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And poof, the mood vanished.

The doctor was listening to my story, and he's been standing there very still. He eyes the number 12 football jersey I'm wearing and cries out, “Are you talking about Danny Diamond?”

“Yeah,” Phillip and I say at the same time.

“But the Oklahoma game is this weekend. He can't be sick!”

Obviously this man bleeds Husker red, like most everyone in the state.

“Get him here!” he orders.

Phillip calls Danny on his cell and tells him to come to the hospital. As he is talking to Danny, the doctor says, “Tell him to come to this room, like a visitor. We certainly don't want the media to get wind of this.”

Actually, he is right about that.

Danny finally shows up at the hospital, about an hour later, with flowers for me.

He's so sweet!

By this time, my tests have come back and it's been determined that I do not have meningitis.

Thank God!

Instead, I have a severe case of strep throat, and evidently strep throat can be very dangerous and have serious complications if not treated.

As in you can get rheumatic fever and go into heart failure.

Something I did not know and really wish I hadn't discovered.

I'm dehydrated and weak, so they hooked me up to an IV and gave me two shots of antibiotics.

One in each butt cheek.

Um, not cool.

I'm still trying to figure out why they just didn't put the antibiotics in my IV. I'm pretty sure it was the doctor's way of paying me back for possibly getting Danny Diamond sick.

“Danny, I'm Dr. Daniels. I've been taking care of your friend, Jadyn, here,” the doctor says, shaking Danny's hand.

Phillip and I glance at each other and roll our eyes.

The man is a doctor, and he's kissing up to Danny. That tells you how important football is in the Cornhusker state. Phillip and I are used to it now. We just try to fade into the background. Sometimes, I don't know how Danny does it. How he manages to be so nice to people who just come up to him, even if he's like right in the middle of dinner or a date or something.

He takes it all so well though. Luckily, he has the kind of personality where no one is a stranger. He'll shake old guy's and little kid's hands all day long. He tells us being a Husker quarterback is a privilege, and he needs to act like a role model and honor the legacy of all the great Husker players in history, or some other bullshit like that.

Actually, he really believes it.

I'm really very proud of the way he handles himself. He always speaks clearly and intelligently to the media, and they seem to love him. Of course, it helps that the team is winning, and Danny is playing well. And he has a standard line he uses when the media asks him what he wants out of his football career, I just want to bring the National Championship trophy back home to Nebraska.

They eat that kind of crap up. Of course, that really is what he wants.

The media is tricky though. Over the years, we've seen them be totally ruthless to very talented quarterbacks, who frankly, just didn't have the right team combination to win.

So Danny is smart enough to know, that as far as the media is concerned, you're only as good as your last game.

My thoughts are interrupted by the doctor asking Danny for an autograph. For his kid.

Sure it is.

Danny looks at me wearing his shirt. “Hey Jay, give me your shirt. I'll sign that.”

Excuse me, but I'm wearing it!

After much ado and embarrassment, I'm now in a stupid hospital gown and the doctor is proudly holding a Danny Diamond autographed shirt.

I hope it has strep throat germs all over it!

Danny, as usual, is getting all the attention.

The team doctor shows up at the hospital, my doctor had called him. Even though Danny says he feels fine, they decide to do a strep test on him.

“We can't risk him getting sick this week.”

Hello. I'm the sick one here. Do we really need to be worried about Danny? He looks just fine.

And I do mean fine.

I don't know where he was, but damn.

He's wearing an aqua blue T-shirt that is just the right side of tight and that makes his eyes a blazing blue.

And I must be feeling better because I didn't really notice that before.

Just my luck, he tests positive for strep and ends up in the bed next to me.

Phillip smiles at the two of us, “How adorable. Matching antibiotics, IVs and hospital gowns.

“Shut up, Phillip,” Danny tells him.

Thank you!

Danny looks over and grins at me, “Well, I guess that'll teach me to kiss you.”

Phillip, the comedian again, slams us both by saying, “I would've thought you'd learned that lesson by now.”

But don't worry all you Nebraska fans out there.

Danny was in tiptop shape for the game on Saturday.

I still didn't feel that great, so Phillip stayed home with me and watched the game on TV.

Thank God we won, 17-6, otherwise I would have the whole state mad at me, instead of just Phillip.

But since I live with him, it's almost as bad.

Actually he isn't really mad at me, he's just pretending.

He can never stay mad at me.

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One day in early April, Danny surprises Phillip and me by asking us to help him pick out an engagement ring for Lori. We go to the jewelry store, where he shows us the stone he's already picked out. It's a lovely 2 carat marquis cut diamond. Danny is stumped on what to do for the setting. He's bound and determined to present her with a ring, not just a diamond, so we shop around and talk to the salesman.

None of the settings seem right to me, so I get frustrated and draw what I think the setting should look like on a piece of paper.

It's a platinum band, that's not too wide, with 3 baguettes coming out from each side of the solitaire, like a shooting star.

“I love that,” Danny says. “Do you have something like this?” He shows my drawing to the sales guy.

“No,” says the eager to please salesman, “but we can make it.”

While we are waiting, for what seems like forever, for him to write it up, Danny turns to me and says, “So what's your idea of a perfect ring, Jay?”

I nearly say I've never really given it any thought, but I'm bored, and well, what girl hasn't given it at least the teensiest of thought? So I draw up my perfection. A 2-carat emerald cut diamond in a platinum setting. From each corner of the solitaire are baguette diamonds that form an x on each side before intertwining and becoming one at the back.

Incredible, if I don't say so myself!

“Wow. That's cool too. Danny studies it intently. “You know, it looks like you.”

I smile.

This from a guy who never gave a diamond a second thought, unless it had something to do with baseball. Now, he thinks he's an expert.

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Afterwards, we head to the bar to discuss Danny's plans for popping the big question. Danny and the team did bring the National Championship home to Nebraska, just like he always planned.


We all went to the bowl game and had an incredible time. Danny graduated in December and will be going though the NFL draft later this month. He's hoping the draft goes well and is excited to know which team he'll be playing for when he asks Lori to marry him. He's planning to propose on the anniversary of their first date, May 23rd. His plan is to take her on what seems to be an impromptu picnic, one that will be quite elaborate, thanks to our help, and propose to her then.

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It sounded like the perfect plan, until Lori came crying to me because she just got another candle.