“Fucking hell. Do it,” Logan implored. He took Tate’s lips with his own, trying to shut him up, before he came from his words alone.

Tate’s free hand burrowed down between them, and his slick palm gave Logan’s shaft a firm stroke, making Logan’s back come up from the couch. He didn’t linger there though. Tate merely lubed him up enough to create an easy glide for Logan’s own hand. Then, Tate trailed his fingers down until he was probing at his hole.

Logan closed his eyes as Tate hesitantly massaged his fingertip over the puckered skin. It wasn’t until Tate lowered his other arm and hooked it around his left leg that Logan lost his fucking rhythm. Tate steadily pressed his thigh back, stretching him wide open. Holy shit. Tate had been watching and learning.

With his leg trapped at that angle, Logan was about as vulnerable as he could get. Not a position he particularly enjoyed, but as he lay underneath Tate, he had never been more aroused. Logan was more than happy to be this particular man’s experimental body.

As Tate shifted slightly, Logan knew he was open for Tate to do with as he pleased, and for now, Tate took pleasure in looking him right in the eye as he slowly slid his index finger inside his body.

* * *

How fucking sexy is that? Tate thought as he looked down at Logan who was wide open and holding his hard length as his body sucked Tate’s finger into his depths.

“Incredible, fucking incredible,” Tate marveled, pulling his finger from Logan, only to slip it inside again.

Looking down to where his finger was disappearing into the deliciously masculine body below, Tate slowly removed his long digit and added the second. Watching the quiet, intense man, Tate slowly pushed forward until they were all the way inside Logan, and then he stopped and left his hand there. “What would make this better for you?”

Logan’s eyes widened slightly. “It’s pretty perfect as is, but if you like, pull them out and push them back in real slow. Then, come down here and kiss me.”

Tate watched in fascination from his view as he slowly did what Logan had instructed.

Ah,” Logan moaned.

“Again?” Tate asked. His own cock now aching with the need to bury itself where his fingers were.

“Again,” Logan approved even as Tate’s fingers were already moving.

Tate angled down over him, bringing up Logan’s left leg until it was pushed back against his chest, and then he took his mouth in an unyielding kiss.

“I want you so bad,” he rasped against Logan’s mouth.

Logan’s lips slid into a provocative smile as his hips shoved up toward Tate’s fingers. “Then, take me.”

Removing his fingers from the snug heat of Logan’s body, Tate kissed him again quickly before moving back to kneel and grab the bottle.

Looking down at the naked man waiting for him, Tate watched as Logan bent his legs and spread them wide while he pleasured himself. Tate tried to calm his breathing, but when Logan’s lips parted and he told him, “I can’t wait to feel you inside me,” it was no use.

 Gripping both of Logan’s calves, Tate hauled him down the couch until he was directly between Logan’s legs where he needed to be. Taking his cock in his hand, Tate lined himself up with Logan’s hole, and then hooked his arm under Logan’s leg, bending it back slightly to give him a better view of what he was about to do.

Tate pressed against the rim of Logan’s body, and grit his teeth. He glanced up to see Logan’s eyes were closed, and his black lashes were lying on his cheeks. He seemed to be waiting patiently for Tate to push forward. Meeting with the initial resistance of Logan’s body, Tate’s heartbeat quickened as he flexed his hips, and the muscle gave way, allowing him to sink inside.

Feeling it the night before had been unreal. But seeing it and feeling it? Total fucking ecstasy. Tate heard a rumble come from Logan as he sank in deeper. What a fucking sight, Tate thought. It looks and feels perfect.

Fully seated inside Logan’s body, Tate once again checked on the man under him to make sure he was okay.

And this time, Logan told him, “Move.”

Tate’s mouth twitched. He wanted to smile, but he was too tense. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. What was that?”

A growl definitely left the man as Logan repeated, “Fucking move.”

A third invite was not required.

* * *

Logan looked up to Tate and tried to remind himself that he was new to this. Drawing his knees back to his chest, Logan’s shaft lay rigid against his stomach as Tate’s withdrew and then surged back into his body.

Tate’s eyes were glued to what was going on between Logan’s legs, and he couldn’t blame him. It felt mind-blowing. He also wanted to see, and this time, when Tate slid into him, Logan reached down to his cock, and he greedily watched all the muscles in Tate’s body flex.

“Fuck, fuck,” Tate was chanting over and over, like a prayer.

Logan had to agree. This was definitely prayer-worthy. It was that good.

Logan was dying to taste Tate’s lips, so when Tate’s hair flopped forward into his face, Logan took the opportunity to pull on that hair as he leaned up and grabbed Tate’s neck, bringing the man down with him.

As Tate came to him, he placed an arm on the couch and groaned as Logan wrapped a leg up around his waist. Taking Tate’s mouth with his own, Logan engaged him in a tongue-thrusting, kiss that drove him wild.

Their tongues met while Tate’s thick length moved in and out of him. Logan’s left leg was still hooked over Tate’s arm, and Tate pushed it back against his body, spreading him apart. As he did, Logan couldn’t help the throaty curse that fell from his lips.

Tate stopped moving completely and asked through labored breaths, “Sorry. Did I hurt you?”

“No. Hell no. You’re just so…so,” Logan panted. “It’s intense this way.”

When Tate brushed a hand over Logan’s hair, he felt the intensity triple from the emotion flickering over Tate’s face.

“Yeah, it really is.”

“Do it again,” Logan urged.

Tate drew his hips back and then punched them forward into him, and this time, Tate watched his face for a reaction, and Logan gave it to him.

He bared his teeth and arched his back, demanding, “Again. Do it again. Harder.”

Logan yanked Tate’s hair, and as Tate obeyed, Logan lost his grip on reality.

* * *

Tate stared down at the man he was working his cock in and out of. Logan had shut his eyes and was fiercely stroking his own erection as Tate pounded into him. Over and over, he slid inside Logan, and each time he bottomed out and his balls hit Logan’s body, Tate thought he’d come right then.

He leaned down over Logan and slid so far inside that he felt like he would split the man in two. Instead of complaining, Logan just urged him to do it harder and faster. So, he did, and as Tate connected their mouths, he knew he’d never experienced anything more stimulating before.

He felt as though he were truly inside this man in every conceivable way, including his mind, and what an experience it was. Watching every expression of lust, want, and pure need cross Logan’s face was like a wet dream come to life.

He is gorgeous.

Gone was the time where Tate thought that word didn’t apply to a man. As Logan lay under him with his body open, there was no other word that fit. He was as gorgeous as he was strong and sexy.

Logan’s cock was long and stout and dripping all over his stomach. It amazed Tate that Logan was getting off, considering how hard he was thrusting into him, but Logan was, and Tate loved every hard hip-fucking moment of it.

It wasn’t until Logan craned his neck to watch Tate slide inside, that Tate felt his climax race down his spine. He needed and wanted release, but he wanted Logan to first.