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Jase’s eyes narrow in on Charlie, his blue gaze becoming icy. “I’ll have a talk with him.” He turns his attention to Piper. “Anyone else gives you shit, come straight to me and I’ll take care of it.”

“Absolutely not,” Piper says firmly, shocking me and, from the look on Jase’s face, him, too. “I won’t have you getting in trouble on account of me. I’m the daughter of a cop and can handle myself.”

Charlie Davis chooses that exact moment to wink at Piper, and she shudders. Thank God for divine intervention.

“You might be all grown up now, kitten. But you haven’t learned how to use those claws yet.” Jase grabs her hand and slowly turns it so that the palm is facing up. “I’d be happy to teach you, though, if you want some private lessons.”

Giddy at this turn of events, I let go of Piper and begin to edge away, wanting to give them some privacy.

Her eyes fly to mine, and she almost staggers to one side as she yanks her hand away. “That won’t be necessary.” She looks at me, her cheeks all flushed. “I’m hot. Are you hot? I’ll go get another drink.” Without another word, she rushes off.

Punching Jase in the shoulder, I say, “What was that about?” I lower my voice to mimic him. “I’d be happy to teach you how to use your claws, kitten.” I make a face. “Is that really how you work your mojo?”

“Shut up, Ro.” He stalks off in Giselle’s direction, instead of Piper’s. Damn it.

“Always meddling in other people’s business,” Seth says, sidling up to me.

“How would you know what I’m always doing? You haven’t lived here in seven years,” I snap. God, the perfect way to end my night, with Seth seeing right through me.

“You want to get Piper and Jase together, so he won’t keep messing with Giselle. How’s that for knowing you?”

Pretty damn good, but there’s no way I’m admitting it. “Impressive,” I say dryly. “Did they teach you that in Marines—how to skulk around in the shadows and eavesdrop?” I take a drink of my beer and then cross my arms.

“I must not be skulking in the shadows very well if you noticed me.”

I blush. “You’re a mouth breather.”

Seth snorts. “Tell me another one.”

“Halitosis gives you away?”

He steps closer to me and dips his head. My entire body sways forward to meet him. I inhale his hot, male scent. He smells so good that I could eat him. I could nibble on him all day and come back for more, starting at his luscious bottom lip.

Yeah, yeah, I lied about the halitosis, but a girl needs self-preservation tactics when she’s around her ex.

One of his arms slips around me, hauling me close, and I can’t help but love the feel of him. “I get that you want to protect the one you love the most,” Seth begins. “But Piper’s in for a world of hurt if Jase were to decide he wanted her instead of Giselle. Can you imagine how Giselle would retaliate? Piper’s not like us. She’s a good girl, from the good side of town, and her dad is the fucking chief of police.”

“Haven’t you caught up on all the gossip?” I try to stalk away, but Seth tightens his grip, and it’s like struggling against a stone wall. I glare at him. “Let go.”

“Promise you’ll quit trying to put the two of them together.”

“Why, because we Simmonses aren’t good enough for anyone?” I say, biting back the ridiculous tears that suddenly appear.

“No, baby, because Piper is your best friend and she’ll get hurt. You love her too much to do that to her.”

He’s right. So damn right, and I hate it. “But I love Jase.”

“I know you do.”

Before I can say something sweet or incredibly stupid, a flash of movement catches my eye. A guy shoves my brother, repeatedly, and it’s all Jase can do not to fight back. Instead, he holds up his hands and shakes his head.

I grab onto Seth, my nails digging into his skin. “Oh, God, not again.”

Seth peels my fingers away and grabs my chin, forcing my gaze to his. “Calm down, Rowan. Nothing’s going to happen.”

“But nothing was supposed to happen before. I can’t go through that again, Seth. Not when I have both of you—” I sniff. Not both of them. Seth didn’t come home to me. He came home to make life and career decisions. I happened to be a convenient lay for him. “Not when I finally have my brother back home.” I glance back at Jase and my stomach turns when I recognize the other guy. “Oh, God.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll just kick his ass out of the party.”

“No,” I practically scream and Seth freezes. “The guy—” I swallow. “You can’t throw Mark Williams out. He’s the mayor’s son and Giselle’s latest sidepiece. I wouldn’t put it past him to call in some BS story to the cops about us serving beer to minors.”

“There goes plan A.” He exhales. “I’ll take care of it. You stay right here.”

“Thank you,” I whisper as he lets go of me.

“And no lip,” he calls out from over his shoulder.

“Whatever,” I mutter, but I see the smile that ghosts over Seth’s lips.

That’s exactly what makes things so complicated between us. Given the choice, I always turn to him for help—when he’s here at least.


I stride over toward Rowan’s brother, calling out his name. “Jase, l need help with my truck. Can you drive me down to Gardner’s to get some tools?”

Both men turn to look at me. I know what they’re thinking. Jase’s garage has every tool known to man. Or at least it did seven years ago. Who knows what’s happened in the meantime?

Flashing me a grateful look, Jase grabs his helmet from a nearby table. Mark opens his mouth to say something, but I stomp down on his foot and he howls in pain instead.

I grin.

Rowan didn’t say anything about putting the asshole in a little accidental pain.

“Damn, bro. I didn’t see you standing there.” I keep walking, making sure to keep between Mark and Jase. “Might want to get that looked at.”

He flips me off and I salute him with two fingers.

“I wasn’t planning on getting in a fight with him,” Jase says as we walk to his motorcycle.

“Best-laid plans and all that shit,” I remind him. “But I gotta be honest with you. Giselle’s not worth it. Any woman who can’t wait for you isn’t worth your time.”

Rowan waited, and look at what you did to her.

But I’m trying to make up for that.

“Yeah.” He pauses before strapping on his helmet. “You know, besides my sister and your grandmother, only one other person ever thought of me while I was serving.”

“Who’s that?” I ask, playing dumb.

He looks back at his house. “Piper.”

“Saw her at the party.”

Jase nods. “She’s all grown up now.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” I ask, just to test him. “Hook up with her and get it out of your system.”

His lips thin as he glares at me. Now, that is damn interesting. “Can’t.”


Jase grunts an answer as he throws his leg over his bike. “When you work your shit out with my sister, then give me advice, but until then, fuck off.”

I tip up my chin to him. “Later.”

Piper appears out of nowhere, breathing so hard she begins to wheeze. “Jase. Your.” She bends over at the waist. “Wallet.”

Jase is off his bike and has Piper in his arms before I can move. “Breathe, beautiful. Breathe.”

“I’m fine.” She takes a deep breath, but the air rattles around in her chest. “Sorry. I’ve had a cold.”

Jase smiles at her, a tender look appearing in his eyes that up until now has been reserved for his sister. “Need me to take you home?”

She shakes her head and holds out a wallet, a shy smile teasing the corners of her mouth. “Here.”

“Thanks.” He takes his wallet and shoves it in his back pocket. Then captures her small hands between his and starts to rub them. “You’re freezing, kitten.”