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“I told him I needed some time alone tonight, but I just want him.” I finished my wine as Eden stared back at me. “Do you think I should go to his apartment? I’m kind of a hot mess.”

“Come on. I’ll take you down there.” Eden stood from the couch and held out a hand to me. She pulled me to my feet, and it was then that I realized I was a little more than tipsy. “You and Josh together? Best news ever.”

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A SOFT KNOCK AT my door woke me up. I had fallen asleep on my couch while watching an old Adam Sandler movie after coming home from Ashlyn’s apartment. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost one A.M. Through the peephole, I was beyond shocked to find Eden with Ashlyn. What the fuck were they doing?

“Hey, Josh,” Eden said with a smirk. My gaze jumped straight from her to Ashlyn, who looked unsteady on her feet. “She wanted to come see you.”

“I told Eden,” Ashlyn said in what I assumed was her attempt at whispering. She moved forward and grabbed hold of my hand to steady herself. “But she said we are sisters before misters.”

Holy shit, she was completely fucked up, and exactly what had she told Eden?

“How much has she had to drink?” I asked Eden, as Ashlyn manipulated my body until she was pressed against my chest and my arms had no choice but to wrap around her waist.

“She was drunk when I got there, but then we had another glass or two while she was talking to me.” Eden’s blue eyes were shining with something unique, something precious. “Thank you, Josh.”

Confusion swam within me. “What are you thanking me for?”

“For looking out for Ky. I never knew it was that bad. Ashlyn told me a little, but not everything.”

Oh wow. “Pretty girl, you never have to thank me for anything. I’d do it a hundred times over.” I admitted honestly.

“Do you like cats?” Ashlyn mumbled against my chest, and I took that as my cue to get her inside.

Eden laughed softly at Ashlyn’s crazy behavior, and I shook my head in amusement.

“Do you want to stay here for the night? It’s late,” I asked Eden, not liking the thought of her driving home so late.

“No, I want to get back to Ky tonight. I need to be with him. Take care of this one, Josh. I am beyond happy for you.” Eden leaned in and kissed my cheek softly, then gave Ashlyn one last look.

I watched Eden step into the elevator before closing the door and locking Ashlyn and I in for the night. The sound of the door closing caused her to lift her head, and I laughed softly. Drunk Ashlyn was always fun.

“I love Eden. She said sisters before misters.” Ashlyn giggled.

“Let’s get you some water, and then we should get you to bed. We can laugh about all of this in the morning.”

“I think I had too much wine,” she mumbled as we entered the kitchen. I lifted her so she was sitting on the counter, then I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and some Advil.

“Take these.” I handed her two pills and unscrewed the bottle of water.

“You always take care of me. No one has taken care of me like you,” she whispered, before taking the Advil.

“And I always will. Let’s get you to bed, and we can talk in the morning,” I said softly, then grabbed her hand and helped her down from the countertop.

“Can we spoon tonight? I don’t think I’d be good for anything else.” She giggled as we walked toward my bedroom.

After we stepped through the door, she immediately sat on the edge of the bed and I felt her gaze travel with me as I moved toward the dresser. I pulled out a T-shirt and, without speaking a word, undressed her down to her panties and slipped it over her body. Then I pulled back the comforter and chuckled softly as she crawled up my bed, her perfect ass on display and covered in barely-there black panties, until she got to what she liked to call her side of the bed.

“I love your bed. Can I stay over more often? Maybe I’ll bring my cats over. Will you get a cat with me?”

What the fuck was all this talk about cats? “Sure, Ashy.”

I pulled off my own shirt and slid down my jeans, then climbed into bed beside her in just my boxers. She looked so good in my bed; I’d have her here every night if she’d let me. The fact that she was here made me think that maybe she wanted that too. I just hoped that she didn’t wake up in the morning with, not only a splitting headache, but regrets about coming here. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that.

I pulled her close to my body. Our legs tangled together, and her soft breathing on my chest felt like heaven. Just as I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, she moved beside me and rested her chin on my chest. I looked down at her and, in the moonlight that was flooding my bedroom, I was able to see the beauty of her face.

“Guess what, Joshy?” She leaned in closer, then ran her thumb over my bottom lip, and I sucked in a breath. “It’s only ever been you.”

I wasn’t a praying man, but right at that moment I prayed that her words were nothing but truth. It would break me if it was the wine talking.

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“What is that noise?” Ashlyn asked groggily from beside me, and burrowed into my chest further. “Oh my fuck, my head.”

My phone continued to vibrate on the bedside table. “Ashy, I need my arm so I can answer my phone.”

Her eyes shot wide as she looked up at me and realized where she was. “Cats. I left you a message about cats. Oh my god, ban me from ever drinking again. Please just knock it out of my hand.”

There she goes with the cats again. Was she still drunk?

She rolled over and allowed me to move my arm, so I answered my phone. Eden asked about Ashlyn, and wanted to check in to make sure everything was okay. I asked her about the voicemail message I had from her, then she burst out laughing and told me that I had to listen to it as soon as I got off the phone with her. Her reaction alone intrigued me.

Ashlyn was groaning softly, and I swear I heard her mumbling about how much she hated wine.

Eden said her goodbyes and, without lowering my phone, I pressed into my voicemails and started listening to what I assumed would be Eden’s voice.

“It’s me. Ashlyn. Calling on Eden’s phone. I’m going to buy some cats, probably two or three because they need friends. You were really warm tonight, and you bought my Pad Thai, and now I’m a little drunk on wine, but Eden is making me drink water. Do you like cats?”

I burst out laughing. Now I understood her fascination with cats. Ashlyn rolled over and looked at me like I was a crazy person.

“Josh, can you please be a little quieter?” she whispered. “I’m feeling a little under the weather.”

“Do you remember anything about last night? What you asked me?” I asked, once I got my laughter under control.

Her face went still. “What did I do?” she asked nervously.

It was an asshole move, but I couldn’t resist having a little fun with her. “I said yes. To be honest, I never thought you’d ask me,” I said, with an air of satisfaction and disbelief in my tone.

“What?” she choked out, her eyes wide, and the color in her face now completely drained.

“We’d have to make some calls, but I’m sure Ky and Eden would be willing to help.” I was barely able to contain my laughter. “How quickly do you want to do it? It’s a huge commitment.

She shot up in bed, and next thing I knew she was standing up and leaning over the end of the bed. “Fuck, my head is spinning. What have I done? You said yes?”

“Why wouldn’t I say yes?” I asked in a sarcastic tone that she didn’t seem to grasp. “Are you having second thoughts? Wow, Ashy, I never thought you’d be like that.”