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“Nope,” Boyd says, sliding off his stool to lean against the bar. “We’ve just gotten started.”

Her eyes alight on Xavier, and she smiles. “Congrats again. Let me buy you a drink.”

Xavier glances at me and then back at Rowan. “Thanks, but Seth already took care of me.”

Her gaze briefly flashes to mine. She shrugs. “Can’t compete with the boss.”

“I’m not the boss,” I point out. “You are.”

Rowan’s eyes narrow, as if she’s trying to figure out if I’m being sarcastic or not.

“You can buy Xavier the next round,” I say. “I only came along to fill in for you while you picked up Jase. Figured you could use the extra time.”

Her face softens for a split second, then that damned stubborn chin of hers tips up. “Thank you,” she says tightly.

Rather than provoke her further, I nod and turn away, pretending to concentrate on the television screen behind the bar. Some sports team is playing, but I have no clue who it is. All because of that damn mirror behind the bar. I can’t stop watching Rowan strut around in her tight red dress. She’s confident as hell and not looking for anyone. It’s just how she walks—with a purpose and a sway to her hips that’s damn near hypnotizing.

As the night wears on, I nurse my beer while she laughs with the guys and throws back shot after shot.

I don’t have to worry about her because Boyd’s keeping an eye on her, too, and it’s the fatherly kind. The other guys, not so much, but they keep their ogling respectful.

Some Ken Doll strides up to her, his perfect hair gelled as he flashes his perfect smile.

“Sorry, buddy, but brace yourself—you’re about to have your ass handed to you,” I mutter.

Ken Doll keeps on smiling and holds out his hand. To my surprise, Rowan takes it and allows him to lead her out on the dance floor. The music is loud, the beat hard and fast, and the floor overcrowded.

Jealousy rears its ugly head, and I slowly turn around to face the dance floor, crossing my arms over my chest. Everything inside of me is demanding I snatch that gorgeous woman up, but I’ll bide my time.

Besides, she deserves to have a little fun. Tonight is one of celebration, and I’m not that big of an asshole to put a damper on things. So, Ken Doll will keep his nuts attached.

For now.

Ken Doll can’t dance worth shit, but Rowan moves like a harem girl from one of those old-fashioned movies that my battle buddy liked to watch in Afghanistan. She dips and turns, her hands gracefully rising in the air like the most seductive ballerina I’ve ever seen. She moves like she makes love.

My gut clenches as she backs up to the guy and lets him wrap his arms around her. As the music changes, he leans in too damn close for my liking and my vision bleeds red.

I shoot to my feet, striding to the dance floor. Along the way, I debate two plans of attack. One involves beating the shit out of Ken Doll while the other involves me simply cutting in—without knives, of course—and dancing with Rowan myself.

I ball up my fist, my knuckles popping. Damn if I’m not itching for a fight.

Rowan spots me first, her pretty blue eyes widening. She practically shoves Ken Doll away. I grab her, shrug my shoulders at the guy, and pull Rowan to me.

“Go away, Seth,” she hisses into my ear.

“You looked too damn eager to see me for that to happen,” I say, nipping on her ear.

She makes a sound in her throat. “I didn’t want him to get hurt.”

A soft chuckle leaves me. “You can’t remember his name, can you?”

She stiffens in my embrace. “One-night stands don’t require names.”

My jaw clenches. She’s trying to provoke you, I remind myself. She wants you to push her away so she can hold on to her anger.

Hell, Ro. You want a quick fuck, here I am,” I say, leaning back to gauge her reaction.

“I don’t want a quick fuck, which is why I was with Barbie’s boyfriend,” she spits out, mad as hell.

This girl. I grin. “Come home with me, Rowan. Love me tonight.” I dip my head, teasing those red lips of hers with mine. “You can still be pissed at me tomorrow.”

Her lips part, and I touch her bottom lip with my tongue, sliding it along to the corner. “And the next day.” I kiss her stubborn chin. “And the next.” She sways toward me, her breasts almost popping out of the top of her dress. “You can stay pissed at me every day, but at night…you love me. You let me take care of that hot body and all your orgasms. Ken Doll wouldn’t know what to do with you.”

Sharp bites of pain spark as her nails dig into my arms. “You can take me home, but this changes nothing.” Her blue eyes blaze at me. “Nothing.”

The door swings open, hitting the wall with a thud. Rowan and I fall against it, my hands squeezing her tits while her fingers work at my jeans.

“Do you have a condom?” She bites my ear and I growl.

“Right pocket.”

She digs into my pocket and pulls the condom out. Spinning her around, I march her into the living room and swing her forward over the arm of the couch.

Shoving her dress up and over her perfect ass, I take note of the absence of panties. “Such a good girl to forget your panties,” I murmur, sliding two fingers along her heat. She’s wet and ready, and so am I.

“I planned on seducing you,” she says with a sigh.

“Did you?”

She nods, but I don’t quite believe her. Most likely Rowan didn’t wear panties because she didn’t damn well feel like it.

“I approve of your plans, but next time fill me in.” Caressing bare skin, I kneel on the floor behind her. The first lick of my tongue against her wet pussy has her rearing back. “Seth. Oh, God.”

I push her back down with one hand and continue eating her out, wanting to claim every inch of her. The thought of that Ken Doll doing this sends me over the edge and I stand up, snatch the condom from her, and rip open the package. A few heartbeats later, I thrust inside of her tight core.

“Damn, you feel good,” I mutter as I fuck her. I’d talked about love, but jealousy is eating at me. What if I hadn’t been there when she’d shown up? Would she have gone home with Ken Doll?

Leaning down, I wrap my hand around her neck and pull her to me. She turns her head slightly, her mouth searching for mine. I cover her lips with a rough kiss, my thrusts growing frantic.

“Do you wish it were him right now?”

“No,” she gasps.

I drive deeper, the fingers of my free hand digging into her hips. “Who’s in you right now? Who has you bent over with your dress at your waist and your bare ass in the air?”


Her inner muscles tighten around my dick and I pump harder. Jerking her closer, I temper my roughness with a soft kiss against her mouth and slow my thrusts. “God, I’ve missed you.”

Pulling out of her, I turn her around and spread her legs with one thigh before sliding back in. She leans back on the arm of the couch, thrusting her tits up. I grab the top hem of her dress with my teeth and tug until her breasts spill out. Her pink nipples are hard and begging for me to kiss them.

I suck one deep and Rowan convulses around me. She gets so wet that the slide is without any resistance. I adjust my stance, planting my feet wide, and slam into her for all I’m worth.

Her hands sift through my hair and grip the strands tight, pulling me closer. I can’t breathe, my body’s on fire, and I’m pretty damn sure I’ll be sore tomorrow, but there’s no way I’m stopping.

She cries out long and loud as her orgasm hits her. I pull out at the last second and rip off the condom, coming all over her bare skin.

“Mine,” I growl as the last of my orgasm leaves me. “Mine.”

Running a finger over one of her tits, she gives me a look hot enough to melt a glacier before she licks the finger clean.

My eyes widen in appreciation. “Hot. As. Fuck.” Scooping her up, I head to the bathroom to clean her off.