considering he’d just cleaned up the guy’s stomach with his tongue, but Tate grabbed the back of his head and aggressively returned the gesture.

When he was finally freed, Logan announced, “I’ve got to go to work,” and then he rolled off the bed.

As he made his way over to the bathroom, he heard Tate call out his name. He stopped and turned to see Tate lying exactly the way he’d left him—naked with his legs spread and a glistening stomach from his mouth.

“Yeah?” he finally responded.

“What about you? Don’t you want to—”

“Oh, I want to, but I don’t have time. I do, however, plan to use my hand and a five minute shower very well.”

Tate’s gaze lingered over him. “Want some company?”

Logan gritted his teeth. “Of course, the day you get experimental is a day I have to go in early.”

Tate climbed out of the bed and started walking over toward him. “Okay, how about I just stand and watch?”

Logan shook his head. “No.”

“No?” Tate asked as he got closer.

Taking a step back, Logan made it into the bathroom. “If you stand and watch, it will take me a lot longer than five minutes, and I need to go.”

Tate started laughing as Logan began closing the bathroom door.

“Seriously, I can just watch and not touch, you know.”

“Oh, I’m sure you can,” Logan agreed, “but I can’t.” He shut the bathroom door and locked it for good measure.

* * *

“You’re late,” were the first words Logan heard as he stepped off the elevator.

With his briefcase in one hand and a coffee in the other, he glared at Cole. “You don’t say.”

“You know you were supposed to be here early. Mark likes you. He works well with you—”

“What? Did you poll the guy? Should I expect a proposal? Jesus, Cole, I’m only ten minutes late.”

Cole took his briefcase from him and gave it to Jane with a restrained smile. “Can you please get this to Mr. Mitchell’s office? He needs to get to the conference room immediately.”

“Yes, Mr. Madison.”

“Cole, Jane,” Cole reminded his personal assistant as he did every day.

“Yes, Mr. Madison,” she repeated back with a smile. She moved around them to make her way toward Cole’s office.

Logan frowned and unbuttoned his jacket. “Why do you even bother? You know Jane will never call you by your name.”

Cole nodded. “That’s not the point.”

“No? Then, what is?” Logan asked as they started walking toward the conference room.

“The point is, for her to always know that she can.”

Logan stopped and turned to face his brother.

Cole shrugged. “It’s our thing.”

Laughing, Logan took a sip of his coffee. “Your thing? I wasn’t aware that you two were dating.”

“Shut up. Rachel says it’s sweet.”

“Rachel doesn’t count. She sleeps with you. Of course, she thinks it’s sweet.”

Cole narrowed his eyes and took the coffee cup from him. “Go in there, and run your mouth where it will actually do us some good.”

“And where are you going?”

“To call my wife. I now feel the need to hear about how sweet she’s going to be to me later.”

Logan lifted his arm and looked at his watch. “You’re calling the wife this early?”

Cole raised a brow. “Yes. Unlike you, I was here on time.”

Logan reached out and twisted the handle, but before he opened the door, he smirked at Cole. “Well, I always said you were the boring one. I’m only ten minutes late, and I already had something sweet today. I left him naked in my bed. Have a nice phone call.”

* * *

Tate had showered and dressed after Logan left, and he was now standing in the man’s kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. His damp hair was cooling against his neck, and as he looked around the condo, he found himself trying to learn about the man who lived there.

The first thing he noticed was the lack of photos. There wasn’t even one. Not so unusual, Tate thought. He didn’t have any photos up either, but then again, he’d only been living in his crappy apartment for a short period of time, ever since directly after his—divorce.

Putting the cup down on the counter, he ran a hand through his hair. Am I really considering taking this all the way? As he looked at the couch and remembered last night, not to mention this morning, he knew that if they continued, then yes, he would eventually need to find a way to tell his friends and family. I mean, what’s the alternative? There wasn’t one, and Tate knew when it came to Logan, the feelings he was starting to have were already starting to escalate.

Moving over to the couch where Logan had put his jacket, Tate heard his phone start to buzz. Pulling it out of the pocket, he noticed he’d missed—oh fuck—six calls. While taking his cigarettes out of the other pocket, he answered the call and brought the phone to his ear.

“Tate?” his mother greeted him.

Tate sighed. “Hi, Mom.”

“Where on earth have you been? I’ve been calling you since last night. I thought maybe you forgot to pay your bill, and they turned your phone off.”

Tate wandered over to the door leading to Logan’s balcony. He unlocked it and stepped outside. Leaning back against the wall, he crossed his legs and looked out at the building next door, wondering if he could see inside if he looked hard enough.

“When has that ever happened?”

“Well, okay, never,” his mother answered.

He could hear a drawer being opened and what he thought were utensils being moved around.

“Then, why would it happen now?” Tate pulled a cigarette out between his lips and grabbed the lighter. Holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder, he waited.

“I don’t know. Why else wouldn’t you answer your phone?”

There was a pause as Tate tried to think of a likely reason, other than the real one. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough.

“Were you on a date?”


“Did you have a woman over, and that’s why you couldn’t answer?”

Mom. No,” Tate stressed.

But it was beyond containment.

“What’s her name? What does she look like?”

Tate took a long drag of the cigarette and closed his, picturing his date from the night before. Yeah, somehow, he didn’t think his mother would appreciate that his date was around six-feet-two and had dark stubble to match his short black hair.