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My alarm went off around 7:30. I got up and walked out to the living room to find that Ari was already gone.

Heading back to the bedroom, I grabbed a pair of jeans and put on a t-shirt before I went to my truck.

This day is gonna suck.



Jeff and Ari had left a while ago and I was exhausted mentally and physically. Not to mention, I was pissed that we had to cut our damn honeymoon in half.

Grams and Gramps had been talking about my dad for the last hour. I looked over at Ellie. She was struggling to keep her eyes open. I thought back to the day before yesterday when I’d watched her sleep on the beach. My heart hurt so much from just thinking about how much I loved this girl.

She must have sensed me looking at her; she looked up at me and smiled. Her smile stopped my whole world. I would do anything to see her smile like that. She winked at me and then turned back to Grams.

“Emma, please let me know what I can do to help out with the party. Or maybe you need help getting things ready for when Grace and Jack get here? Whatever I can do to help keep Jack comfortable, please just let me know. I’d love to help out in any way.”

“Ellie, darlin’, you’re a sweetheart. I’m so sorry y’all had to cut your honeymoon in half. Your mother is sick over it, Drew. Drew?”

I couldn’t peel my eyes away from Ellie. I swore that this girl didn’t have a mean bone in her body. The minute I told her about my dad having a heart attack, she had started packing up our things. She had never once said a negative thing about giving up our honeymoon. Now, she was offering to help out a man who didn’t even bother to show up for our wedding.

“Gunner, maybe we should head to the cabin. You must be exhausted,” Ellie said with a sparkle in her eye. I smiled back at her and her smile grew bigger.

“I’m sorry Grams. I couldn’t pull my thoughts away from my beautiful bride sitting over there. What did you say?”

Grams let out a laugh, and Gramps stood up and hit my back.

He leaned down toward my ear.

“Go on home, son. We can talk tomorrow. I can see that you’re itching to have your bride in your arms.”

I laughed as I stood up and shook Gramps hand. I swore that the bastard grew wiser by the minute.

Ellie stood up and hugged Grams. They talked about getting together tomorrow to cook up a storm. Then, I noticed Grams leaned in as she whispered something to Ellie. Ellie pulled back with a surprised look on her face as nodded her head. Grams pulled Ellie in for a longer hug as she said something to her. I couldn’t even listen to what Gramps was saying to me. The look on Ellie’s face was so sad. What the hell is going on?


The drive to the cabin seemed like it took forever. I held Ellie’s hand the entire time as she looked out the window into the darkness.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? I can tell you’re bothered by something.”

Ellie turned toward me and let a small smile play across her face.

“I guess I’m just nervous. I’m nervous about being home, helping you with the ranch, and meeting your dad. I’m also worried about, what’s going on with Ari. I don’t know. It’s all just so crazy.”

I pulled her hand up to my mouth and pressed a soft kiss on it. “Don’t be nervous about the ranch Ells. Gramps and Grams will help us. As far as my dad is concerned.” I let out a laugh as shook my head. “I’m not so sure that I can tell you not to be nervous about meeting him. He’s a hard ass, and to be honest, he’s made me nervous my whole damn life. Don’t worry though, sweetheart, he’s going to fall in love with you the moment he sees you, just like everyone else has.”

I parked the truck as we pulled up to the cabin. It seemed like just yesterday when we had been here and I asked her to marry me. I sat there for a second, trying to get my heart-beat under control.

I jumped out and ran around to open the truck door for her. I reached in and took her hand as I helped her out of the truck.

“Such a gentleman,” Ellie said with a giggle.

“I’ll get the suitcases in the morning. I don’t think you’ll need any clothes tonight,” I said as I wiggled my eye brows up and down.

Ellie let out a laugh as she jumped into my arms.

“I’m so glad to be home. I loved our honeymoon, and a part of me wishes that we were back there, listening to the ocean, but being home just feels so right.”

I reached down, scooping up her legs, and carried her onto the porch. Right when I stepped up on the porch, the locusts starting singing. I had to smile while I thought about that first night on the ranch a year ago when Ellie had gotten scared and ran into my arms after she’d heard the whip-poor-will’s.

“Welcome home, Mrs. Mathews.” I gently started to slide her down my body. I held her as close to me as I possibly could.

The moment I felt her feet hit the porch, I captured her lips with mine. The small moan she let escape her mouth traveled throughout my body. I wanted nothing more than to make love to her right here and now.

Ellie pulled back just a little as she smiled against my lips. “Listen, they’re playing our song,” Ellie said whispered.

I laughed and took a step back from her.

“Well, it would be rude of us to just ignore such a beautiful song, now wouldn’t it?”

I held out my hand for Ellie, inviting her to dance with me. She threw her head back and laughed while she placed her hand in mine. I pulled her close, and we started to dance on the porch of our new little home. I thought that my wedding day had been the best moment of my life, but here was yet another moment with Ellie that just took my breath away.

“I love you, Drew.” Ellie said as we slow danced to the Locusts humming in the trees.

“I love you, too, Ellie.”

She looked up at me and smiled. “I never want this feeling to end…ever.”

I smiled back at her, watching as her eyes turned from love to passion within a matter of seconds.

“What feeling would that be, sweetheart?”

“The feeling of being so incredibly in love with you that I can hardly even breathe. I’m so happy here, Gunner. I’m so very happy here in our little world.”

Our little world. I couldn’t have said it better even if I tried.

“I feel the same way, Ellie. I couldn’t stop staring at you earlier. The only thing I could think of was getting you back to this cabin and making love to you all night long, baby.”

Ellie pulled back some as she tilted her head up to me. “Well, what are you waiting for, Mr. Mathews? I’m ready to start christening this cabin.”

That was all I needed to here. I reached down and grabbed her as she let out a giggle. I opened the door, and the moment we walked in, I smelled flowers. I smiled as I thought about making love to Ellie as man and wife for the first time in this cabin.

Ellie reached behind us and turned on the lights. We both let out a gasp as we took in the cabin. Daisies were everywhere. A bottle of wine with two glasses sat next to a large tray of fruit and chocolate-covered strawberries on the kitchen table.

Ellie was staring at me I looked at her. We both let out a laugh. At the said at the same time, we said,“Jenny!”

“Damn, that girl is good!” I said. I started to put Ellie down…in that oh-so-slow way I knew she loved.

Ellie walked up to the table and leaned down to smell the flowers. She turned back to look at me and smiled that smile that she saves only for me. I instantly felt my dick get harder than a rock.

My knees just about buckled when she lifted up her T-shirt up over her head. Then, she slowly started to unbutton her jean shorts as she gave me the sexiest damn look I’d ever seen. She stood there in a pair of white boy short panties and white lace bra, and she had the cutest damn smile on her face.

“Well, Mr. Mathews, how long are you going to wait before you make mad passionate love to your wife in our new home?”