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I turned back to look at Jeff and Rebecca. That bitch was smiling at me. She leaned up and whispered something to Jeff. Then, he glanced at me, frowning. What the fuck?

“She’s having his baby, Ari. Is that what you’re trying to say?” Brad said.

“Jeff is having a baby, Ari?” Matthew asked. Then, he saw Jeff and yelled,


Reaching across, I grabbed Matt and pulled him back to me.

“No, buddy, we can’t talk to Jeff right now. He’s with…he’s with a friend right now, Matt. So, can you sit back down like a good boy and finish up your shake? We need to leave, buddy.”

I looked at Brad. He looked confused as hell. He kept looking at Jeff and then back at me.

“Ari, is there anything I can do to help out? I mean…shit. If you just need someone to talk to… you know, if you need a friend or something.”

“She has all the friends she needs, dude.” Jeff interrupted.

I looked up and saw Jeff standing there. giving Brad a go-to-hell look. Matt jumped up and ran toward Jeff. He bent down and gave Matt a big hug.

I felt the tears building in my eyes again, but then I looked over at Rebecca, who was glaring at me. My sadness was quickly replaced with anger. Bitch.

“Hey, buddy! I didn’t know you were having lunch with Ari today.” Jeff looked over at me and tried to smile.

“He called me earlier this morning and asked if we could have lunch today, ” I explained.

Jeff stood back up and walked Matt back over to his chair.

“So how’d you meet up with your friend here?”

Jeff asked me as he looked at Brad.

Brad stood up and introduced himself.

“Hi, I think we might have met last year. I’m Brad Smith.”

Jeff reached out and shook his hand. “Yeah…I remember you.”

“I just happened to run into Ari.”

“I asked him if he wanted to join Matt and me for lunch.” I looked back to where Rebecca was standing at another table. The look she was giving me made me sick to my stomach.

I swear to God the moment she has the baby I am going to beat the shit out of her.

“Looks like Rebecca’s waiting for you, Jeff,” I said with a faint smile.

Jeff just looked at me. Without another word, he turned around to walk toward Rebecca.

Fuck! Out of all the places they had to go to lunch, why did they come here?


By the time I got back to my parents’ house, the last thing I wanted to do was talk to my mom, but she was waiting outside, so I couldn’t avoid her. I helped Matt out of the car, and walked up to the house.

“Did you have fun with your sister today, honey?”

“Yep! And we had lunch with Brad. He is Ari’s friend, but Jeff didn’t like him.”

My mother looked up at me, and I gave her a don’t ask look.

“Run along inside, Matt. Your daddy is waiting in the living room for you. Ari, I have to talk to you for a few minutes.”

I gave Matt a kiss and hug good-bye. Watching him run into the house, I couldn’t help but smile. The fact that he picked up on Jeff not liking Brad made me laugh.

I sat down on the porch step and waited for my mom to join me.

“So, I take it you ran into Jeff? And who is Brad?” she asked.

“Brad Smith. We ran into him on graduation night, remember? I dated him for a bit in high school.”

“Yes, I do remember him now. And Jeff?”

I let out a gruff laugh. “Oh, yeah. Well, I guess Jeff and his baby mama had a hankering for a burger. I didn’t know they were going to be there. Jeff came up to the table, and I guess he wasn’t too pleased to see Brad sitting with Matt and me.”

“Wait. What was Jeff doing with Rebecca?”

“Oh, well, he was playing the good Daddy, Mom. You know, he’s painting the baby room, putting up the crib. Playin’ house, and all.”

My mother shook her head and looked at me. “Now, Ari, don’t be bitter. It’s not becoming for a young lady.”

I just looked at her. “I’m not bitter, Mom. I’m pissed! I’d bet you my inheritance that she is further along than she says. I’m going to find out, too, you just watch and see.”

“Oh dear Lord, I don’t even want to know what you have up your sleeve, Arianna. Just please don’t break any laws and embarrass your father.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence there, Mom. I won’t break any laws…at least not on purpose!” I said with a wink.

We both laughed, and then my mother took my hand in hers. Here we go.

“Ari, don’t be scared tomorrow, sweetheart. Let me know the moment you leave if they can tell how far along you are. Get your prescription for your prenatal vitamins filled as soon as you leave. Take them every day. It’s all going to be okay, Ari. Even if you are a carrier, there’s a chance that you won’t pass it along. Chin up, my dear. Now, tell me why you’re not telling Jeff that you’re pregnant.”

I put my head down on my knees, I tried to take a few deep breaths. As I felt my Mom’s hands moving up and down my back, I instantly felt calm.

“Mom, I can’t tell him… at least not for a few more weeks anyway. He’s going with Rebecca to an appointment next week. If she truly lets him go, then I have no doubt in my mind that she’s telling the truth about the baby being his. What if he doesn’t want the responsibility of having two kid’s mom? He’s going to be so overwhelmed. What if…what if her baby is healthy...and mine.”

“Arianna Peterson! You did not just start to say that. Look at your brother. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to this family. He is a blessing. You see how much Jeff loves him and how good Jeff is with him. Even if this child does end up with Fragile X, you know it’s not the end of the world, Ari. I’m shocked at your thinking.”

I looked at my mother with tears filling my eyes. “Mom, I’m not you. I’m not strong like you. What if I can’t do this? What if Jeff ends up falling in love with Rebecca’s baby? He won’t want to live two hours away from him. Did I tell you that she’s having a boy mom?” Then, I completely lost it and just started crying.

My mother pulled me into her arms and rocked me back and forth. Shit. This whole crying thing was starting to piss me off! We sat there for a good fifteen minutes. We didn’t talk as my mom just held me, letting me get it all out. I cried so much that I was sure we were both going to need to change our shirts from my water-works.

Just then, I heard a car coming up the driveway. I felt my mother tense up. I looked up and saw Jeff pulling up. I jumped up and ran into the house, leaving my mother alone to fend for herself.

I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. Then, I heard a knock on the door. Shit! Why would she let him come in? I slowly opened the door and peeked out to see my father looking at me. Fuck me. I can’t handle any more today.

“You okay, princess? Do I need to kick his ass? I’ll do it, baby girl. Just give me the word, and I’ll hire a really big guy to kick his ass.”

I started laughing uncontrollably. I laughed so hard that I had to lean my hands on my knees as I tried onto catch my breath. Just then, Jeff and my mom walked up.

“What did you say to her Mark?” my mom asked.

“Ah…nothing. I um, just offered to, um…take care of something for her. She just lost it.”

Jeff started to laugh and then both my parents did.

“Well, whatever you said, thank you. I’ve been missing that laugh,” Jeff said as he smiled at me.


After my laughter episode, I said good-bye to Matthew and my parents. Jeff walked out with me to my Jeep. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I figured you were here, so I took a chance at coming over,” he said.

I tried to breathe in the smell of him, but all I could smell was perfume…and not my perfume.

I pushed away from him and covered my mouth. I instantly felt sick.