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I let out a laugh. God, she’s so damn adorable. “Just lie back and look at the sky, princess. I promise it’ll be worth it.” Then, I stopped and stared at her. “Have I ever brought you out here?”

She smiled and shook her head. “Nope, this would be a first!”


I wasn’t sure how long we were on the hood of my truck, just talking. We talked about everything from the grades we made in high school to our first fight. I couldn’t get enough of her. She cried once when she started to tell me about her parents. I hated that she had to live through it all over again, just to tell me once more, but I wanted to know.

Everything about her was…amazing. She was beyond perfect in every way.

“I still can’t believe Jeff talked you into buying a Ford. You loved your Dodge so much.”

I sat up on my elbows and looked at her, stunned. “Wait, Jeff said I wanted to get a Ford because my Dodge was having a hard time pulling my trailer with the furniture on it.” I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach.

Heather let out a laugh. “Your Dodge pulled your trailer just fine! Jeff always teased you about your truck, and…” She stopped when she realized what was going on. “Oh no, Josh!” She giggled.

“That dirty, rotten, motherfuckin’ asshole. I’m gonna kill him! I’m. Going. To. Kill. Him.”

Heather couldn’t stop laughing.

I just sat there in shock. I let that bastard talk me into a Ford truck. “I trusted that motherfucker. And Gunner! Why didn’t he say anything?”

“Probably because they both love Fords,” Heather said with a shrug.

I leaned back and looked up at the sky. I was tired of talking. I just wanted to enjoy this time with her.

Then, I heard Jason Aldean’s “Talk” playing through my speakers. So perfect. I grabbed her hand and slid us down the hood. “Dance with me.”

She smiled and walked into my arms. I pulled her in closer to me and just held her as we danced under the stars.

“I want to make love to you so damn bad, princess,” I said in her ear.

“Yes,” she whispered back.

“But I won’t do it in my truck or in my parents’ house. I want it to be perfect for you.”

She grabbed on to my shirt and took a deep breath. “Amanda’s in Austin this weekend, staying at her parents’ house. She has to go see Brad and meet with his counselor. We could, um…well, we could go and stay the night at my house after Luckenbach. Then, you could head to your apartment in the morning, like you planned,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

When I smiled at her, her face lit up like Christmas morning.

I love this girl so much. “It’s a date, princess,” I said before I leaned down and kissed her.

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I watched as Ellie bent down and kissed Alex for the fourth time.

“Ellie, sweetheart, let’s go!” I called out.

Grams and Gramps started laughing.

“Ellie, I raised two boys, darling. I’ve got this,” Grams said before she kissed Ellie on the cheek.

Ellie skipped over to my truck. I opened the door, and she jumped in.

“Let’s go cut a rug, Mr. Mathews!” she said with a smile.

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After we parked and got out of the truck, I heard Ari call out, “Ellie!”

Ellie’s face brightened as she waved at Ari.

“Hey, bitch! Dropping the baby off two days in a row! Aren’t you brave?” Ari said as she winked at me.

“Shut up, Ari. You’re gonna make me turn around and go back and get her,” Ellie said as she pouted her lips.

I grabbed her and pulled her chin up to me. “I’ve arranged to have Grams keep Alex all night,” I said as I winked at her.

“Really?” Ellie gave me a wicked look.

“Six weeks, baby.” I captured her lips with mine.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, I don’t need to hear that shit!” Jeff grabbed Ari’s hand and headed into the Luckenbach dance hall.

Ellie and I both started laughing.

Once we got in, I spotted Josh and Heather on the dance floor. I smiled as I watched the two of them. When Ellie had told me that Heather was pregnant, my heart just broke. Heather had gone to the doctor yesterday morning and confirmed it all.

“Ells, do you think it’s a good idea for Heather to not tell Josh about the baby?” I asked.

Ellie turned and looked at me with such sadness in her eyes. “Ari and I talked about it with her. She wants to wait just a little longer. With Josh getting little bits and pieces of his memory back, she’s holding out hope that he’ll get it all back.” She turned and looked at them both dancing.

Kenny Chesney’s “Don’t Happen Twice” was playing, and Josh had the biggest smile on his face.

I smiled and let out a laugh. “That boy is head over heels in love with her.”

Ellie reached up and took my face in her hands. “He is…just like I’m head over heels in love with you. I love you, Gunner.”

I leaned down and kissed her so softly. God, she tastes like heaven.

“How sweet are you two?”

I pulled my lips away and looked behind me to see Victoria standing there. Oh fucking great.

I turned back and winked at Ellie. “Let’s dance, sweetheart.” I grabbed her hands and led her away from Victoria. That girl is nothing but trouble. I couldn’t even believe she had shown up after Heather told her to fuck off yesterday.

After dancing for at least four songs, Ellie looked exhausted. “Gunner, can we grab a drink and sit for a bit?” Ellie asked as she made her way over to Heather and Ari.

I noticed Victoria trying to talk to Josh. I glanced over to where the girls were sitting. Heather, Ari, and Ellie were all shooting daggers at Victoria. As I laughed, I felt someone slap my back.

“I feel really sorry for Tori if she messes with these girls tonight. Ari’s in a mood!”

I smiled as I looked at my best friend. “Congratulations, Jeff.” I held out my hand.

He smiled so big that it made me smile harder.

“Fucking great, isn’t it? I can’t believe she’s pregnant again.” Jeff glanced back toward Ari. Then, he looked at the dance floor. “What the fuck?”

I turned and saw Josh dancing with Victoria. What the fuck is he thinking? “That stupid fucker. What the hell is he doing?”

“At least it’s a fast song, and he’s staying a good distance away from her,” Jeff said.

I looked over at the girls. Heather was smiling as she stared at Josh and Victoria dancing together.

Why is she smiling?

She turned and said something to Ari. Ari jumped up and did a fist pump before she started walking over to the DJ.

Ah hell.

I smiled when I saw Jeff was watching Ari.

Turning to me, he said, “Shit, they are up to something.”

We walked back over to our tables, and Ellie jumped up.

“Okay, listen. There was a song we made a dance to in high school. Well, really, Heather made up the dance ’cause she had taken dance lessons for years,” Ellie rattled off.

“Wait, I thought Ari took dance lessons,” I said.

“She did, but so did Heather. Focus, Gunner!” she said.

I let out a laugh. “Okay. Sorry, baby.”

“So, anyway…just don’t really pay attention to how we dance here in a second, okay?”

“Oh motherfucker. Ells, what are y’all gonna dance to?”

Just then, Josh walked up, shaking his head. “Don’t bitch at me. I see the look you’re giving me, Jeff. She wouldn’t leave me alone, so I asked Heather if I could dance with her once.” He rolled his eyes as he sat down.

I handed him a beer, and then I glanced behind Ellie to see Ari walking up with a smile.

She grabbed Ellie. “It’s up next!” She walked over to Jeff, straddled him, gave him a kiss, and told him she loved him.

“That can’t be a good sign,” Jeff said with a laugh.