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I shrugged my shoulders and just said, “Depends. I do ask you all to stay out of it, though. I’m at a loss as to what to do at this point, and I don’t need you trying to make things better and making them worse instead. Please, just take care of the club for me.”

They all nodded their heads in understanding.

With a heavy heart, I turned and walked out of the Toulouse Room, just as my phone rang.

“Jett Colby,” I answered.

“Jett, it’s George. I have some news.”

“What is it?” I asked, growing anxious.

“I was able to find out about the interviews and who the front-runner is. Unfortunately, right now, Rex and Leo have the advantage. They’ve made some promises to some elites in the city that are outweighing your plans for the lot, as well as Zane Black’s plans.”

“You can’t be serious?” I asked, while stopping in the hallway to pace and run my hand through my hair. “Fuck, what can I do?”

“Not sure. Unless there is something you can find out about Rex and Leo, we are pretty out of luck.”

“What about the mayor wanting to run a clean bidding process? What happened to all of that?”

“He’s not the one who will be making the decision; it’s a panel. He only has so much pull in the matter. Rex and Leo have infiltrated the right people.”

Grinding my teeth together, I thought about what my next step was going to be. Goldie was out trying to gather information about Rex, at least that’s what we assumed she was doing, that was what I was trying convince myself of, but I couldn’t rely on whatever scheme she had in her head. I needed to take control of the situation; I needed to figure this out on my own.

“Thank you for the information, George. I will be in touch.”

“What are you going to do?” George asked, with a bit of skepticism in his voice.

“That is none of your concern at the moment.”

“Jett, please don’t do something stupid.”

“George, how little you know me. Have a good day.”

I hung up, but didn’t put my phone away; I had one more call I had to make.

“Mr. Colby, do you need me to meet you?” Jeremy asked into the phone once he picked up.

“Jeremy, I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything, Mr. Colby.”

I loved how loyal the man was.

“Gather all the information you can on a Zane Black from New York City and schedule a meeting with him. Sometime soon, please, within the next couple of days. I will fly to him.”

“Can I ask what this is for?”

“I need to make some special arrangements,” was all I said, and then hung up for Jeremy to be left to his task.

Feeling a little more in control, I walked back up to my office to take care of some of my business. I still had an empire to run. I still had to be the Jett Colby everyone expected me to be, even though I could feel how broken I was inside.


“The Girl”


Kitten flowed through the club with ease. It was thrilling to see her fall right into step with our plans. At first, she seemed to have a little resistance with how we ran things around the club, but she warmed up quickly and had the girls moving flawlessly to a seductive song that would entice our members most definitely.

The way the club was set up was, the members would come in for a show at a designated time. They would have to reserve chairs beforehand with a deposit, and once they arrived, they were showered with food and drinks. Once they were comfortable, the girls would come out to do a dance or whatever kind of act Goldie prepared for them. Then the men would vote as to who they would want the main attraction to be for that night for Blane to do a demonstration on. The voting process would only be until I was able to permanently make Goldie the main demonstration, a goal both Leo and I had set in our sights to tip Jett over the edge. From the look of Goldie’s dedication, we were going to have her on stage quicker than we expected.

After the demonstration, if a member paid extra, they would have a chance to have a one-on-one with Blane and Goldie, but if not, the men would be able to take one of the girls back to a playroom. Right now, we only have three girls, but Leo and I are confident in being able to recruit more, especially after we secure Lot 17. We will be able to expand our operation.

Masquerade was a play off of the Lafayette Club, but much better. Where the girls were covered at the Lafayette Club, the girls here had to be naked at all times. Lap dances were as close as you could get to the girls at the Lafayette Club, and you weren’t even allowed to touch them, but at Masquerade, touching was allowed, and fucking was encouraged. The girls were there for a reason; they were there to be used.

I watched as Goldie had the girls bending in all different directions, while mingling their bodies together. I was getting a hard on just from watching them, and I wasn’t one to sit and watch with a hard on. When I was excited, I had someone take care of it for me.

I adjusted the crotch of my pants so I was slightly more comfortable. “Mercy, come with me,” I called out, as I started walking to one of the back rooms.

Mercy was, by far, the most beautiful specimen I had ever seen, even more beautiful than Goldie, which was rare. They were quite similar, though, in their build and hair. But where Goldie was smart mouthed and challenging, Mercy was the perfect submissive. She was also my accomplice. She kept an eye on Goldie for me, to make sure she wasn’t up to anything crazy.

So far, Mercy was only able to report back about Goldie’s first initial speech to the girls, where she told them to drop the submissive act. Luckily, I trained my girls well and they didn’t falter much. Eva, I had to keep my eye on, because according to Mercy, she was more outspoken than she should be.

I could hear Mercy’s padded footsteps behind me, trailing like the good girl she was.

My conversation with Goldie when she first showed up at my door constantly rang through my head. She wanted to be a part of my future; she saw herself as being with me in the long run. That night, I felt a little nostalgic over what we used to have, the suspense of it all, but after I met Mercy, I knew there was no turning back. Right now, Goldie was a means to an end for me, the end of Jett Colby, and if I had to lie to her, to let her believe I was waiting for her, then so be it.

Leading Mercy into one of the playrooms, I watched as she walked past me into the black out room. Everything in the room was black, from floor to ceiling. You could choose the lighting you wanted reflecting off of the walls, so for today, I chose yellow, because Mercy looked gorgeous under the color.

Clicking the door shut, I turned to see Mercy, kneeling before me in a submissive pose, just waiting for my command, just the way I’ve instructed her in the past. From the look of her kneeling before me, I felt myself grow harder, it was that easy when it came to Mercy.

“Mercy, you have such a way of pleasing me.”

She didn’t speak. She just continued to look down at the ground like a good submissive. Kneeling before her, I lifted her chin so she was forced to look me in the eyes. Her green eyes found mine and, once again, I got lost in them. With just one look, she was able to make me surrender every wall I put up around my heart.

“You’re so gorgeous,” I whispered softly, taking a nip on her lips, an action I couldn’t keep myself from engaging in. “Stand, I want to talk to you.”

She did as was told and waited for me to direct her. I took a seat in one of the black sofa chairs in the room and patted my knee. Silently she walked over to me and straddled my lap, making her breasts even with my eyes. My mouth watered as I examined her plentiful chest. She was natural, everything about her was natural, from her hair color to her body. I couldn’t get enough of her.