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Heather smiled and nodded. “Well, everyone keeps telling me it’s a girl because of the morning sickness I’ve had. By the way, that’s not limited to just morning, so why they call it that, I don’t know. I just have a strong feeling it’s a boy.”

The nurse walked in, and Dr. Johnson stood up. “Well, let’s get the show on the road and see us a baby.”

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After they put some jelly shit on her stomach, he started moving the contraption all around. I couldn’t see anything, but then a small lima bean thing appeared. That was when we heard it—the baby’s heartbeat. Heather looked up at me as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “I love you.” I looked back up at the monitor. “Does she look okay?”

Dr. Johnson laughed. “Yes.”

Then, he made a funny face, and it almost sounded like the heartbeat was echoing. He started moving that little contraption all over the place as he pushed down more on her stomach.

Heather must have noticed it also because she frowned at me. She turned back to the screen. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

I looked up at the nurse, who was smiling.

Just then, there were two distinct heartbeats.

“Are you picking up my heartbeat also?” Heather asked.

“Or mine ’cause it’s pounding loud enough in my chest!” I said.

Dr. Johnson and the nurse started laughing.

As I looked back at the screen, I saw it. Another little lima bean showed up.

“Oh. My. God. Is that another…” Heather’s voice trailed off.

“Wait. What? Why are there two lima beans?” I glanced down at Heather.

She was smiling so big as she looked at the monitor, and then she started crying.

What in the hell is going on?

Dr. Johnson turned and smiled at me. “Josh, I think you should sit down.”

“Why? Is something wrong with her?”

The nurse came and stood next to me.

Oh god! Something’s wrong. Why is Heather smiling? She’s crying and smiling? Who does that?

“Josh, it looks like y’all might both be right.”

“Both be right about what?” I asked.

I felt my legs about to give out, and the nurse grabbed on to my arm.

“The two lima beans are two babies. Y’all are having twins.”

Twins? Holy hell. We’re having twins! I stared down at Heather with tears in my eyes. She was looking up at me with most beautiful smile I’d ever seen on her face. Twins.

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When I heard Ellie scream, I ran into the kitchen, trying to get ahead of that bastard dog of hers. Of course, he cut me off and got to her first.

If he didn’t watch over Alex like he did, I swear I’d…I’d…ah hell. I love that damn dog.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Ellie turned around and gave me the biggest smile I’d ever seen. I smiled back at her just because I couldn’t help myself.

“That’s so wonderful, sweets! Don’t worry. He’ll snap out of it soon enough. Just splash some cold water on his face,” Ellie said with a laugh.

Reaching down, I started to rub Gus on the head as I listened to Ellie’s side of the conversation.

“Okay. Heather, honey, it’s all going to be beautiful, so please don’t worry! Okay…see you in a bit.” She hung up the phone and walked over to me.

As she kissed the shit out of me, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me.

She slowly leaned away but not before she let out a small moan.

“Damn, Ells…what was that for?”

She smiled and scrunched up her nose. “Do I have to have a reason to kiss my husband?”

“No, but I sure as hell want to know what I did, so I can do it more often.”

She laughed and gave me another quick kiss. “That was Heather on the phone.”

“I gathered. I take it from your smile that everything turned out good?”

She started to giggle. “Yep! Except Josh nearly passed out.”


“You’re one to talk!”

“I tripped!”

“Uh-huh. Well, anyway, Heather had a bit of news to share.”

Her smile grew, and this time, she began hopping up and down. I couldn’t help but laugh at how giddy she was acting.

“Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to kiss it out of you?”

“Oh! I kind of like that idea…but I can’t wait another second. They’re having twins!”

Wait. What? “Ellie…did you just say they’re having twins?”

She shook her head and started to clap her hands together.

“Oh my god, Gunner! We’re going to have five kids all around the same age. Five! I can’t wait to tell Grace and Emma. I would give anything to see Elizabeth’s face when they tell her they’re having twins.”

“Shit, I’d have given anything to see Josh’s face when he found out they’re having twins!”

She threw her head back and laughed. “Heather told me the nurse had to hold up Josh, so he wouldn’t fall over, and the whole way home, he just kept repeating the word twins.”

“How is Heather taking it?”

Ellie walked over to the refrigerator, took out a few bottles, and started packing them into the diaper bag. “She’s over-the-moon happy.”

The way she was moving around and humming was turning me on. I looked at the clock to see how much longer Alex would be napping for. I slowly made my way over to Ellie and put my hands on her hips. As I pulled her closer to me, she leaned her head back, resting it on my chest. I started inching my hand up her shirt to her chest. When I slipped my fingers into her bra, she let out the sweetest sounds ever.

I moved my lips to her ear. “I want you, Ells.”

She lifted her head and looked over toward the clock. As she turned around, she gave me that smile I would lay down my life for. When she started to lift up her shirt over her head, I took off my shirt and unbuttoned my pants. She pushed my hands out of the way, and then she started to slide my pants down my legs.

The moment I felt her lips on me, I let out a gasp. “No, Ells…I want to be inside you…now,” I said as I pulled her back up. After I slipped off her panties, I placed my hand on her and slowly slid two fingers inside her. Oh Jesus H. Christ, she’s so wet.

“Gunner, please…I want you now.”

I picked her up and walked her over to the other side of the kitchen. Leaning her up against the wall, I kissed each nipple as I listened to the sweet little noises she was making. Then, I adjusted her some before I entered her warm body.

She threw her head back against the wall and moaned.

“Ells…you feel so damn good, baby.”

“Oh god, yes…Drew.”

I began moving faster and harder as she held on. She started to say how close she was, and just as I was about to come, the doorbell rang.

I instantly stopped moving.

“No! No, no, no, no! Fuck! Gunner, no, please don’t stop.”

“Ells, someone’s at the door.”

She grabbed my hair and pulled my lips to hers as she tried to move herself against me. “Move, Gunner. Fuck! I was so damn close!” she said against my mouth.

Then, I heard the one thing I would never want to hear while my dick was inside my wife.

Gramps came walking into the house as he called out for us, “Drew? Ellie?”

Ellie’s eyes widened as she whispered, “You didn’t lock the door?”

“Fuck! I forgot!” I whispered back.

“Oh my god, Gunner! Put me down!”

I damn near dropped Ellie to the floor. We both hit the ground and started crawling over to the other side of the kitchen. I heard Gramps’s footsteps getting closer, and by the time, we made it to where our clothes were on the other side of the island, he called out our names again.

“Drew? Ellie? You around?”

We stopped and didn’t move an inch. I put my finger up to my mouth for Ellie to be quiet. Gramps turned, headed back down the hall, and started to go upstairs. I’d never in my life seen Ellie get dressed so fucking fast. After we both began giggling, we couldn’t stop.