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“You okay?” Owen asked her.

Lindsey nodded and wiped her tears on the pink-striped T-shirt at her shoulder. As much as he didn’t want to be involved in this mess, Owen couldn’t stand anyone to look so upset. So desperate. So alone. “Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?”

She hesitated and then nodded again. “I haven’t eaten since yesterday.”

“That’s not good for you or the baby,” Shade said. He opened the refrigerator and peered inside. “Neither is beer and leftover sushi.” He closed the refrigerator door with his foot.

Adam rattled the single remaining peanut at the bottom of the can. “Have a peanut.”

Shade slapped the can out of his hand. “Get the woman some real food. She’s pregnant. Have you ever dealt with a hungry pregnant woman?”


“Well, I have and it ain’t pretty.”

“I didn’t mean to get pregnant,” Lindsey whispered, gazing up at Owen imploringly, as if she’d been declared guilty and he was her executioner with a readied ax slung over one shoulder.

Owen smiled at her and smoothed her check with one finger. Her eyes drifted closed, and large tears dripped from beneath her lids. He wished she’d stop doing that already. Did she have any idea what a sucker he was? Actually, that was probably why she’d approached him first.

“I believe you,” he said. “Now don’t cry any more. We’ll take care of you.”

“Let’s go get something to eat before we hit the road,” Shade said. “Then we can ditch her at a hotel until after the next show. We have a few days’ break before our two shows in New Orleans; we’ll get this mess straightened out then.”

Lindsey ducked her head, but she didn’t argue. Owen wondered how she could stand being talked about as if she were a problem, not a person.

“She can come with us to Beaumont,” he said. “It isn’t far. And she’s probably afraid to be by herself in a strange city.”

She looked at him as if he were her personal savior. A warm feeling spread through his chest. He liked helping people, and he was glad they’d found a temporary solution to the situation. Now if he could figure out what he could possibly say to make things up to Caitlyn. He missed her already.

If she’d have him, he wanted her for more than one night. A lot more.

He’d probably have to do something spectacular to regain her trust, but he had no reservations about giving his all to rock her world.

“Tex,” Shade said, “drive out of the city, but stop at a restaurant in some small town.”

Tex was staring at Lindsey as if she had a forked tongue and horns.


He jerked and forced his attention to Shade.

“Did you hear me?”

“Restaurant. Small town. Got it.” He rushed to the front of the bus and disappeared into the walled compartment that obscured the driver from the rest of the vehicle.

“Thanks for being nice to me,” Lindsey said. She offered Shade a small smile.

“Do you need to stop somewhere and pick up your belongings?” Gabe asked, settling onto the sofa beside her, his long legs extending for miles in front of him.

“My car broke down in Oklahoma. Everything I own that’s not in this bag is there abandoned on the side of the road.”

She lifted her blue-and-white-striped bag, which was about the size of a sofa cushion, onto her lap and hugged it against her.

Gabe patted her shoulder. “How did you get to Houston?”

“A nice truck driver gave me a ride. If you guys had refused to help me, I don’t know what I would have done.”

“Five suckers form a band…” Adam said.

Owen’s phone beeped, alerting him to the arrival of a text. He pulled his phone from his pocket and smiled to see Caitlyn’s name at the top of his new message.

Call me in three days, the message said, but not before.

There was a short pause before her next message popped on the screen. I need to pretend to be pissed at you for at least that long.

“Yes!” he said aloud.

I’ll try not to call you before then, he texted back, but no promises. I have a huge crush on you, beautiful lady.

I won’t answer, she typed back.

He somehow doubted that. She’d texted him less than thirty minutes after being confronted by a pretty, young groupie claiming to be pregnant with his child. Owen pressed Call and lifted his phone to his ear.

Caitlyn answered on the first ring. “Owen! I said not to call me yet.”

“I thought you weren’t going to answer.”

“I didn’t.” He could hear the smile in her voice and the relief in his.

“Are you free Monday? I seem to have a rare night off.”

“That’s only two days away, and I’m determined to completely reject you for three.”

“Okay, I’ll give you time to consider my offer. I’ll call back in an hour.”

He grinned and hung up. He glanced at Lindsey, who jerked her gaze from him when she realized he was looking at her. And what in the world was he going to do with her while he romanced his new lover? Lindsey wasn’t going to move in with him, if that was her plan. There was no way in hell Caitlyn would understand that arrangement.

He seemed to have one too many women in his life at the moment and if he was forced to choose, he knew who’d be on the first Greyhound bus back to Idaho.

He didn’t care what it cost him. It couldn’t possibly cost him more than his heart.


I’d like to thank Wendy Christy for being the most faithful of beta readers, Jill Anderson for offering sound advice, and the amazing Beth Hill for her fabulous editing skills. Thanks ladies for helping me make this a better story.

I also want to offer a shout out to all of my fans for the encouragement and support. I hope you’re enjoying the guys of Sole Regret. I know the serial progression of this series is driving some of you bonkers. I hope you’ll stick with it. The fit is about to hit the shan. *wink* And yes, this entire band’s saga is going to be told one night at a time.


Next up is Kellen in Tie Me. Will he ever be able to get over Sara and find a new love to fill the emptiness in his soul? Or has the one he’s been searching for been standing beside him all along?

If you missed the novelette, Share Me, it’s a prequel about the happenings of Christmas Eve mentioned throughout Touch Me. You don’t have to read it to understand Touch Me, but I do think it will help you understand Owen’s confusion about Kellen’s sudden change in attitude. It’s also where we first meet Lindsey.


Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock 'n roll, Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians. Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own. She recently sold her snow shovel and moved from Nebraska to Galveston, Texas. She loves to spend time on the beach with her feet in the surf writing about naughty rock stars.