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The two men were complete opposites. Jett was modern and dignified, a real man. Rex was a crusty old hoarding historian with a pack-rat problem. Lesson learned, never judge a book by its cover, because where Rex is more open and welcoming, he really was a terrible man. Jett was closed off and rude when you first met him, but he’s a true gentleman at heart.

Rex cleared his throat to gather the attention of the room. I peeked around Rex’s shoulder and saw three women, stark naked and sitting in chairs like robots. They weren’t talking, they weren’t moving, just staring at the wall and sitting in a row, waiting to be commanded to do something.

Holy hell, was I living in some kind of sex slave paradox?

“Ladies,” Rex greeted them, but they didn’t lift their heads. “This is Goldie; she will be your manager and teacher when it comes to the acts you will be performing out on stage. She comes with great experience, and I encourage you to listen to her.” Rex turned to me and grabbed my hand to bring to his lips. “I have to go work on some paperwork. Please start working on some choreography for a still-life show. I would prefer to see them slowly touch each other in different positions.”

Gross! Fucking pervert.

Smiling and nodding, I allowed him to kiss my hand, even though I wanted to punch him square in the teeth.

“When will they need to know the choreography by?”

“We need them to know it by this weekend, and they need to know it without you leading them, because you will be attending a gala with me Saturday night.”

“Oh, really?” I asked, feeling a little apprehensive of who might be at this gala.

“Yes, your dress will be picked out for you. We’ll go over the details later. Be useful, Goldie, and whatever you do, stay away from Blane; I saw the way he looked at you, and I didn’t like it.”

Swallowing hard, I smiled brightly and said, “Not a problem. He’s got that whole jock thing going on anyway, too bulky, you know?” I asked, while flexing my muscles. “Like, where’s your neck, dude? Bench much?” I elbowed Rex, but he just looked at his arm where I touched him and then took off.

Pull the fucking stick out, dick wad.

Despite what I said, Blane wasn’t too bulky at all; he was just perfect and he had a neck, boy did he have a neck. The perfect neck to lick…

Fuck, I was horny. A couple of days away from Jett and already I was envisioning my tongue running up some other guy’s neck. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I turned to the girls and eyed them all. Their heads were down and their hands were in their laps, all posed the same way.

They either went through some crazy sex slave shock therapy or they were desperate for cash. I would say it was the latter. I didn’t blame them; I knew exactly how they felt.

Clearing my throat, I stood in front of them with my arms crossed, channeling my inner Kace and screamed at the top of my lungs, making all of them jump about a foot out of their chairs and look at me as if I was some crazy banshee on the loose.

“That’s better,” I said, while I started to pace the room, looking at all of them. If I only had a whip and a whistle, I would be ready to teach these girls a lesson in submitting to a man. Defiance was the true key to submission. Without defiance, what was the point of having a dominant man? They wouldn’t be challenged, and you would just be a doormat. Plus, a good spank to the old backdoor melon was a pleasant way to spend a night.

“Listen up you swaying kumquats, when I’m in the room, you look me in the eye, you puff your chest out with pride, and you own the fact that you are naked with two other women in a room that is less than satisfactory for our fine asses. Yes, that’s right, you ladies are fine, you’re beautiful, you’re more than just a smooth piece of skin with a beating heart. You’re women, damn it, you have the power to take down any man you want to, and do you know why?” I pointed at them and then gripped my tits and crotch. “Because we hold the ticket to that pestering one-eyed pant snake that is trying to eat up our gentle lady folds any chance it gets. We get to tell it when it can enter and when we can clench around the swiveling little worm and suffocate him until he squirts his man seed.” I clenched my fist and held it in the air as I spoke. “We hold the cards, ladies. Now, let’s stand up, smack our tits together, and show those men who’s in charge.”

I held true to my fist pump and waited for the cheer from the women below from my incredibly inspirational speech, but was greeted with silence instead of a loud victory call.

Tough Crowd.

I lowered my arm and looked at them to see they were all staring at me as if my vagina just fell off. Glancing at the ground, I made sure that wasn’t the case, and then clapped my hands together to lift the silence in the room.

“Up and at ‘em, ladies. Let’s go, stand up, yup that’s it. Get on those feet.”

Timidly, they stood up and looked at each other, wondering if they were going to get in trouble. What the hell had happened to them all?

Wanting to make them feel more comfortable, I said, “I’m Goldie, like Rex said. The only reason I know him is because he used to pay me for sex. I used to live on Bourbon Street, where I worked at Kitten’s Castle as a half nude waitress until I was recruited to be a Jett Girl.” All their heads popped up and their eyes lit with interest.

“You were a Jett Girl?” one of the girls asked meekly.

“I was, and it was amazing. I learned a lot from that experience, and I’m going to teach you guys the same thing, but first, we need to drop the submissive act and learn about each other.”

“We can’t,” the girl who’d gained enough courage to open her mouth answered for everyone. “If Rex saw us speaking, he would fire us, and we can’t be fired; we can’t afford it,” she trailed off.

My heart turned in my chest. They were in the same position I was a few months ago, but to my luck, Jett Colby offered me a contract, not Rex Titan.

“Well, when you’re around me, you can talk, because hell if I’m going to teach a lap dance to a bunch of muted mannequins. If Rex has a problem with that, he can talk to me. So, tell me your names.”

There were three girls, two with brown hair and one with the same color hair as me; they were distinctly different from one another, though. One of the girls had short brown hair that fell to her chin. Another girl had long honey-colored hair same length as mine and she was blessed with bright green eyes, and the girl who had enough courage to speak to me was the other one with brown hair. She was very exotic looking, quite gorgeous.

Looking around, the girl who spoke looked me in the eyes and said, “I’m Evangeline, but everyone calls me Eva. This is Bizzy,” Eva said, pointing to the girl with the short hair, “And this is Mercy,” she finished, pointing to the girl with the bright green eyes.

“Well, have Mercy,” I said, channeling my inner John Stamos, and while waving my hands in the air, garnering not even one smile from any of them. “Okay,” I cleared my throat, “You guys are kind of boring, but we’ll fix that. Mercy, Bizzy, nice to meet you. Eva, thank you for having the courage to speak. I promise I’m not here to report you three. I’m here to help, okay?”

They nodded their heads, still acting a little stand off-ish. This was going to be so much harder than I thought. Where were Babs and Francy with the shot glasses when you needed them?


“My Sundown”


“Why are we sitting around the stage? Shouldn’t we be practicing?” Pepper asked Kace.

“Jett has to talk to us, so quit your bitching and hold still until he gets here,” Kace replied abruptly.

They all sat in silence, listening to Kace’s direction, while I watched them from the doorway.