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“Yeah, something like that.”

“Ari, are you going to stay here at the ranch with me this summer? Or are you going back to Austin? I really want you to move out here with me. I know you still have school, but I don’t want to be apart from you, especially with me starting up this new business and all. I need you with me, baby. You know more about horses than anyone else I know.”

I smiled at the idea of living in the little ranch house on Jeff’s property. He wanted to tear it down and start on a new house from scratch. I thought the house that was there was perfect. It was a two-story white ranch house with a wraparound porch on the first floor. The views from the porch were amazing. Jeff had already remodeled the kitchen, and it was perfect.

“I want nothing more than to move out here with you, Jeff. I already signed up for online classes, and I was only planning on taking a few classes in Austin next semester. My mom and dad are somewhat pissed, but at least I’m still going to UT. I think I’ll only have to stay a few days a week in Austin, so I can go to class, but other than that, I was planning on just moving out here.”

Jeff smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. It quickly turned into a much more passionate kiss, and I had to pull away.

“Um, I’m not sure how Emma and Garrett would feel about us making out on their bed.”

“You just made me so happy, Ari! I love you, baby. Hey, don’t forget Mr. Reynolds is coming to take a look at the stables this week. I have a few things I need to take care of, but this guy’s visit is going to be big if hee agrees to breed with us. Well, shit, it will be huge if it all works out.”

I smiled because I knew how much Jeff wanted this. I knew that Jeff was already talking to Gunner about going into a partnership with his ranch. Ellie and I overheard them discussing it right before Gunner and Ellie left on their honeymoon.

“Listen, we better get back out there, so we can eat. I’m sure Ellie is wonders what the hell is wrong with me, and Emma…well, um…she needs that thing from town,” I said.

Jeff gave me a funny look and pulled me in for another kiss. I wasn’t sure why I did it, but I kissed him back like it was our last kiss. I poured so much love into that kiss that it left me breathless.

“Jesus, Ari….that was some fucking kiss, baby.” Jeff said with a laugh.

We walked back out into the kitchen, and I looked at Emma who was giving me a questioning look. I just shook my head to her, and she looked down.

After we ate, we cleaned up and put away everything.

Then, Ellie pulled me into the living room.

“Ari, what the hell is going on? You’re pale as a ghost. What’s with this we-have-to-run-into-town shit?”

“Can we talk about this when we get into the car, Ellie? Please just go along with me. It’s a code blue.”

“Alright. Well then, let’s get going.”

I walked back out into the kitchen and grabbed my purse. Heather was already outside on the porch with everyone else. After she grabbed her purse, Ellie followed right behind me.

“Okay, so come on, Heather. We need to run into town to pick up that thing for Emma,” I said as I gave Heather a pleading look. She wasn’t catching on, so I mouthed code blue to her.

“Oh! Oh yeah, um…let me grab my purse.” Heather jumped up and ran into the house.

I noticed Josh was watching her every move. After she came back out, Josh stood up.

“Do y’all want me to drive? I don’t mind taking you in. It’s getting kind of late,” Josh said.


All three of us said at the same time. Shit.

Jeff started to laugh along with Gunner.

“Dude, they want their girl time. What do you need to get?” Jeff said. He looked at me first and then back at Emma.

I snapped my head at Emma, and she glanced at me with the most relaxed look on her face. “I need some mason jars for pickling in the morning.”

Garrett looked confused. He was about to say something, but then Emma gave him a smile that just made him no even open his mouth.

Fuck, I need to learn how she did that!

Jeff stood up and handed me his truck keys. “At least take my truck. It’s dark, and the deer will be out.”

I grabbed his keys and kissed him on the cheek.

“I love you, Jeff.”

He tilted his head and looked at me funny.

“I love you, too Ari. Be careful, okay?”


Once we got in Jeff’s truck, I let out the breath I had been holding.

“What the hell is going on, Ari? You’re starting to scare me. I could even tell Emma was covering for you. Spill it,” Ellie said.

I looked at Ellie, who was sitting next to me, and then I turned to Heather, who was in the back seat.

I started the truck and almost had to laugh when “Truck Yeah” began playing. Damn it, Jeff.

Ellie reached over and turned it off. “Shit, I thought Gunner deleted that damn song!”

I pulled out and headed down the long driveway. My hands started to shake, and I felt like I was going to cry again. I glanced over at Ellie as her mouth fell open.

“Why are we going to town, Ari?”

“Um…well.” I let out a small laugh as I shook my head. “Emma seems to think that I might be pregnant, and she wants me to get a test…like tonight.”

Heather and Ellie let out a gasp at the same time.

“Fuck me!” Heather said in almost a whisper.

With wide eyes, I stared at Heather through the rearview mirror. “Wow, Heather, one road trip with Josh, and you’re dropping the F-bomb.”

Ellie looked confused. “Wait…what road trip? Oh my god! Are you and Josh.”

“No!” Heather yelled. “It’s a long story and one I don’t feel like talking about. Okay, so back to you, Ari. You told me you missed a pill last weekend. How can you know that fast?”

I took a deep breath and prepared myself for a really big lecture.

“Well, um I kind of might have missed a pill or two about a month and a half ago.”

“What?” Ellie and Heather shouted at the same time.

“Ari, how could you be so stupid?” Ellie asked.

I glanced at Ellie. Why is she being so mean? I felt my eyes burning from trying to hold back the tears.

“It’s not like I did it on purpose, Ellie! What the fuck?”

“Stop it, both of you!” Heather cried out. “Let’s just go to the store, buy a test, and find out once and for all. We’ll deal with the what-ifs later.”

I looked at Ellie, and we both tried to smile at each other.

“Ari, sweets, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how hard the last week has been on you with this whole Rebecca shit,” Ellie said.

I cleared my throat getting ready to pitch my idea. I might as well get it over with.

“Um, yeah…speaking of that…I’m gonna need to call another code blue for Monday. I have a doctor’s appointment with my gynecologist. I need y’all to be there with me.”

“Of course, we’ll be there with you. I don’t have anything going on. Shit, I’m supposed to still be on my honeymoon,” Ellie said.

Heather added, “I’m free, too. Count me in. Wait…is something wrong? I thought you just went in for your yearly a few months ago.”

My hands started to shake again. I told them my original reason for going in, and then I explained my plan.

By the time I pulled up to the small grocery store in town, Ellie and Heather were just sitting there silently staring at me.

“Oh. My. God. You must be pregnant because you’ve lost your damn mind, Ari!” Ellie finally said as she jumped out of the truck.

“Wait. Why do I have to wear a low-cut blouse?” Heather said as she shut the door to the truck.

“Jesus, I’ll explain it all later. Let’s just get this shit over with.” I sighed.


After we got back into the truck, I looked at the six tests that I had in the bag. I looked at Ellie and then Heather. We were all just staring at each other.

“So, should I do it now?” I asked.