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Owen stared at her for a long moment and just when she thought he was going to get up and leave her, he said, “Would you like to meet my friend Kellen? He’s over in the corner booth waiting for me.”

Caitlyn looked in the direction Owen indicated with a nod of his head. She could see silky black hair on the crown of Kellen’s head, but the rest of him was concealed by the high-backed booths. Caitlyn immediately realized what this was about. The good-looking one, Owen, captured unsuspecting women for his homely friend Kellen. It explained perfectly why he was coming on to her in the first place. Wouldn’t they be surprised when she turned the tables on them and rejected them both? She didn’t like to be taken for a fool.


Owen rose from his seat, and she couldn’t help but notice the hard cut of his body and how his perfectly pressed shirt clung to his shoulders and chest. How it tapered down to be tucked into a pair of well-made slacks that accentuated his narrow hips. A leather belt drew her attention to his trim waist. She’d seen pictures of guys built like this, but wasn’t sure if she’d ever encountered one in real life. It took her a moment to realize he was holding his hand out in her direction. She slid her palm into his, finding it warm, strong and, apart from the calluses on his fingertips, smooth. She couldn’t help but wonder what those fingers would feel like against her skin.

She slipped from her chair and stood on the spindly high heels she’d purchased at the club’s basement shop. They were white patent leather and made her pretty white negligée seem a little less innocent. She’d chosen the piece of lace lingerie because they wouldn’t let her in the club wearing her tweed and denim and it was the least trashy of the items they offered. Plus, the short teddy came with a thigh-length gauzy robe which, though transparent, gave her the illusion that she wasn’t showing so much bare skin to strangers. She wondered why the one man she wanted to see naked had been allowed to bypass the no-street-clothes rule. Owen was dressed all in black, except he was barefoot. Every other person in the room was at least partially undressed, and a few were entirely naked.

Clutching her transparent robe at the waist, she took a hesitant step. While she didn’t wear heels in the lab, she wore them in the boardroom, but she’d never worn a pair four inches high until tonight. She was so busy concentrating on not breaking her neck that she didn’t realize Owen had stopped until his hand touched her arm. She froze in midstep and looked at him in question. What had she done wrong this time? She was so not used to this scene.

Owen’s eyes raked down her body. “Mmm. You must realize I asked you to stand so I could get a better look at you,” he said.

Anywhere else in the world, she’d have been pissed by his blatant come-on and told him to go fuck himself, but here, she was expecting it. In a strange way, hoping for it. She was going to let this happen tonight. Tonight, but probably never again.


“Even better than I’d fantasized. Stunning. Now walk that way so I can check out your ass without you noticing.” He winked at her, and she burst out laughing.

“You’re bad,” she said.

“You have no idea.” The devilish grin left his face and his expression warmed, leaving him looking sweet and gentle. “I can be good, if that turns you on. What turns you on, Caitlyn?”

“You,” she blurted, and heat rose up her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she’d actually said that, even if it was true.

“Then I’ll improvise,” he said.

He placed a hand on the small of her back to urge her toward the booth where his homely friend was waiting to make his move after Mr. Smooth Operator took his leave. Caitlyn focused on keeping her ankles from twisting as she stalked in that direction. It was impossible for her to walk in heels without taking confident steps. She forced herself not to look behind her to see if Owen really was checking out her ass. She hoped he enjoyed the view. The white thong she wore couldn’t be hidden, even with the gauzy robe in place.

She paused at the table, eyes going wide when Owen’s presumably ugly friend looked up from his beer. Kellen was on par with his gorgeous friend, even though they looked nothing alike. Where Owen had blue eyes, dirty-blond hair, and even features, Kellen was rugged and dark. Dark hair, dark eyes, dark mood. He was shirtless, which allowed her to scan the tattoos that decorated the hard muscles of his broad chest. His black hair was straight and just long enough to brush his collarbones. He looked untamed, like a Plains warrior. She could easily picture him astride a Paint Horse, hair flying out behind him as he aimed his bow at some animal he hunted. This guy was ruthless and hard. At least that was her impression until he smiled and his features softened. Her heart thudded so hard, she thought it might explode in her chest. Okay, if these two planned a bait and switch, she wouldn’t mind at all. Her goal to have sex with a hot, young stranger would be fulfilled by either of them.

“Is Owen making an ass out of himself again?” Kellen asked as his gaze shifted above her shoulder to his friend.

“Can’t help it,” Owen said. “I had to corral her before some other jerk found enough confidence to approach her.”

He moved close behind her, and she was promptly engulfed by his warmth. An instant later she caught the scent of his clean-smelling aftershave. Her eyelids fluttered.

“Would you like to sit?” Kellen asked her.

Yeah, on Owen’s naked lap. Or yours. Yours would work. Because now she didn’t feel the need to screw every man in the club to help her get over her ex. Just one. Or maybe two.

“You’d better do it soon,” Owen whispered close to her ear, “or I’m going to bend you over that table and break the club’s no-penetration-in-the-lounge rule.”

She gasped, her nether regions clenching with a surge of lust. So those parts were still functional. She had been starting to worry.

Kellen chuckled and shook his head. “Easy, stud. Do you even know her name?”

“Caitlyn,” Owen said.

“Sit, Caitlyn,” Kellen said, “before he whips out his dick and gets himself kicked out of here.”

Caitlyn sat and crossed her legs. She wriggled slightly to give the unbearably swollen and achy flesh between her thighs some relief. No good. She’d never had anyone say such things to her in her life. She wasn’t sure why it was such a turn-on. Thanks to Owen’s outlandish behavior and her response to it, she had no doubt that she could have sex with a stranger. She might regret it in the morning, but she wouldn’t tonight. Tonight she was tossing propriety aside and giving herself permission to get as dirty as she wanted.

Owen sat beside her and she scooted around the semi-circular, fairly private booth to give him more room. He moved closer so that their hips touched, and she scooted a bit more. He placed a hand on her knee and moved up against her again. That’s when she realized he wanted to be touching her. She smiled and relaxed as much as she could. It was a challenge to remain calm with the profusion of butterflies fluttering about in her belly.

“So, Caitlyn,” Kellen said, “what brings you to a place like this?”


“You’re sure it wasn’t horniness?” Owen asked. “Because I was really hoping for horniness.”

She laughed. “Well, a little,” she admitted.

Owen’s fingers slid along the side of her knee, and her pussy gave an attention-shattering throb of need. Okay, so he was making horniness her prime focus.

“Do you guys do this often?” Caitlyn asked.

“This is our first time here,” Owen said.

Kellen chuckled. “I guess that’s true, but yeah, we do this often. Tony has clubs like this all across the U.S. We’ve been to most of them. How do you know Tony? Entry into his clubs is by invitation only. Keeps him out of jail.”