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When I turned to look at Josh, he had the biggest smile on his face.

“Damn, that girl is worth every dime we paid her!” he said with a laugh.

“Yes. Yes, she is. Do you like everything?”

He looked at me and laughed. “Princess, I would have been happy with anything. As long as I was the one putting this ring on your finger, I would have worn a box if you told me to.”

I smiled as I reached up and kissed him. “Thank you for this beautiful dress.”

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and winked at me. “The best part will be taking you out of it.”

“Alright, y’all. Get your horny asses in there, and greet your guests,” Gunner said. He walked up and kissed me on the cheek.

Josh grabbed my hand, and we made our way into the room.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Everything was going too smoothly. I had a feeling in my gut that something was going to happen. I just didn’t know what or who it would be.

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I watched as Heather moved from person to person. She was smiling, laughing, and just being Heather. I’d never met anyone who could be so damn polite with such Southern charm.

Fuck, I love her more than life itself…and she’s all mine.

“Dude, you better stop eyeing your wife like you want to devour her. These old folks might start talking,” Jeff said as he handed me a beer.

I looked around. The wedding reception was perfect. The room led to an outdoor covered patio right on the beach. I watched as Matt played with Luke and a few of Heather’s cousins’ kids. My mother was talking to Sue and Grace while Emma was talking to Sharon.

“Dude, thanks for inviting my mom at the last minute,” Jeff said.

I smiled at him. “Christ, Jeff, you know I’d do anything for you and Ellie. I’m just glad to see she’s clean and back in your world.” I glanced over, and Sharon was holding a sleeping Alex while she was laughing at something Emma had said.

I looked back over toward Heather. “I can’t believe she’s mine.” She was breathtaking in her dress. I just want to see what’s under it.

“There goes that look again. Dude…how fucking horny are you? I thought I was bad,” Jeff said.

I threw my head back and laughed. “Ah shit, Jeff. I’ve never been so happy in my life. I thank God every day that I got a second chance with her. I feel closer to her now than I did before the accident, and I didn’t think that was even possible.”

“Man, I totally get what you mean. After Ari lost the baby, we grew so far apart, but once we got things worked out, it was like we were closer than ever. Even now, I feel like I fall in love with her more every day.”

I glanced over at Brad and Amanda dancing. She looked so happy and relaxed.

“Did Brad talk to you and Gunner?” I asked.

“About staying?”


Jeff smiled and nodded. “I was so fucking happy that I almost kissed his ass.”

I let out a laugh.

Gunner walked up and sat on the other side of me. “Heather just offered me four hundred dollars to tell her where you’re taking her on your honeymoon.”

I snapped my head over to Gunner. “What? Are you kidding me?” I laughed. “That girl loves surprises, but she can’t ever be patient enough for them.” I shook my head as I watched Heather, Ellie, and Ari all make their way over to us.

“Jesus H. Christ. How in the hell did we get so lucky with them?” Gunner asked.

Jeff and I just shook our heads.

“Hell if I know, but I’m sure glad we did.” I said. I smiled as Heather came and sat down on my lap.

“I love you,” she whispered against my ear. “It’s almost time for our dance.”

I looked into her eyes. “You want to know what song I picked, don’t you?”

She sighed and nodded. “Yes!”

“Oh, stop being such a brat, Heather. You told Josh he could pick the song. He won’t let you down. If he does, I’ll junk punch him,” Ari said.

I turned toward her. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ari.”

She shrugged and winked at me. “Anytime, sweets!”

I saw my father walking to the middle of the dance floor with a microphone.

“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” He looked over toward Heather and me and smiled just a bit. “I’ve been told that the first dance as husband and wife is coming up, but another dance needs to be done first.”

I felt Heather stiffen in my arms.

My dad made his way to us and looked down at Heather. “Heather, from the moment you stepped foot inside our world, I have loved you like a daughter. So much so that I’ve wanted to kick my own son in the ass when I thought he had hurt you in some way or another.”

Everyone let out a laugh, and I hugged Heather tighter.

He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I could never, ever replace your father, and I would never want to. I feel it so deep inside of me that he would want you to have your father-daughter dance at your wedding.”

When Heather’s body jerked just a little, I knew she was trying to hold back from crying.

My dad reached out his hand for Heather’s. “It would be my honor…”

She slowly stood up and reached for his hand as he handed me the microphone. When they started heading out toward the dance floor, she looked back at me. I felt like someone had just kicked me in the stomach. The look of pain on her face about killed me.

My dad said something to Heather, and she snapped her head up to him. Then, Faith Hill’s “There You’ll Be” started to play. I watched as Heather buried her head into my father’s chest and grabbed on to his shirt. I heard as Ellie and Ari started crying.

“This song was played at Heather’s parents funeral,” Amanda said to Brad.

Jesus…all I want to do is take away her pain. My sweet, beautiful girl.

I promise you…I’ll never let anyone or anything hurt her—ever. I’ll always love and protect your daughter. I promise.

I watched as my dad talked to Heather. She nodded once but kept her head buried in his chest. My heart started beating faster, and I felt my chest moving up and down. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I just let the tears fall.

Gunner put his hand on my shoulder.

“I’d do anything to bring her parents back for her. I wish I could take away her pain. I’d take it in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.”

“I know you would, Josh, and she knows that, too. All she needs is for you to just love her.”

I looked at Gunner and then back out to the dance floor. Just then, our eyes met. The tears falling down her face made me sick to my stomach.


Gunner squeezed my shoulder. “Smile at her, Josh.”

I did exactly what Gunner had said. She slowly smiled back as the song ended.

“Go to her, dude.”

I stood up and started to walk out onto the dance floor. As soon as I got to her, she turned and slammed into my body. My dad put his hand on my back, and then he turned and walked away.

“I love you, princess. I love you so damn much, and I wish I could take away every ounce of pain.”

When her eyes met mine, I wiped away her tears.

“Would it make you feel better if I told you where we’re going for our honeymoon?”

She smiled the biggest smile ever. “Yes! Plus, it’ll save me four hundred dollars,” she said with a giggle.

The DJ announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s time for Mr. and Mrs. Hayes’ first dance as a married couple. Heather, Josh wanted to say a few words to you before the song.”

I saw her eyes building with tears again.

“No more sad tears, baby. It’s only happy tears from now on, okay?”

She nodded and smiled.

“I didn’t think I would ever find love, but you proved me wrong, Heather. You said I rescued you, but you rescued me when you walked into my life.”

I placed my hands on her face, leaned down, and kissed her so softly on the lips. I slowly pulled away as Lila McCann’s “When You Walked into My Life” started to play. I put my forehead against hers and sang along with the lyrics as we started to dance.