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“Mmm-hmm?” he murmured into her ear.

“I can’t wait to try this out on you.” She circled the phallus with one hand, thrusting into her loose fist. “Do you want me to take you slow and easy like this?”

“Whatever feels right. You’ll know.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

He bent his knees a bit so that the base of his cock brushed against her back entrance. Caitlyn moaned and squirmed against him.

“Have you ever been penetrated back here?” he asked.

“A few times,” she said.

“So use that experience as a guide.”

“Okay.” Her hips rotated slightly as she practiced thrusting. Her ass rubbing against him drove him insane with need. The woman plain turned him on.

“I think you have the hang of it,” he said, rocking his hips faster. He released his hold on her mound and slid his hands up the lace along her torso. She arched forward slightly, seeking his touch. The brush of her thick hair against his belly and chest drove him wild. It smelled so sweet and clean that he couldn’t resist pressing his face to the side of her head and inhaling her intoxicating scent. When he cupped her breasts, she released a moan of bliss. Owen’s thumbs rubbed her nipples in small circles.

“Oh God, Owen, just take me from behind. I can’t take much more.”

The door open and Kelly entered carrying a wooden pommel that had a thick, white satin pad on top.

“Damn it, Owen, you couldn’t wait five minutes?”

“He’s just showing me how to move my hips,” Caitlyn said.

“And we’re going to make it so he can’t move at all.” Kelly set the pommel in the center of the mattress and collected several lengths of rope from his sack of purchases.

“Come on, Owen,” Kelly said. “Don’t try to get away now.”

As turned on as Owen was, there was no way in hell he would try to get away from Caitlyn, but he released her reluctantly and took a step back. She peered over her shoulder at him, her gaze going directly to his cock. “I knew it! It’s pierced.”

“Ever been with a man who had his cock pierced?” Owen asked.

She laughed hysterically. “Sorry,” she said, gasping for air. “I can’t imagine my ex getting his cock pierced. Ever. Ever. Ever.” Her gaze slid up his body. “Or a tattoo, for that matter.”

“What about the guys you had before him?” Owen asked. “Or after?”

“There were no others.”

While this tidbit of information ricocheted about in Owen’s brain, Caitlyn went to stand next to Kelly by the bed.

“I think you should have gone for the Midnight Power Hammer model,” Kelly said, nodding toward the small attachment at her crotch. “Give him a night to remember.”

“I guarantee he’ll never forget this,” Caitlyn said.

And why did that statement make Owen’s heart kick in his chest?

“You ready, buddy?” Kelly asked him.

“Don’t call me buddy when you’re about to tie me down so I can be fucked up the ass,” Owen said.

“You just showed her how to do it properly,” Kelly said. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. Knowing you, you’ll probably even like it.”

Owen wasn’t so sure about that, but he climbed up on the bed and leaned his belly against the pommel.

Kelly tied two long ropes together. The knot landed in the center of Owen’s back and his friend got to work. It didn’t matter that Kelly had taken a several-month-long hiatus from his Shibari hobby. He still tied knots with the precision of a sailor and the care and attention of someone building a ship in a bottle. Just as he did with women, Kelly followed the contours of Owen’s body with each length of rope and adjusted each knot so that it hit upon some pleasure point that Owen didn’t even know he had. Owen wasn’t sure if Kelly was aware of each caress against Owen’s skin as he carefully arranged his masterpiece, but Owen felt every touch of Kelly’s hand. It didn’t help that Caitlyn had already tied him in knots before Kelly had even started. Owen tried to think about something else—anything else—other than what was happening to his body. He had never expected this to turn him on so much.

Caitlyn assisted Kelly occasionally, but mostly she just watched the master at work. Owen wondered what she must think of him. It was impossible to hide his arousal, seeing as he was buck naked. Did she realize how excited he was?

“This really is an art form,” Caitlyn said. “He has a gorgeous body as it is, but the way you tie the ropes… It’s as if you’re tracing his lines to draw attention to his beauty.”

“Hear that, Owen? She thinks you’re a beauty,” Kelly said.

Owen couldn’t move if he’d wanted to. His arms were tied to his sides. Ropes crisscrossed from his thighs, up his back and over his shoulders to another rope that formed a diamond pattern across his chest. He might have been able to curl into a tighter fetal position, but the pommel at his belly was in the way.

“Should we tie his—?” Caitlyn asked.

“Do you want him to be in pain?” Kelly asked.


“Tie my what?” Owen said. The pair of them were standing behind him, and he couldn’t see what they were plotting.

“Your cock and balls,” Kelly said.

“No,” Owen said, though it might prevent him from making a fool of himself from blowing his load too soon. God, he was turned on. He’d never in his life been more aware of his body.

“Okay, then,” Kelly said, moving back to admire his handiwork. “That should keep him where you want him.”

Every inch of Owen’s heated flesh was trembling. He’d said he was game for anything, but restrained the way he was, with his ass so exposed and vulnerable, he wasn’t sure if he was up for this. Well, yes, actually he was up for this. He was painfully up.

“Have you restrained many men?” Caitlyn asked Kelly.

Owen’s trembling stopped as he strained his ears for Kelly’s answer. “Just as favors,” he said.

Who? Owen wondered. Kelly had never mentioned tying up men to him. Maybe he’d done it during his training. He’d shown Owen the ropes only after he’d mastered the art himself, but surely he would have told Owen if he’d done things with a man. He told Owen everything. Didn’t he?

“When you have your partner at your mercy like this, take it slow,” Kelly instructed.

“Right,” Caitlyn said, as if Kelly were telling her how to sweep a floor or program her DVR.

“Tease him.”

Owen squirmed. Just them talking about it as if he wasn’t present was enough of a tease for him.

“Right. I like the look of his balls and cock swinging freely. I’m glad we decided not to restrain them too. Do you have your cock pierced?”

Kelly chuckled. “No.”

“God, I just want to rub those two little balls. Kiss them. Suck them in my mouth. What else would feel nice?”

“Licking,” Kelly said.

Oh God, stop talking and touch me or something. I can’t stand this for much longer.

“He doesn’t seem hard enough to me,” Kelly said. “Owen?”


“Are you hard enough?”

He was about to split, he was so hard, but he shook his head slightly. “I could be harder.”

“I thought so. When you take his cock in your hand,” Kelly said to Caitlyn, “don’t stroke him vigorously enough to make him come. Delay his orgasm until you’ve had enough. He doesn’t get to come until you say so.”

Owen groaned. He was going to have to have a serious talk with Kelly about having his back in these situations. The jerk was making this unbearable. Owen got the sinking sensation that Kelly was getting back at him for making his stint of abstinence as unbearable as possible.

A warm hand circled Owen’s cock, completely robbing him of rational thought. Instinctually, he rocked his hips forward, unable to curtail the urge to thrust. He couldn’t move more than a couple inches, but God, the woman had great hands. Owen shuddered in bliss. Her grip was firm, yet gentle. Just enough friction to drive him wild.

“See how loose my fist is?” Kelly said. “I’m barely skimming the surface.”