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I know I should keep my mouth shut. Kohen is shaking in rage. But I don’t. “Last time I checked, you’re not my father. You will not tell me what I can and can’t wear!”

“You’re not going out dressed like that!”

“Like what?”

“A slut!” Kohen hurls a long sleeve top and a pair of jeans at me.

He is so fucking lucky that the clothes landed at me feet and not my face. I would’ve snapped if they hit me.

“A slut? Because my ass is hanging out, right?” I turn my head to look at my butt. “Oh wait, the dress goes to my knees! Wow, I’m such a slut! I can’t believe I’m not on the corner right now.”

“It’s not the length that’s the problem. Now go get some actual fucking clothes on. You’re not leaving dressed like that and tomorrow I’m going to go through your clothes for you.”

I just laugh. Which of course is opposite of what I should be doing based on his fist closing like he wants to hit something. Kohen stomps over to me.

“YOU. WILL. NOT. DRESS. LIKE. A. FUCKING. SLUT.” Lacing each word with disgust, he squeezes my forearms tighter.

Shut up Addie! Now is not the time to talk to him. Wait until he calms down. That little voice begs me to be quiet.

“Let go of me,” I say calmly even though I want to shout.

He doesn’t let go. He continues to stare at the offensive dress as if he can magically change my outfit with his eyes.

“Now, Kohen!”

Kohen takes a few deep breaths and I can see him the tension leaving his body. He releases me. I don’t even need to see the bruises his hands left. I can feel them. I maneuver closer to the door. He probably won’t touch me again like that, but I don’t want to risk it. He’s in control again, but I’d rather be close to an escape just in case.

“You will not dictate what I wear. I am not a slut, nor do I dress like one. I’ve only slept with one person, for crying out loud.”

Kohen’s face turns a little green and he’s breathing deeper as if trying not to throw up. Hopefully it’s because he just realized how he’s acting and not because I’ve slept with someone that isn’t him.

“If you ever, and I mean ever try to tell me what I can and can’t wear, we will be done. I’m a grown woman and if I want to walk outside naked, I will walk outside fucking naked and you will say nothing about it!”


I cut him off. I do not want to hear how sorry he is right now. He needs to leave so I can have some much needed space. He just ruined a perfect day for no reason. I know he’s sorry, I know he wasn’t fully aware what he was doing or saying. But it doesn’t change the fact that I want him to leave. Now.

“I think you should go,” I say quietly before picking up my discarded flats.

Kohen jerks me in for a hug, but I back away.


“No, you need to leave. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I know you’re sorry. It’s fine. I don’t care. I’m over it. I need to leave. I’m already going to be late.”

I don’t even wait for a response. I stomp into my closet, angry that I have to throw on a cardigan to hide the bruises on my arm. My front door opens and closes and I sigh in relief. He can apologize all he wants tomorrow. Tonight I need a break from him and his irrational jealousy.

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All frustration leaves the second I see my brother at the restaurant.

“Late as always.” Logan says while stepping out of the booth to give me a hug.

“Name one time,” I demand.

“I can name more than one time for every single day that I’ve known you,” Connor pipes up while embracing me.

“You’re annoying. Remind me why you’re here again?”

“Because you love me and I know you’re going to need your fix before I leave?”

“My fix?” I ask.

“Of seeing my good looks.” He turns around and wiggles his butt. “Oh and my ass, I know how much you can’t keep your eyes off it.”

Logan groans. I pretend to gag.

“Hurry up and sit down before we’re forced to leave.”

Connor fakes having a heart attack. “How you wound me.”

“Shut up,” I plead.

“Beautiful dress.” Connor says when he finally sits down besides me.

“Thanks, this ugly guy that can never take a hint got it for me.” I wink.

Connor raises an eyebrow. “Fine, see if I bring you back anything.”

That’s the second time Connor has mentioned something about leaving. I look from him to my brother. Both are grinning.

“Good news?” I ask, already knowing it is.

Both nod, not giving anything away. Fine. I’ll play along. I grab my glass of water and pretend to pull a Harper on Connor.

“Okay, okay, relax, Addie,” Connor says hastily.

Good move on his part. I’m not in the mood to play games tonight.

“We’re going to London,” Connor says at the same time Logan says, “We got the deal!”

I tell both of them how I’m not surprised. What’s the deal for? I have no idea. But what kind of sister would I be to ask questions on something that I should already know? Which of course makes me feel guilty. I’ve been so occupied in my own drama that I have neglected my brother.

“How long will you guys be gone?” I ask, hoping that they didn’t already tell me.

Logan rubs his jaw. Not good. Connor is the one that answers. “Two weeks.”

I can’t help the panic that is starting to take over. I can barely even remember the last time my brother left the country without me. When he was in college and I still had our family.

“I’m not leaving for two days,” Logan says, sensing my unease.

“I’ll be fine.” I don’t know if I say it for my brother’s benefit or mine.

An hour later they’re dropping me off, promising to call every day. Which of course I tell them not to do. I don’t need my brother or Connor worrying about me. I’ll be fine.

Two weeks.

Fourteen days.

The thought is both thrilling and nerve-racking.

Whenever Logan leaves, it’s always as short as possible and he either has Connor or Jax keeping me occupied. Connor is out since he’s going which only means Jax. I feel dizzy until I force myself to suck in oxygen. Logan wouldn’t do that to me. He wouldn’t make Jax keep tabs on me again. No, he can’t. He knows we’re not on good terms. Overprotective doesn’t even begin to describe him.


Chapter Twenty-Six

“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, Addie,” Liv says. “I’m here for whatever you need. If you want to talk about the weather for the next hour, I’m all ears. However, you need to open up to someone. Once you do, you’ll feel better. Maybe not at first, but eventually.”

“Day-by-day right?” I ask, repeating that stupid saying Liv’s always says to me.

She nods. “Day-by-day.”

“I don’t know where to start.”

“Start with whatever you want to tell me.”

Glancing down, I immediately force my finger to stop drawing random designs on my thigh. I wasn’t even aware I was doing that. It’s something that I’ve always done when I’m too stressed out, close to my breaking point. It helps calm me down. Where did I pick up this habit?

I think back, trying to remember the first time I started doing this. I was still swimming because I remember drawing random patterns on kick-boards. So it was before the accident if I was still swimming. Hmmm. I remember crying in the dark and feeling someone drawing on me with their finger.


I was crying for Jax. I couldn’t stop picturing him on the floor bleeding because of Wyatt. He didn’t know how to make me stop so he helped me into bed, and drew random things on my back with his finger tips until I fell asleep. He still does it. I get flashes of him doing it whenever I’ve been nervous, scared, or needed him. While I was in the hospital, underneath the table at a charity event, while he tutored me. The flashes go on and on. Then, as if I can’t help myself, I replay every time he would draw on my naked back with a sharpie. Despite everything, he’s still my strength. Remembering our time together helps me open up to Liv about the night that changed my entire life.