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Of course, I know he didn't watch.

He and Phillip, who I had begged to go with me for lack of a decent date and who looked so hot that I wished it were a real date, were up at the bar doing shots with all the other guys. I know they never even looked over.

“Well, uh, I remember you all got in a circle and sang, then I think we hit the bar. I just don't get the big deal,” he says with frustration creeping into his voice.

This is going to take awhile, so I sigh, sit up and put my pillow behind my back.

“It is a big deal to us girls, Danny. We have watched with wonder as upperclassmen have announced being lavaliered, pinned, and engaged and each time you see it, you wish it could have been you. They always look so happy and in love, and let's face it, LOVE is what every girl dreams of.”

Well, that… and the rock, and the dress, and the presents, and the honeymoon…

“Okay,” Danny says, struggling to create a new game plan in his mind. “So could she pass her own candle without knowing that it's her candle? You know, could it be a surprise?”

Maybe it's the fact that I'm sleep deprived, but the boy is making no sense.

“Danny, she really can't be surprised because she wouldn't know it was her candle to blow out. So it would just go around and around, like some bizarre nightmare. You know, like the one where you take the same final over and over and over again, but you never get it finished.”

“Stick to the point, Jay.”

“Oh, yeah.” Then my mind comes up with a brilliant idea. “Unless, you want to ask her to marry you in front of the sorority, during the candlelight ceremony.”

He gives that some thought.

“I could do that,” he says bravely. “Do you think she'd like that, or would she prefer I ask her in private?”

“Well, the question isn't really would she like it, Danny, of course she would. The question is, are you sure she'll say yes? You know, you ask in front of all those people, she says no, it could be a bit embarrassing for you.” I can't help but tease him a little.

“Uh, I think she'll say yes,” he says, but I can tell he's slightly worried.

“But honestly, even if she said no, half of the sorority would be in love with you themselves and be glad to take you up on your offer. I'm not sure if it can be done, though,” I ramble on.

“At least I've never heard of it being done, but I guess it could be because the candlelight ceremony doesn't have to be done in private. We have done it at formals and stuff, so my final answer is yes. I think you could, and should, do it.”

“What about the serenading part that Phillip's frat does? Is that important?”

“Well if you were in a fraternity, yeah it's important. But what are you gonna do? Have the football team serenade her?” I laugh at the thought.

“Well, maybe. Come on, Jay. Help me pull it off?”

He gives me that look, the one I have seen so many times, usually before we do something that we probably shouldn't be doing. But for once, this is a case where we definitely should. He and Lori are amazing together, and I am so happy that he's finally found a girl that's perfect for him. And if I can help her wish come true too, of course I am in.

But I have to give him a hard time first. “Do I have a choice?”

“Not really,” he says, as he jumps off my bed.

He leans down and kisses my forehead. He looks so happy, as he bounds out of my room. “You can go back to sleep now.”

Yeah, like that's possible. Now, I have a million ideas racing through my mind.

I yell after him, “Hey Danny, is the ring ready?”

“Yeah,” he replies from the hall.

“Do you have it?”


“Can I see it?” I ask, trying not to sound as frustrated as I am with his one-word responses.


“You're such a loser!”.

“Ah, come on, you know you love me,” he says with his sweet voice.

“Yeah. I do.” I'm such a pushover.

“Night, Jay.”

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The week passes by quickly. Operation Engagement is in place, and the day of our last sorority meeting is upon us. I'm just getting back home from studying at the library. Well, I was sort of studying. Actually I was supposed to be studying, but instead I was flirting with and then making out with this hot guy from my Tech Design class. I've been trying to get him to ask me out all semester. Turns out he recently broke up with his girlfriend and finally appears to be interested. I was so hoping that would happen!

Lori is sitting at the breakfast bar, apparently waiting for me.

I see the candle box on the bar in front of her.

Uh, oh.

I don't even get to say hello. She's across the room in a flash.

“Look at this!” she says, thrusting the box into my hands.

I'm looking at the box I wrapped in beautiful, fuchsia paper. The wrapping paper has little gold pineapples on it. Inside, I know, is a thick fuchsia taper. Attached in a ring at the base of the taper are fuchsia and orange tropical silk flowers with cascades of purple, orange and fuchsia ribbons. I've never seen a more beautiful passing candle in all my years, if I do say so myself.

I also know that these are the colors and flowers of Lori's dream wedding.

I am SO bad!

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“Pretty box. Is that for me? Late birthday present?”

“No!” she snarls, opens the lid and shows me what's inside. “Don't be coy with me, missy. I think you already know exactly what this is.”

I give her my best puzzled look.

“This is your work, Jadyn. This candle is beautifully decorated, and I know you made it. She squints her eyes at me, puts her hand on her hip, and speaks in a threatening tone. “Whose is it?”

“My work? I've never decorated a candle before,” well, except this one, “in my life. What are you talking about?”

“This bow,” she points, “looks exactly like the bows you made for all our Christmas presents.”


This girl is too observant and maybe too smart for her own good. I briefly wonder if she's already conducted forensic research on the box. I figure next she'll tell me she's dusted it for fingerprints.

Damn! I knew I should have worn gloves.

“Let me see your hand,” she demands, grabbing my left hand, probably getting ready to fingerprint and incriminate me.

But instead, I see she is glaring at my very empty ring finger.

She shocks the hell out of me when she asks, “Did you get engaged, Jade?”

She looks at me seriously. It's really hard for me not to just laugh hysterically in her face, but I refrain from doing so because I'm a good friend, and I realize that she's in distress.

But her next question very nearly blows me away.

“Did you and Phillip finally come to your senses and get together? Are YOU passing this candle tonight?”

Okay ha ha, maybe she's not that smart.

Her hands are on her hips, so I get the impression that she is quite serious. Gosh, I wish I was recording this, so we could all laugh about it later.

“Me, engaged?” And to Phillip, of all people? Are you serious? I'm dating, like two, well maybe three different guys right now, NONE of which is Phillip. And by the way, they make bows like this,” I say in a know-it-all voice, while flipping the ribbons, “at any flower or craft shop.”

Looking closely at the candle, she says with a sigh so big it blows her bangs up off of her face, “Jadyn, this blows.”

That's funny. Candle. Blows. Get it? Oh never mind.

She shrugs, lets out a huge, sad sigh and drops onto the couch.

Uh, oh. Here we go. Meltdown time.

“It's in MY wedding colors, tropical flowers even! It's like a bad joke staring at me, saying ha-ha, you'll never get to pass your candle.” Then all of a sudden she completely changes directions, regroups and says conspiratorially, “Okay. So we have to find out whose this is. Go ask around. I'm going over to the House to see what I can find out.”