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“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”

“I do, actually,” I replied smartly.

Nodding, he smirked again and said, “So you don’t like my dearest friend Rex?”

Sweat instantly pricked at my temples, as I tried to figure out what to say. The man seemed too relaxed to be having this conversation with me. I felt like, if he was truly mad, he would have grabbed me by the hair and dragged me across the floor until we reached Rex, where he would toss me at Rex’s feet and yell “traitor” at the top of his lungs while shaming me for everyone to see.

Maybe that was a little farfetched, but he seemed too calm and collected right now.

“He’s cool,” I shrugged. It was the best I had. I mean, the man was fucking another girl in the other room. Oh, wait, pardon me, he was letting her “pleasure him,” completely different, apparently.

Laughing, Blane shook his head and said, “You’re so full of crap, but that’s okay. I’m not a fan either.”

“Wait, what?” I asked, a little shocked to see how easily Blane spoke of his distaste for Rex.

“What? Do you think hating Rex only belongs to you? Well, you’re wrong, the guy is a prick.”

I eyed him, looking for a tell that he was lying. “Is this one of those moments where you trick me into telling you how much I don’t like him only for you to record and divulge my secrets to the man in question later?”

“No,” he laughed. “You already let me know about your feelings for the man without me tricking you.”

“So, you are trying to trick me, then,” I poked his chest, only to find that I probably sprained my finger from how strong his muscles were. I should have known better. Men in New Orleans, in the circle of Jett and Rex, equaled, hot, dominant, muscular, and downright irritating.

“No, I’m actually not. I’m trying to find someone to finally be on my side,” he said, more seriously.

Oooh, he wanted to be in cahoots. Things just got interesting!

I leaned forward and said, “You really hate him?”

“Do I hate a man who is blackmailing me to be in his club, forcing me to do things to girls that I, by no means, want to do? Yeah, you could say that.”

“He’s blackmailing you?”

“We’re not getting into that now,” Blane said with authority, snapping me into my place.

God, I hated myself, I reacted so well to a dominant man; it was annoying.

“Fine, what do you want then?”

“The same thing you want.”

“And what do you think that is?” I asked with my hands on my hips.

“Freedom, you want to bring them down and live your life, just like me.”

Well, slap me on the hammy hams, he nailed it.

“I’m going to try to forget why you know that about me…”

“I don’t know you at all,” he cut me off. “But I see the same look in your eyes that’s in mine. You’re repressed, you can’t live the life you want because he’s casting a black cloud over you, holding you back. Am I right?”

“Yes,” I nodded, a little sadly. What I would give to be wrapped up in Jett’s arms right now…It was the one and only thing I wanted, but stupid Rex and Leo were ass cocks and couldn’t let the poor guy live his damn life.

“Good. I’ve been waiting for someone like you to come around. I have some ideas, but we have to act quickly.”

“Why?” I asked, starting to grow anxious.

“The interviews for Lot 17 are coming up, and from what I’ve heard, Rex and Leo are in the running to take it. If that happens, we’ll be trapped here forever, because the new club will be improved…it’ll be bigger, more exclusive, and more erotic. I want out of this, and I know you do too. I’ve heard what Rex has planned for you, and believe me, you don’t want to be a part of it.”

“Gang bang,” I mumbled.

“Something like that,” he mumbled back, making my eyes pop out of their sockets. “The only way to keep them from getting the property is by exposing them and their business.”

“Duh, that’s why I’m here,” I pointed out, so he knew he wasn’t the only one with the genius plan.

“The only problem is, there is no way we can with the security Rex has on this place. We need to devise a plan, and I think I have one, but you might have to get your hands dirty.”

“How dirty?” I asked, with a quirk to my eyebrow.

“Not too dirty, but you won’t have the luxury of just sitting around, teaching the girls. We have about two weeks to watch Rex’s pattern and take advantage of it. We need to get him in a routine when he walks in here…”

A slam of a door cut Blane off from speaking as he looked toward the door.

“You have to go. You can’t let Rex see you with me. He’ll know something is up.”

“Okay,” I said, while opening the door.

“I plan on seeing you every day. Don’t approach me; I will approach you when the time is right. Until then, do what Rex says, don’t let him think any differently.”

I nodded, and without a glance back, I exited the small room.

With renewed confidence, I walked down the service hallway to the main room, feeling like a secret spy. I wanted to crawl against the walls and do hand motions to Blane to tell him the room was clear. Where were my spy glasses? My magnifying glass? We were going to bust this joint wide open!

“Goldie, where were you?” Rex boomed as he came toward me.

My inner excitement was squashed instantly by the fury pouring off of him.

Taking a deep breath, I looked around, and then grabbed my crotch instinctively and started dancing around.

“Can you believe I almost went to the bathroom in the sink over there? Where’s the damn pisser?”

The worry lines that were etching Rex’s face relaxed as he watched me pretend to struggle with my over-filled bladder.

“To the right,” he pointed. “Second door.”

“Thanks,” I said with a pained voice. I ran toward the bathroom and locked myself in it. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. My heart was racing from almost being caught with Blane in the little closet office. Rex would have had a man-fit if he saw us exit at the same time. As if he had the right…he was just with another woman. I was still trying to get over the audacity he had of going through with such a thing. What a squid.

After I went to the bathroom, I washed my hands and opened the door, where I was greeted by Rex. He was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. He was definitely paranoid.

“All set?” he asked, eyeing me.

“Yup, are you? Did you have a nice time?” I asked with a sweet voice, trying to show that what he did wasn’t the weirdest thing in the world.

Taking a deep breath, he leveled with me and said, “It was just fine.”

“Just fine? Do I need to teach her some moves?” I asked, swiveling my hips.

“No, you just need to fuck me,” Rex said, while grabbing my waist and pulling me flush against his body. “I won’t be able to wait long for you, Goldie. Especially with you sleeping such a short distance away from me. You belong to me, simple as that.”

So, the man was a creep, but I still got a little excited when he talked to me in his dominant voice. There was something about his dark, stubble-caressed jaw and the deep gaze in his eyes that turned my insides into a little flutter. I was a lady with an overactive vagina that drooled when an alpha walked in the room; I couldn’t help it.

Clearing my throat, I gently nodded and pushed away. “Am I going to meet the girls? When do I start? I’m still a little unclear on what you’re looking for from me.”

“Fair enough,” he nodded and grabbed my hand. “I will introduce you to the girls.”

Rex dragged me through the back of the club and into a small room that was closed off by only a curtained door. The back of the club was a disaster. There were exposed pipes and beams and garbage scattered everywhere amid the construction; it appeared to be in a constant state of disrepair. It surprised me how unprofessional it was, but then again, the members never came to the back, and it wasn’t like the health code inspectors were invited for a tour. I guess I just expected more from Rex. From the way he presented himself, I would have thought he had the same standards as Jett, but boy was I wrong about that.