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“What in the hell were you doing in there?” Jase roars and I scream.

“What were you doing in my room?” My heart pounds against my chest so hard that I’m surprised it hasn’t burst free.

His full lips thin. “Thought I was being rude by not offering to help you, so I came back.”

My knees get all soft. “Thank you.”

“Were you spying on my room?” he says, walking to the secret door, which is still open.

Turning, I smack the wall, trying to get it to close. “No. Yes. I mean…you weren’t in there!”

He spins me around and pushes me up against the wall as the door shuts beside us. “You like watching, don’t you?”

This close his eyes are impossibly blue. Impossibly wicked. “No.”

His head dips. Slowly. Purposefully. And I welcome his nearness. His lips are dangerously close to mine as he says, “Next time you want to watch, I’ll make it happen. You say the word.”

Pain slashes through my heart, and my chest gets all tight. “I don’t want to watch you with another woman.” I all but wheeze the words. I can’t breathe at all. It feels as though I’m sucking air through a straw that has to go through mud first.

“Are you having a fucking asthma attack?” he growls and I can barely nod. “Damn it, Piper. Where’s your inhaler? Never mind.”

He practically runs across the room, takes my purse, and dumps the contents out on the bed before rushing back to me. “Here.”

I take my inhaler and practically shove it in my mouth. Tears of frustration hit me as I try to make the canister release the medicine.

“Baby, let me.” Jase brushes my hand away and presses down. I take a deep breath, staring up at him as he pulls my inhaler away. “Hold your breath for ten, kitten.”

The tightness in my chest finally eases and I blow out a breath.


“Yes, thank you.”

He wipes away the tears on my cheeks. “Do you want to do it again? It might help.”

“How do you know so much about inhalers?”

His blue gaze searches my face. “I might have done some research.”

“For what?”

He shrugs. “Just in case you needed help.”

“You did that for me?”

Jase’s face turns hard. “I did that because I don’t need a dead girl in my house. I’ve been accused of enough things in my life. Anyway, now that I see you don’t need my help, I’ll go to work.”

Reeling from his change in attitude, I watch in silence as he walks away. Again.

“And Piper?” He stops at the door and pins me with an icy look.


“Stay the hell out of that passageway, or I promise you won’t like the consequences.”

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