“I need to come,” he told the man beneath him. “But I want to watch you.”

As if Logan had been waiting for him, he instructed, “Hard and fast. Give it to me as hard and fast as you can, and you’ll get one hell of a show.”

Tate hooked Logan’s other leg with his free arm and braced himself on the cushions by Logan’s sides, and he started to fuck the guy as if he never would again.

Hard and fast, as requested, he slid into Logan, and Logan’s ass clung to him on every withdraw. Tate’s breathing came faster with every flex of his hips, and as his eyes locked with Logan’s, he felt the hand in his hair twist as Logan jerked his cock with the other.

“Ah, Tate. Fuck!” he shouted.

Tate watched avidly as Logan came in a sticky mess all over his own hand and stomach as Tate continued to tunnel into him. Logan continued to curse as Tate’s hips repeatedly made quick shallow digs inside him.

As Logan’s breathing calmed, he grunted softly when Tate pulled out of his body and quickly rolled the condom off. Throwing it aside, Tate picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed some into his palm. He then looked down at Logan, who’d raised his arms back over the couch, with his cock lying against his body now covered in cum.

That was all the visual Tate needed. Grasping his throbbing erection in his hand, Tate watched the satisfied man under him. Logan lazily ran his gaze over him as he lowered his fingers and started to rub his cum into his body.

Without a word, Logan lowered his hand to cup Tate’s balls. As soon as his warm, wet fingers touched his flesh, Tate’s lips parted, and he shouted a loud, satisfied sound as he, too, came all over Logan’s stomach and chest.

As his breathing slowed and his eyes found Logan’s, Tate licked his lips and continued to milk his cock until every last drop was on the man under him.

“Fuck,” Tate managed on a shaky breath.

Logan sighed, fully satisfied, and placed both hands behind his head. “We’ve definitely done that.”

“You’re phenomenal.”

Logan crooked a finger up at him and invited, “Come here.”

Tate leaned down over Logan, who brought his legs up to entwine them with his, and their bodies joined together with the sticky evidence of their arousal sliding between them. Logan took his mouth in a sensual kiss.

When he pulled back, he whispered against Tate’s lips, “That was phenomenal.”

“Hmm,” Tate hummed in agreement against Logan’s mouth. Then, he finally voiced something else he’d been thinking about, “Maybe next time, you can do that to me.”

Logan pulled Tate’s head up by his curls. “What did you just say?”

Tate grinned down at him. “Maybe next time, you can do that to me. Well, maybe not that hard, you know, being that it will be my first time, and it will probably—”

“Tate?” Logan interrupted. “Shut up for a minute. Do you mean it?”

“Would I be this fucking nervous if I didn’t?” Tate asked.

Logan smiled and raised his eyebrows. “I don’t know what porn site you watched this morning, but if this is the result, we need to buy a subscription.”

Tate chuckled, moving against Logan’s body. “I learned a lot of things.”

“You did, huh?”

As Tate nipped Logan’s mouth, he nodded. “Yep, let me tell you about it, and then we can see if there’s anything you want to try.”

“I can guarantee that anything coming out of your mouth is going to be something I want to try. I’m easy, remember?”

“I do seem to remember something like that.”

Tate lowered his head and rested it against the large chest under him. He thought about how weird it should have felt, but as Logan’s arms wrapped around him, it didn’t. It felt…right.

“Is this okay?” Tate questioned against the short hair on Logan’s chest.

“It is until you say otherwise.”

Tate couldn’t have said why, but that small whispered reply hurt his heart.

Chapter Twenty-One

The following morning, Tate woke with a raging hard-on and a warm tongue on the inside of his thigh. With his eyes closed, he slowly spread his legs farther apart and felt his mouth tug into a smile as a low laugh reached his ears.

“Sure glad you’re straight, Tate. Gay guys never let me do this.”

Tate opened his eyes and looked down to where Logan’s chin was resting on his thigh.

“I highly doubt that. You really do only shut up when your mouth is busy, don’t you?”

“You like my mouth.” Logan licked across one of Tate’s balls. “Admit it.”

Tate’s hips arched toward the teasing tongue as he answered with a soft groan, “It has its good points.”

Logan opened the mouth in question and drew his tongue across the base of Tate’s cock.

Very good points,” Tate stressed.

Logan raised his head and winked up at him. He shifted to place his hands on the bedding next to Tate’s hips, rising up over him.

“Give it to me,” he suggested.

Tate reached down and pointed his erection up at Logan, who then lowered his head and sucked the tip into his mouth. Letting out a heavy sigh, Tate raised his other arm back behind his head, plumping the pillow up, so he could watch what was going on between his legs.

Logan was on his knees, and Tate watched as a hand brushed his aside, and when a firm palm took its place, Logan’s hot mouth drew him all the way inside until his nose was touching Tate’s short curls.

Holy fuck! Tate thought as he raised his hips and moved his free hand to the back of Logan’s head.

As Logan removed his lips and started to suck the swollen head, Tate wondered why he’d ever questioned getting head from this guy. Logan’s eyes flicked to his as he swirled his tongue over the slit, and then he licked his way down the underside of his shaft until he reached his balls. With a quick swipe over them, he came back up and swallowed Tate to the root.

“Oh Jesus, Logan,” he called out as he palmed the silky black hair in his hand.

Logan drew back up and off him. With a demonic grin, he darted his tongue out and tickled the underside of Tate’s cock. “Love sucking on you.”

Tate closed his eyes, deciding that was the only way he would last longer than the thirty seconds he figured he had left in him with Logan’s teasing. Bending his left leg back felt natural to Tate as he widened his straddle and pushed himself closer to the mouth feasting on him. When a groan came from between his thighs, he figured Logan approved of this new position as well. That was confirmed when a large hand clamped onto his shin and pushed his leg farther up onto his chest, keeping him open and in place.

* * *

Logan drew his mouth off of Tate’s luscious cock and watched as Tate opened up for him to play, and he planned to take full advantage.

With one hand on Tate’s leg and the other on the mattress, Logan lowered his head and took one of Tate’s balls into his mouth. As he gently sucked on the sac of skin, he heard a grunt from above, and when he pulled his mouth away and released the tender flesh, a sigh reached his ears. Several times, he repeated the move, stopping only to lick across the base of Tate’s solid erection.

He could see the pucker of Tate’s ass, and it was calling to him to come and take it, but he knew he’d have to move slowly or Tate would put an end to it before it even began.

Looking up to Tate, Logan watched him stroke himself and then leaned back in, touching the tip of his tongue to Tate’s rim. Tate’s eyes flew open, and his body tensed as he tried to move, but the hand Logan had on his leg and the look he aimed up at Tate held him in place.

“What the…” Tate questioned, as he stared down at him.

“Trust me.”

Logan blew a breath of air over the wet skin he’d just licked. Tate’s ass clenched, and he cursed, causing Logan to close his own eyes to keep his desire in check. As Tate flopped back down on the pillow in defeat, Logan took that as a sign, and he repeated the move, flicking his tongue out to tease.