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That wasn’t a lie. I was scared shitless.

“Do you want me to go with you? Is Jeff going?” she asked.

I sighed as the conversation from last night came rushing back to me full force. I thought about Jeff standing on the porch, talking to Rebecca.

“No, Jeff isn’t going. Ellie and Heather are going with me. There’s no need to worry Jeff with anymore shit. I’ll be fine, Mom. I’ll have my girls with me.”

“Are you sure, Arianna? I really don’t mind going with you. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of questions, but Dr. Wyatt is so good. You’re in good hands, honey.”

“Yeah, Mom I know. Don’t worry about me. I’m a strong bitch. What is that Katharine says, Mom? ‘Drive on. We'll sweep up the blood later!” That’s me.”

My mother laughed.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Now I’m quoting Katharine Hepburn. Fuck. If this was what being pregnant wass all about, then I was in for a long damn ride.

“So, Matthew wants you to take him to lunch today, honey, but I wasn’t sure if you were coming into town or not.”

“I would love to have lunch with him. Give me a few hours to get there. I need to put Big Roy up and get him taken care of. I’ll grab a quick shower, and then I’ll head in. Oh, I didn’t tell you! Gunner and Ellie are back early from their honeymoon. Gunner’s father had a heart attack. He’s okay, but Gunner’s mom and dad are coming to stay at the ranch for a few weeks.”

“Oh no! That’s terrible. I met Grace at the wedding. She seems like a sweet lady. She told me a little bit about Gunner and his father’s troubled relationship. I look forward to seeing them at Garrett and Emma’s anniversary party. I hope Gunner and his dad can make peace with each other.”

“Yeah, so does Ellie. Alright, Mom, I’m gonna let ya go, so I can get ready to head in.”

“Alright, sweetheart, be careful driving, and we’ll see you soon.”


Matthew came running out of the house the moment I pulled up and got out of my Jeep. He ran into my arms, and I picked him up and gave him a big bear hug. I held on to him just a little longer than normal.

“Ari! Put me down now. You will suffocate me with your bear hug!” Matthew said with a laugh.

“Oh my gosh! Do you think I’m that strong, buddy?”

“Where’s your horse, Ari?”

“She is at Jeff’s ranch back in Mason. She has a new stall, and she loves it. You’ll get to see her in a few days when you come out to Garrett and Emma’s big party.”

“Another party? Is this a wedding, too? Do I get to be in it again?”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Not this time, sweets. Come on. Are you ready to go eat?”

I looked up and smiled when I saw my mother standing on the porch watching. She tilted her head and gave me a funny look. She started to walk down the steps while I was buckling Matt’s seat belt.

“Y’all have fun this afternoon okay?”

I turned to look at my mom, I started to answer her when she stopped dead in her tracks.

She looked me up and down and then smiled. “Oh. My. God.”

I looked behind me and then all around me. “What? What’s wrong? Shit! Do I have a flat tire or something?”

My mother walked up and placed her hands on my shoulders. As she looked at me, she said,

“Arianna Katherine Peterson. How long have you known?”

What the fuck is she talking about?

“Um, Mom…when did you take up drinking in the mornings? What the hell are you talking about?”

My mom shut the door to my Jeep and pulled me a few steps away.

“Smile big, Ari. Let me see your gums?”

“What the hell, Mom? Oh my god, does Dad know you finally snapped? You need a vacation in a bad way.”

My mom threw her head back and laughed. Then, proceeded to try and stick her fingers in my mouth to look at my gums.


“Ari, when did you find out?”

“When did I find out what, Mom? Oh my god, just come out with it. You’re starting to scare me.”

“That you’re pregnant. How long have you known?”

Fuck. A. Duck. What is with these women and their super-natural powers?

“How did you…what made you think…wait…” I couldn’t even talk right, I was so shocked that my mother just had to look at me to know I was pregnant.

My mother started to laugh as she pulled me into a hug.

She pushed me out at arm’s length, her eyes moving up and down as she examined me. Then, she frowned. “You haven’t told Jeff, have you?”

I let out a sigh and turned to check on Matt. He was playing with his Play Station. He looked so content, like he was in heaven.

“Mom I just found out last night. It was really weird because Emma was the one who told me she thought I was pregnant. Mom, you can’t tell anyone, not even Dad!”

“What? Why, Ari?”

“Can we talk about it later, Mom? I really just want to spend some time with Matt. We’ll talk when I get back, okay?” I kissed my Mom on the cheek before I ran around to the driver’s side of the Jeep.

I took one last look at my mom. She was blowing kisses to Matt. Then, she looked up at me with a sad smile. Shit. The last thing I wanted was sympathy from anyone.


“Ari, I like their chocolate milk shakes here,” Matt said.

I laughed because it was the fourth time that Matt had told me he liked the milk shakes at Mighty Fine Burgers.

Just then, I saw Brad Smith come walking in. Our eyes met at the same time and he gave me that bright-ass smile of his. The last time I saw him was when my parents took Ellie, Jeff, and me out to dinner on graduation night.

Brad gave me a wave, and I smiled and waved back.

“Hey, Matt, I’m gonna go order you a chocolate milk shake. Will you sit right here and eat your hamburger and french fries for me?”

“Sure, Ari! Make sure you get chocolate.”

I walked up to the counter and stood in line behind Brad. After he finished ordering his food, he moved to the side, waiting for me as I ordered Matt’s milkshake.

“Ari, my god, look at how beautiful you look. You’re practically glowing!” Brad said.

Jesus, please don’t ask me if I’m pregnant.

“Ha! Thanks, Brad. How are you?” I walked up to him and gave him a quick hug.

“I’m doing good thanks. How about you? I heard you and Jeff Johnson are an item now.”

I held up my left hand, showing him my engagement ring, and smiled. “Yep.”

“Well, I’ll be damned. Congratulations, darlin’. He’s one lucky bastard.”

I let out a laugh as they called my name for Matt’s shake.

“Are you eating alone? You want to join my little brother, Matt, and me?”

Brad looked over toward Matt and smiled.

“Sure, if he doesn’t mind the extra company, I’d love to join y’all.”


We sat there for a good fifteen minutes, catching up on things. Brad was going to vet school at Texas A-&-M, and was in town for the summer. Matt asked Brad twenty million questions. At first, Brad had seemed to be frustrated but then he must have remembered that Matt had Fragile X. Brad was trying to be patient, but I could tell it was getting to him. I’d only met one guy who had the patience of saint when it came to Matt, and that was Jeff.

Brad just finished telling Matt a silly joke. As we all started laughing, I glanced up and saw Jeff and Rebecca walking in. I let out a gasp, which caused Brad to turn around to see what I was looking at. Jeff saw me the moment he walked in the door. His eyes shot from me to Brad to Matthew and then back to me. He looked confused as hell.

Brad turned back and looked at me.

“Um, Ari, why is your fiancé walking in with another girl…a very pregnant girl?”

I couldn’t pull my eyes away from them. Rebecca had yet to see me. I was pretty sure that once she did, she’d run out the door screaming.

“Ari? Are you okay?” Brad asked.

I looked back at Brad and tried to smile.

“Ah, it’s a really long story, Brad. Jeff hooked up with this girl before we got together, and he just found out last week that she’s expecting, um…she’s having a,…um.”