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The following is an excerpt of Anywhere With You…a New Adult romance by Kaylee Ryan releasing August 20, 2013.

Liam’s POV

I stopped in front of the bathroom door and leaned my forehead against it. I could hear her soft cries. I knocked softly, “Allison, it’s Liam can you let me in, sweetheart.”

“Just give me a minute, I’ll be fine,” she choked out.

“Please,” I whispered.

I heard her shuffling towards the door and heard the handle move. When she pulled the door open her face was blotchy and her eyes were red and swollen. Without even thinking I stepped inside and shut the door. I pulled her close to me and wrapped her in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and as I did she began to cry harder. I’m not sure how long we stayed like that but during that time I think I lost a piece of myself to Allison Shay Hagan.

She pulled away from me slowly. “Sorry about your shirt,” she whispered.

I pulled her chin up with my thumb and forefinger so that she was looking me in the eye, “Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?”

She shook her head no. “I feel like such a baby. It was years ago, I should be able to talk about it.”

“Is there something in particular that upset you?” I asked softly as I pulled her back into my chest as I slowly rubbed my hand up and down her back.

“Not really, it’s just…” she sniffled.

“What baby, what happened?

“It’s just family dinners. I miss those, Gran is all I have left and her health is failing and I’m here when I should be with her. She is all that I have in this world.”

I couldn’t find words through the lump in my throat. My only reply was to pull her tighter. As I did she in turn wrapped her arms tighter around my waist. After getting my emotions under control, I pulled away from her and cupped her face in my hands. I wiped her tears away with my thumbs. “You are amazing, you have so many people who love you, Aiden, his parents and Hailey. My parents adore you.” I swallowed back my emotions. “You have me,” I whispered never tearing my eyes from hers.

“Liam,” she murmured.

Her plea sent me over the edge I slowly brought her face to mine as I leaned down. I stared at her lips and then back to her eyes letting her know my intent. I needed to kiss her more than I needed my next breath. I waited, as my intentions set in, I could see when understanding flashed across her face, she licked her lips. I leaned a little closer, closing the space between us. Hesitating, giving her the opportunity to stop me, she didn’t.

When my lips touched hers I felt the tremor in my hands that were gently holding her close to me. She must have felt it to because she placed her hands over mine as I continued to caress her cheeks while I kissed her. I felt her open her mouth and I slipped my tongue inside. The taste of her on my tongue caused me to release a deep moan, as I did Allison slowed the kiss and rested her forehead against mine.


“Mmm,” I was again at a loss for words. I have kissed hundreds of girls and not once did any of those kisses elicit that kind of reaction from me. I have never in my life felt this kind of connection with any other human being.

“What are we doing?”

I kissed her forehead as I pulling back to look her in the eye. “I was kissing the most amazing girl I have ever met.” I needed her to know that she was different.

She blushed “I want more Liam. Not that I expect a proposal next week but you’ve already made it clear that you won’t make a commitment, so what are we doing?”

I shook my head and pulled her to my chest. “I don’t know baby. All that I can tell you is that kiss was incomparable to anything I have ever felt. You wreck me, you know that?” I asked searching her face for understanding.

“Well, since that was officially my first kiss, I don’t have anything to compare it to, but this feeling” she grabbed my hand and laid it over her heart. “This connection that makes my heart race is uncharted waters for me. I wish that I could hold onto it and never let go.” She sighed, “But I need all of you Liam, I don’t want to share you, and I can’t just be a fling. My heart can’t take it.” She brushed her hands across my cheek. “If you ever decide that you can give me all of you, you know where to find me.” She lifted up on her tippy toes and gave me one last chaste kiss on the lips. “Thank you for listening and for the kiss” she said as she turned and walked out of the room.

--Excerpt is unedited and may change.

Anywhere With You Book Description:

Allison Hagan has not lived the life of a normal teenager. Her parents died in a car crash when she was ten and she has been living with her elderly grandmother who happens to be her only living relative ever since. Allison became best friends with the boy next door Aiden. Aiden’s family has taken her in as part of their own, which is why when her gran insists that she live in the dorms at college so Allison chooses to attend the same school as Aiden.

Liam MacCoy is a college senior and quarterback of his college football team. Liam is rumored to be first round draft pick for the NFL following graduation as is his best friend Aiden. Liam has one focus and that’s football that is until his little sister introduces him to her roommate Allison. Since he met her he hasn't been able to think of anything else.

Liam is not a relationship kind of guy and Allison wants it all. She wants the romance and the family that she grew up without. Will Liam overcome his fear of relationships as well as the tangle of friendships to give Allison everything she wants?

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Available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble August 20, 2013