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my face as he pulls me close, my skin tingling at his touch.

brand- new year …

Suddenly all the strain and stress of the past year—

with Mum, with Sarah and Kitty—seem far, far away. The

other side of the world. Another life.

can find Kitty

anytime, after all. There’s no hurry.

But here

am now in incredible, vibrant, spine-

tingling New York City on the brink of dazzling new year and thrilling adventure. With Andy. Andy, who’s gazing

at me the same way he used to so long ago.

“Happy New Year.”

beam into those familiar

sparkling blue eyes.

And though we’re surrounded by

million rowdy

strangers, in the busiest city in the country, on the loudest,

craziest night of the year, suddenly we’re the only two

people in the world.

The feeling lasts all week, as together we hurtle

round the city, exploring everything it has to offer—we

shop at Bloomingdale’s and walk across the Brooklyn

Bridge; have breakfast outside Tiffany’s and dinner on

Fifth Avenue; see Wicked on Broadway and the Knicks at Madison Square Garden; visit art museums and history

museums and science museums, sending postcards from

everywhere we go—until finally, on our last night in New

York, there’s only one place we haven’t been.


My stomach flips as we travel up and up and up—

until eventually the doors open and race outside into the

fresh night air, Andy split second behind me. Then—just

as I’m about to reach the edge—he grabs my waist and

spins me round.

“I win!” he cries, one arm tight around me as he

seizes the rail triumphantly.

“Cheat!” protest, breathless and giggling. Then my

jaw drops. There it is, the whole of New York glittering

below us, beautiful and boundless. breathe it in, feeling

dizzy and light-headed and on top of the world. It’s the

perfect end to the perfect week, like all those movies that

have ended here— Sleepless in Seattle and Nana’s favorite Cary Grant film, An Affair to Remember

“I feel like Meg Ryan,” whisper, staring down at it

all, sparkling in the dark.

“Not Naomi Watts?” Andy asks, his eyes twinkling.

“In King Kong?” He lifts me up as

shriek, my giggles

piercing the night air.

“You great gorilla,” tease, but he stops my mouth

with the gentlest, softest kiss.

Somewhere clock chimes.

“Happy birthday,” Andy whispers, his eyes dancing

as he pulls out black velvet box.

stare at him, surprised. “It’s not till tomorrow,


“Ah.” He grins. “But at home it is tomorrow.”

count the bells. Seven p.m.

smile. Midnight at

home. He’s right.


Someone Else's Life _11.jpg


open the box, to reveal an exquisite

garnet birthstone necklace I’d admired in little boutique

in the Village. gasp. “Andy!”

“Happy birthday, Rosie.” He beams, pulling me

closer and looping it deftly round my neck, his eyes

shining. “I love you.” He strokes my face, looking deep into

my eyes. “I never stopped loving you.”

stare at him, my heart full, my insides glowing.

can’t believe my life has changed so quickly—so

dramatically. Just

couple of weeks ago everything

seemed so bleak, so empty

yet here am now, my future

glittering with excitement, with promise, with Andy—my

Andy—the only guy I’ve ever loved—on top of the world.


“I love you too,” whisper. “I’ve always loved you.”

He kisses me again, his lips soft, his body warm

against mine, my head spinning somewhere high in the

stars above as finally we pick up where we left off on that

night so long ago, in the city that never sleeps

The Empire State Building winks back at me in the

sunlight as

gaze out of our fiftieth-story hotel room

window, the city buzzing and bustling far below, as

perfect as I’ve always dreamed.

There’s so much magic here, so much history—the

Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the aching

hole where the Twin Towers once stood. It’s incredible—


this city with all its scars and heartache doesn’t dwell,

doesn’t wallow, doesn’t sleep, even. It’s too busy thriving,

rushing and bustling into the soaring hopes and

excitement of the future, and feel swept up in its spell—

like little girl again.

But I’m not.

tilt my hand and the light twinkles on the ring as it

winks back at me.

“Marry me,” he’d said, dropping to one knee right in

the middle of Central Park, his eyes sparkling in the

sunshine. “I love you. Marry me?”

can barely believe it, even now. grin down at the

ring, glittering like promise on my finger.

promise of

love, of future so bright that all the worries of my past

fade away

close my eyes.

wish you could see this, baby, wish you were here

nowwish …

take deep breath and close my eyes tight, making

secret, silent wish as blow out the candles.

look down at the cake, the scent of wax drifting on

the clearing smoke, hoping against hope that my wish will

come true.

Happy birthday, Holly


Chapter Ten

open my eyes, and for

moment have no idea


am, or why

feel so incredibly, inexplicably

happy. try to remember what was dreaming about as

my eyes sweep around the unfamiliar bedroom, over the

wide-screen TV and plush red carpet, to huge window.

Outside, the skyscrapers glitter in the morning sun, and

the Empire State Building winks back at me.

Suddenly, remember.

My face explodes in smile, and quickly roll over.

“Good morning.” Andy grins, his eyes sparkling in

the sunlight, his blond hair crumpled sexily against his

pillow. “How are you this morning?”

beam at him. “I’m wonderful.”

“I agree,” he whispers, his eyes dancing as he

brushes my hair from my face. “Completely and utterly.”

My heart flutters as his hand glides slowly down to

my waist, and with one smooth movement he pulls me

closer, my entire body tingling as his smooth skin meets


“Happy birthday.” He kisses me gently, his mouth

hot against mine, leaving me breathless. “So the hotel was

good idea?”


“The best.” nuzzle closer. “Though can’t say got

very good night’s sleep.”

“No, me either,” Andy agrees, his fingers trailing up

my back and tangling in my hair. “Strange, that.”

“Mmm. Maybe it was the pillows?”

He kisses my neck. “Or the mattress?”

“Or the linen?” smooth my hands over his back.

“Hmm. Perhaps we should complain?”

“Oh, I’m not complaining.” smile, hooking my leg

over his.


“Besides, maybe we haven’t given them


chance …”

“Excellent point.” He grins. “You think we need to

do more research?”

shrug. “It would only be fair …”

squeal as he rolls me underneath him, onto the

smoothest bed linen, the softest mattress and the fluffiest

pillows I’ve ever felt.

Nope, it wasn’t dream

“Washington, here we come!” Andy grins, squeezing

my hand as we head into the station, Casey

few steps

ahead of us. “No more yellow cabs, no more Central Park,

no more Empire State Building …”